Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Khabouris)
[1]And as He passed He saw a man blind from womb his mother's [1]וכד עבר חזא גברא סמיא דמנ כרס אמה
[2]And asked Him his disciples and they were saying our Master who is it? had sinned this one or his parents that as blind he would be born [2]ושׁאלוהי תלמידוהי ואמרינ רבנ מנו חטא הנא או אבהוהי דכד סמא נתילד
[3]Said to them Ieshu not he had sinned nor his parents but that may appear in him the works of Alaha [3]אמר להונ ישׁוע לא הו חטא ולא אבהוהי אלא דנתחזונ בה עבדוהי דאלהא
[4]For me it is becoming to do the works of Him Who has sent Me while day it is comes the night in which a man not can do work [4]לי ולא למעבד עבדא דמנ דשׁדרני עד איממא הו אתא לליא דאנשׁ לא משׁכח למפלח
[5]As long as in the world I am The Light I am of the world [5]כמא דבעלמא אנא נוהרה אנא דעלמא
[6]And when He had said these things He spat on the ground and formed clay from His spittle and smeared on the eyes of him who is blind [6]וכד אמר הלינ רק על ארעא וגבל טינא מנ רוקה וטשׁ על עינוהי דהו סמיא
[7]And He said to Him go wash in the baptismal pool of Shilokha and he went on he washed and was coming when he saw [7]ואמר לה זל אשׁיג במעמודיתא דשׁילוחא ואזל אשׁיג ואתא כד חזא
[8]His neighbors but and those who saw him to them who before begging was were saying they not? was it he who sat himself and begged [8]שׁבבוהי דינ ואילינ דחזא הוא להונ מנ קדימ דחדר הוא אמרינ הוו לא הוא הנו הו דיתב הוא וחדר
[9]Some saying were that it is he and some saying were no but someone like him he but saying was that I am he [9]אית דאמרינ הוו דהויו ואית דאמרינ הוו לא אלא מדמא דמא לה הו דינ אמר הוא דאנא אנא
[10]They were saying to him how? were opened your eyes [10]אמרינ לה איכנא אתפתח עיניכ
[11]He answered and said to them a man of the name Ieshu made clay and anointed me on my eyes and said to me go wash in the water of Shilokha and I went I washed and it appeared to me [11]ענא ואמר להונ גברא דשׁמה ישׁוע עבד טינא וטשׁ לי על עיני ואמר לי זל אשׁיג במיא דשׁילוחא ואזלת אשׁיגת ואתחזי לי
[12]They were saying to him where is He? he said to them not know I [12]אמרינ לה איכו אמר להונ לא ידע אנא
[13]And they brought him that one who from before blind was to the Pharisees [13]ואיתיוהי להו דמנ קדימ סמיא הוא לות פרישׁא
[14]? it was but the Sabbath when made clay Ieshu and opened for him his eyes [14]ואיתיה הות דינ שׁבתא כד עבד טינא ישׁוע ופתח לה עינוהי
[15]And again asked him the Pharisees How? appeared to you it but he said to them clay He put on my eyes and I washed and it appeared to me [15]ותוב שׁאלוהי פרישׁא איכנא אתחזי לכ הו דינ אמר להונ טינא סמ על עיני ואשׁיגת ואתחזי לי
[16]And saying were men from the Pharisees This Man not was from Alaha He because the Sabbath not keeps others but saying were How? is it possible for a man being a sinner these signs to be doing and division ? there was among them [16]ואמרינ הוו אנשׁא מנ פרישׁא הנא גברא לא הוא מנ אלהא הו דשׁבתא לא נטר אחרנא דינ אמרינ הוו איכנא משׁכח גברא חטיא הלינ אתותא למעבד ופלגותא אית הות בינתהונ
[17]They were speaking again to him the one who was blind you what? say you about him who opened for you your eyes he said to them I saying am a Prophet He is [17]אמרינ תוב להו סמיא אנת מנא אמר אנת עלוהי דפתח לכ עיניכ אמר להונ אנא אמר אנא דנביא הו
[18]Not but believing were concerning Him The Judeans that blind he had been and was seeing until they called the parents of him who was seeing [18]לא דינ הימנו הוו עלוהי יהודיא דסמיא הוא וחזא עדמא דקרו לאבהוהי דהו דחזא
[19]And they asked them if this is your son the same whom you saying were that whereas blind he had been born How? now does he see [19]ושׁאלו אנונ אנ הנו ברכונ הו דאנתונ אמרינ אנתונ דכד סמא אתילד איכנא השׁא חזא
[20]Answered but his parents and said we know that this is our son and that being blind he was born [20]ענו דינ אבהוהי ואמרו ידעינ חננ דהנו ברנ ודכד סמא אתילד
[21]How? but now he sees or who is? he who opened for him his eyes not we know also he has come for him to his age him ask he for himself shall speak [21]איכנא דינ השׁא חזא או מנו פתח לה עינוהי לא ידעינ חננ אפ הו על לה לשׁנוהי לה שׁאלו הו חלפ נפשׁה נמלל
[22]These things said his parents because afraid they were of The Judeans decided had for The Judeans that if a man would confess him that The Messiah He is they would cast him out from the synagogue [22]הלינ אמרו אבהוהי מטל דדחלינ הוו מנ יהודיא פסקו הוו גיר יהודיא דאנ אנשׁ נודא בה דמשׁיחא הו נפקוניהי מנ כנושׁתא
[23]Because of this said his parents he has come for him of age him ask [23]מטל הנא אמרו אבהוהי דעל לה לשׁנוהי לה שׁאלו
[24]And they called the man a second time ? ? he who had been blind and they were saying to him glorify Alaha we for know that this man a sinner is [24]וקראוהי לגברא דתרתינ זבנינ להו דאיתוהי הוא סמיא ואמרינ לה שׁבח לאלהא חננ גיר ידעינ חננ דהנא גברא חטיא הו
[25]Answered he and said to them if a sinner he is not know I one thing but know I that blind I was and now Behold see I [25]ענא הו ואמר להונ אנ חטיא הו לא ידע אנא חדא דינ ידע אנא דסמיא הוית והשׁא הא חזא אנא
[26]They were saying to him again what? did he do to you How? did he open for you your eyes [26]אמרינ לה תוב מנא עבד לכ איכנא פתח לכ עיניכ
[27]He said to them I told you and not you were listening why? again do want you to listen interrogative also you disciples willing? are? to become to Him [27]אמר להונ אמרת לכונ ולא שׁמעתונ מנא תוב צבינ אנתונ למשׁמע למא אפ אנתונ תלמידא צבינ אנתונ למהוא לה
[28]They but were insulting him and they were saying to him you are a disciple of Him we for disciples are of Moses [28]הנונ דינ צחיוהי ואמרינ לה אנת הו תלמידה דהו חננ גיר תלמידא חננ דמושׁא
[29]And we know that with Moses Alaha spoke This one but not we know from where He is [29]וידעינ חננ דעמ מושׁא אלהא מלל להנא דינ לא ידעינ חננ מנ אימכא הו
[30]Answered that man and he said to them in this it is therefore to be marvelled that you not aware are from where He is and eyes my He opened [30]ענא הו גברא ואמר להונ בהדא הו הכיל למתדמרו דאנתונ לא ידעינ אנתונ מנ אימכא הו ועיני דילי פתח
[31]Know we but that Alaha to the voice of a sinner not listens but to whomever stands in awe of Him and does His will him He hears [31]ידעינ חננ דינ דאלהא בקלא דחטיא לא שׁמע אלא למנ דדחל מנה ועבד צבינה להו הו שׁמע
[32]From eternity not it has been heard that opened a man the eyes of one blind who was born [32]מנ עלמ לא אשׁתמעת דפתח אנשׁ עינא דסמיא דאתילד
[33]If not from Alaha were This One not able he would not have been this to do [33]אלו לא מנ אלהא הוא הנא לא משׁכח הוא הדא למעבד
[34]They answered and they were saying to him you wholly in sins you were born and you? teaching are us and they cast him outside [34]ענו ואמרינ לה אנת כלכ בחטהא אתילדת ואנת מלפ אנת לנ ואפקוהי לבר
[35]And heard Ieshu that they cast him outside and He found him and said to him do? trust you in The Son of Alaha [35]ושׁמע ישׁוע דאפקוהי לבר ואשׁכחה ואמר לה אנת מהימנ אנת בברה דאלהא
[36]Answered he who was healed and said who is He? my Lord that I may trust in Him [36]ענא הו דאתאסי ואמר מנו מרי דאהימנ בה
[37]Said to him Ieshu you have seen Him and He Who is speaking with you is He [37]אמר לה ישׁוע חזיתיהי והו דממלל עמכ הויו
[38]He but said believe I my Lord and falling down he worshipped Him [38]הו דינ אמר מהימנ אנא מרי ונפל סגד לה
[39]And said Ieshu for the judgment of world this I have come that those who do not see may see and those who see may be blind [39]ואמר ישׁוע לדינה דעלמא הנא אתית דאילינ דלא חזינ נחזונ ואילינ דחזינ נסמונ
[40]And heard of The Pharisees those who with him were these things and they said to him interrogative also are? blind we [40]ושׁמעו מנ פרישׁא אילינ דעמה הוו הלינ ואמרו לה למא אפ חננ סמיא חננ
[41]Said to them Ieshu if blind you were not there had been to you sin now but say you we see because of this your sin standing is [41]אמר להונ ישׁוע אלו סמיא הויתונ לית הות לכונ חטיתא השׁא דינ אמרינ אנתונ דחזינ חננ מטל הנא חטיתכונ קימא הי