Peshitta NT (literal)
The Gospel of Barnabas
[1]After these things there was a feast of The Jews and went up Ieshu to Jerusalem [No book]
[2]There was but there in Jerusalem place a certain of baptism called in Hebrew Byth-Hesda and there were in it five porches [No book]
[3]And in these lying were people many who were ill and blind ones and crippled and malignant and awaiting they were the moving of the water [No book]
[4]An angel for from time to time descending was to it to the baptismal and moved he for them the water whoever first descending was after the moving of the water was cured himself of all sickness whatever there was to him [No book]
[5]There was but there man a certain who thirty and eight years was in the disease [No book]
[6]This one saw Ieshu lying and knowing that a time long it is upon him and He said to him Do want? you that you should be cured [No book]
[7]Answered he the sick one and said Oh my Lord there is not for me but a man who when are moved the waters shall lay me in the baptismal but while I coming am another before me descends [No book]
[8]Said to him Ieshu stand up pick up your bed and walk [No book]
[9]And son of an hour was healed man that and he stood up took his bed and he walked and it was the day the Sabbath was it [No book]
[10]And were saying to him The Jews to him who was healed The Sabbath it is not it is permitted to you that you carry your bed [No book]
[11]He but answered and said to them He The One who made me well He said to me Take up your bed and walk [No book]
[12]And they asked him Who is? This Man Who said to you Take up your bed and walk [No book]
[13]He but that was healed not knowing was Who is Ieshu for had withdrawn He Himself in the crowd great that was in place that [No book]
[14]After a time found him Ieshu in the temple and said to him Behold well you are again do not sin lest shall happen to you something worse than before [No book]
[15]And went on that man and said to the Jews that Jesus was He Who had healed him [No book]
[16]And because of this pursuing were The Jews eshua and seeking they were to kill Him because these things did He on the Sabbath [No book]
[17]Himself but eshua said to them My Father until this hour is working also I working am [No book]
[18]And because of this especially seeking were The Jews to kill Him not only because broke He the Sabbath but also because He alleged Alaha His Father is saying He also equal was Himself with Alaha [No book]
[19]Answered but Ieshu and said to them Amen Amen tell I you that not can the Son do anything from the will of Himself but the thing that He sees The Father is doing those things for that the Father does these also The Son like Him does [No book]
[20]The Father for loves His Son and everything that He does He shows Him and greater than these deeds He shows Him that you may be astonished [No book]
[21]Just as for The Father raises the dead and gives life to them thus also The Son to those whom He will He gives life [No book]
[22]Not it is for The Father Who judges a man but all judgment He has given to The Son [No book]
[23]That everyone should honor The Son as one honoring The Father is He who is not honoring The Son is not honoring The Father Who sent Him [No book]
[24]Amen Amen speak I to you that whoever hears My word and trusts in Him Who has sent Me there is to him The Life eternal and into judgment not he comes but moves he from death into life [No book]
[25]Amen Amen speak I to you that is coming the hour also this hour it is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Alaha and they that hear shall live [No book]
[26]Just as for with The Father is The Life in His Person thus He has given also to The Son that He have The Life in His Person [No book]
[27]And He has given Him authority that He may be doing also judgement [No book]
[28]Because the Son He is but of Man do not be astonished at this that is coming the hour when all of them which in the graves are shall hear His voice [No book]
[29]And shall come out those who have done good deeds to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil deeds to the resurrection of judgement [No book]
[30]Not can I anything from the will of myself do but according to that which heard I judge I and My judgment just is not for seeking I am My will but the will of Him Who has sent Me [No book]
[31]If I testifying am about Myself My testimony not is true [No book]
[32]Another is There is Who testifies about Me and know I that true is His testimony that He testifies about Me [No book]
[33]You sent to John and he testified about The Truth [No book]
[34]I but not was from a son of man receiving I the testimony but these things say I that you may live [No book]
[35]He a lamp was blazing and shining and you were willing to boast of the time in his light [No book]
[36]Unto Me but is My testimony greater than John's the works for that gave to Me My Father that I would finish them those works that did I testify unto Me that the Father has sent Me [No book]
[37]And The Father Who sent Me He testifies of Me not His voice from eternity have you heard and not His appearance have you seen [No book]
[38]And His word not is abiding in you because in Him Whom He has sent you not trusting are [No book]
[39]Search the scriptures for in them are hoping you life eternal there is to you and they are testifying concerning Me [No book]
[40]And not willing you are that you should come to Me that life eternal should be yours [No book]
[41]Glory from the children of men not receive I [No book]
[42]But I know you that the love of Alaha is not in you [No book]
[43]I have come in His name of My Father and not receiving you are Me and if another shall come in the name of himself him you shall receive [No book]
[44]How? can you trust who glory one from another receiving are and the glory from The One Alaha not seeking you are [No book]
[45]Do? think you that I am accusing you before The Father there is one who accuses you Moses he in whom you hope [No book]
[46]If for Moses you have trusted also Me trusting you would be Moses for about Me he wrote [No book]
[47]And if his writings of him not believing you are how? words My will you believe [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com