[1]Et factum est verbum Domini ad Jonam secundo, dicens: |
[1]And the word of the Lord was maad the secounde tyme to Jonas, and seide, Rise thou, |
[2]Surge, et vade in Niniven, civitatem magnam, et prædica in ea prædicationem quam ego loquor ad te. |
[2]and go in to Nynyue, the greet citee, and preche thou in it the prechyng which Y speke to thee. |
[3]Et surrexit Jonas, et abiit in Niniven juxta verbum Domini: et Ninive erat civitas magna, itinere trium dierum. |
[3]And Jonas roos, and wente in to Nynyue, bi the word of the Lord. And Nynyue was a greet citee, of the iurnei of thre daies. |
[4]Et cœpit Jonas introire in civitatem itinere diei unius: et clamavit, et dixit: Adhuc quadraginta dies, et Ninive subvertetur. |
4[No verse] |
[5]Et crediderunt viri Ninivitæ in Deum, et prædicaverunt jejunium, et vestiti sunt saccis, a majore usque ad minorem. |
[5]And men of Nynyue bileueden to the Lord, and prechiden fastyng, and weren clothid with sackis, fro the more `til to the lesse. |
[6]Et pervenit verbum ad regem Ninive: et surrexit de solio suo, et abjecit vestimentum suum a se, et indutus est sacco, et sedit in cinere. |
[6]And the word cam til to the kyng of Nynyue; and he roos of his seete, and castide awei his clothing fro him, and was clothid with a sak, and sat in aische. |
[7]Et clamavit, et dixit in Ninive ex ore regis et principum ejus, dicens: Homines, et jumenta, et boves, et pecora non gustent quidquam: nec pascantur, et aquam non bibant. |
[7]And he criede, and seide in Nynyue of the mouth of the kyng and of `his princis, `and seide, Men, and werk beestis, and oxun, and scheep taaste not ony thing, nether be fed, nether drynke watir. |
[8]Et operiantur saccis homines et jumenta, et clament ad Dominum in fortitudine: et convertatur vir a via sua mala, et ab iniquitate quæ est in manibus eorum. |
[8]And men be hilid with sackis, and werk beestis crie to the Lord in strengthe; `and be a man conuertid fro his yuel weie, and fro wickidnesse that is in the hondis of hem. |
[9]Quis scit si convertatur et ignoscat Deus, et revertatur a furore iræ suæ, et non peribimus? |
[9]Who woot, if God be conuertid, and foryyue, and be turned ayen fro woodnesse of his wraththe, and we schulen not perische? |
[10]Et vidit Deus opera eorum, quia conversi sunt de via sua mala: et misertus est Deus super malitiam quam locutus fuerat ut faceret eis, et non fecit. |
[10]And God sai the werkis of hem, that thei weren conuertid fro her yuel weie; and God hadde merci on the malice which he spac, that he schulde do to hem, and did not. |