Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]Ieshu but went to Tura d'Zaytay In the morning but again came to the temple [1]
[2]And all the people came to Him and when He sat teaching He was them 2[No verse]
[3]They brought but the Scribes and the Pharisees a woman who was seized in adultery and when they stood her in the midst 3[No verse]
[4]They were saying to Him Teacher this woman was seized openly in it in the act of adultery 4[No verse]
[5]In the Torah but of Moshe he commanded that such as these we shall stone 5[No verse]
[6]You therefore What say You? This they said when they were tempting Him so that that it may be for them that they should accuse Him Ieshu but when down stooping writing He was upon the ground 6[No verse]
[7]As but they persisted when asking Him He stood up and He said to them who among you who is without sin first let him cast upon her a stone? 7[No verse]
[8]And again while stooping He wrote on the ground 8[No verse]
[9]These but when they heard exiting they were one one when they began from the elders and she was left the woman alone when she was in the midst 9[No verse]
[10]When But He stood up Ieshu said to her to the woman Where are they no man has condemned you? 10[No verse]
[11]She But said even no man my Lord said but Ieshu neither am condemning I you Go and from now again not sin 11[No verse]
[12]Again but spoke with them Ieshu and said I am the Light of the world whoever after Me comes not shall walk in darkness but shall find the light of life [12]BUT again spake Jeshu with them, and said, I am the Light of the world: he who followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall find the light of life.
[13]Were saying to him the Pharisees you about yourself testifying are your testimony not is true [13]The Pharishee say to him, Thou of thyself testifiest: thy testimony is not the truth.
[14]Answered Ieshu and said to them even if I testifying am about myself true is My testimony because know I from where I have come and where going I am you but not knowing are from where I have come and not where go I [14]Jeshu answered and said to them, Though I testify of myself, my testimony is the truth: because I know from whence I am, and whither I go. But you know not from whence I am, nor whither I go.
[15]You carnally judging are I a man not judging am [15]You judge carnally; but I judge no man.
[16]And if judge I but My judgment true is because not I am alone but I and My Father Who has sent Me [16]Yet if I judge, my judgment is true: because I am not alone, but I and my Father who sent me.
[17]And in your Torah also it is written the testimony of two men true is [17]So in your law it is written, that the testimony of two men is truth:
[18]I am Who testify I of Myself and My Father Who has sent Me has testified of Me [18]I am [one] who testify of myself, and my Father who sent me testifieth [also] of me.
[19]They were saying to Him where is your Father? answered Ieshu and said to them neither Me know do you nor My Father if Me known you had also My Father known you would have [19]They say to him, Where is thy Father? Jeshu answered and said to them, You know neither me, nor my Father; for if me you had known, my Father also would you have known.
[20]These words He spoke in the treasury when He taught in the temple and no man seized Him not for yet had come His hour [20]These words spake Jeshu in the house of treasure, as he taught in the temple: and no man apprehended him; for not yet had come his hour.
[21]Spoke to them again Ieshu I moving on am and you will seek Me and you shall die in your sins and where I moving on am you not able are to come [21]Jeshu said again, I go, and you will seek me, and will die in your sins; and where I go you cannot come.
[22]Were saying The Jews will now Himself He kill because he said where I going am you not able are to come? [22]The Jihudoyee say, Will he kill himself then? for he saith, Whither I go you cannot come.
[23]And He said to them you from below are and I from above am you from this are world I not am from this world [23]And he said to them, From beneath are you; but I am from above: you are of this world; but I am not of this world.
[24]I said to you that you shall die in your sins unless for you shall believe that I am you shall die in your sins [24]I said to you, that you will die in your sins: for if you believe not that I AM, you will die in your sins.
[25]They were saying The Judeans you Who are? said to them Ieshu even though I have begun to talk with you [25]The Jihudoyee say, Who art thou? Jeshu saith to them, The same that I began to tell you.
[26]Many things there are for Me concerning you to say and to judge but He Who has sent Me true is and I those things that I have heard from Him these am speaking I in the world [26]Much have I against you to say and to judge: but he who hath sent me is true; and those [things] which I have heard from him these speak I in the world.
[27]And not they knew that about The Father He spoke to them [27]But they knew not that of the Father he spake to them.
[28]Spoke to them again Ieshu when you have lifted up the Son of Man then you shall know that I am and anything from the pleasure of Myself not do I but just as has taught Me My Father so am speaking I [28]JESHU saith to them again, When you have lifted up the Son of man, then shall you know that I am [he], and [that] nothing from myself I do; but as the Father hath taught me, so I speak.
[29]And He who has sent Me with Me is and not has left Me alone My Father because I the thing that is beautiful to Him doing am at all times [29]And he who sent me is with me: my Father hath not left me alone; for whatever is pleasing to him I do at all time.
[30]When these things speaking He was many trusted in Him [30]And as these [words] he spake, many believed on him.
[31]And said Ieshu to those Judeans who trusted in Him if you will continue in My word truly My disciples you are [31]And Jeshu said to those Jihudoyee who believed on him, If you persevere in my doctrine, you shall be truly my disciples;
[32]And you will know The Truth and that Truth will set you free [32]And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall liberate you.
[33]They were saying to Him the seed we are of Abraham and from antiquity bondage to a man not has been served by us how say you you shall be children of liberty? [33]They say to him, We are the seed of Abraham, and never service to man have we performed; how sayest thou that we shall be sons of freedom?
[34]Said to them Ieshu Amen Amen I speak to you whoever commits sin a servant is of sin [34]Jeshu saith to them, Amen I tell you, Whoever doeth sin is the servant of sin.
[35]And a servant not abides forever in a house a son but forever abides [35]And the servant abideth not for ever in the house, but the Son for ever abideth.
[36]If it is therefore that The Son will set you free truly you shall be the children of liberty [36]If He therefore, the Son, shall liberate you, truly shall you be sons of freedom.
[37]Know I the seed you are of Abraham but seeking you are to kill Me because My word not comprehend you [37]I know that you are the seed of Abraham; but you seek to kill me, because in my word you do not concur.
[38]I the thing that I have seen with My Father speaking I am you the thing that you have seen with your Father are doing you are [38]That which I have seen with my Father I speak, and that which you have seen with your father you do.
[39]They answered and they were saying to him our father ours Abraham is said to them Ieshu if the children you were of Abraham the works of Abraham doing you would have been [39]They answered and said to him, Our father is Abraham. Jeshu saith to them, If you were the sons of Abraham, the works of Abraham you would do.
[40]Now but Behold seeking you are to kill Me a man Who the truth I have spoken with you which I have heard from Alaha this Abraham not did [40]But now you seek to kill me, the man who the truth has spoken with you, which I have heard from Aloha. This Abraham did not.
[41]You but doing you are the deeds of your father they were saying to him we from fornication not were one father is ours Alaha [41]But you do the deeds of your father. They say to him, We from fornication are not; one Father have we, Aloha.
[42]Said to them Ieshu if Alaha were your Father loving you would have been Me I for from Alaha went forth and I have come and not did from pleasure of Myself I have come but He has sent Me [42]Jeshu saith to them, If Aloha were your Father, you would love me; for I from Aloha came forth, and I came not of myself, but he sent me.
[43]For why My word not do understand you because not can you hear My word? [43]Wherefore my word do you not acknowledge? Because you cannot hear my word.
[44]You from the father The Devil are and the desire of your father willing you are to do he who from the beginning killing men is and in the Truth does not stand because Truth there is not in him whenever he speaks a lie from his own he speaks because of falsehood he is also its father [44]You are from your father the accuser, and the desires of your father you are willing to do. He from the beginning was the killer of men, and in the truth he stood not; therefore the truth is not in him. And when he speaketh a lie, of his own he speaketh, because of falsity he is also the father.
[45]I but Who The Truth speaking am not are believing you are Me [45]But I (speak the truth, and) because the truth I speak, you believe me not.
[46]Who is among you convicting Me concerning sin and if The Truth speak I you why not believe do Me? [46]Who of you convicteth me of sin? Yet if the truth I speak, why do you not believe me?
[47]Whoever from Alaha is the words of Alaha hears because of this you not hearing you are because not you are from Alaha [47]He who is of Aloha the words of Aloha heareth: therefore you hear not, because you are not of Aloha.
[48]Answered The Jews and they were saying to Him not correctly saying are we that a Samaritan You are and a demon is in You? [48]The Jihudoyee answered and say to him, Did we not well say, Thou art a Shomroya, and hast a devil?
[49]Said to them Ieshu in Me a demon not is but My Father honor I and you dishonor Me [49]Jeshu said to them, I have no devil; but my Father I honour, and you debase me.
[50]I but not seeking am My glory is there One Who seeks and judges [50]But I seek not my own glory; He is, who seeketh and judgeth.
[51]Amen Amen speak I to you that whoever My word keeps death not shall see in eternity [51]Amen, amen, I say to you, That he who my word keepeth, death shall not see for ever.
[52]They were saying to Him The Jews now we know that a demon is in you Abraham is dead and the prophets and you saying are whoever My words keeps death not shall taste for eternity [52]The Jihudoyee say to him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, that he who thy word keepeth, death shall not taste for ever.
[53]Are you greater you than our Father Abraham who died and than the prophets who have died who are making you yourself? [53]Art thou greater than our father Abraham, who is dead; and than the prophets, who are dead? What makest thou thyself?
[54]Said to them Ieshu if I glorify I Myself My glory not is anything it is My Father Who glorifies Me He of Whom say you our Alaha He is [54]Jeshu said to them, If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing: it is my Father who glorifieth me; he, of whom you say that he is your God.
[55]And not you know Him I but know do Him and if had said I that not know I Him would have been I Myself a liar like you but know I Him and His word keep I [55]But you know him not; but I know him: and should I say that I know him not, I should be a liar like you. But I know him, and keep his words.
[56]Abraham your Father desire did to see My day and he saw and rejoiced [56]Abraham, your father, desired to see my day, and he saw, and was glad.
[57]They were saying to Him The Jews yet a son of fifty years not You are and Abraham You have seen? [57]The Jihudoyee said to him, Yet the son of fifty years thou art not, and Abraham hast thou seen?
[58]Said to them Ieshu Amen Amen speak I to you before would be Abraham I AM [58]Jeshu saith to them, Amen, amen, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I AM.
[59]And they lifted up stones to stone Him and Ieshu hid Himself and went out from the temple and passed through their midst and moved on [59]And they took up stones to stone him; but Jeshu concealed himself, and went from the temple, and passed among them, and went.
[8:1] This lesson begins at chapter Joh 8:12 of the Western Recensions. The section from the last verse of chap. 7 to the 12th of the eighth chapter is omitted in the Peschito. See Horœ Aramaicœ, p. 81.
[8:13] Or, concerning.
[8:25] Or, to speak with you.
[8:31] My word.
[8:37] Or, acquiesce.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info