Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
Vulgata Clementina (1592)
[1]And whanne Adonysedech, kyng of Jerusalem, hadde herde these thingis, that is, that Josue hadde take Hai, and hadde destried it; for as Josue hadde do to Jerico and to the kyng therof, so he dide to Hay, and to the kyng therof; and that Gabaonytis hadden fled to Israel, and weren boundun in pees with hem, [1]Quæ cum audisset Adonisedec rex Jerusalem, quod scilicet cepisset Josue Hai, et subvertisset eam (sicut enim fecerat Jericho et regi ejus, sic fecit Hai, et regi illius), et quod transfugissent Gabaonitæ ad Israël, et essent fœderati eorum,
[2]Adonysedech dredde greetli; for Gabaon was a greet citee, and oon of the kyngis citees, and grettere than the citee of Hai, and alle the fiyteris therof weren most stronge. [2]timuit valde. Urbs enim magna erat Gabaon, et una civitatum regalium, et major oppido Hai, omnesque bellatores ejus fortissimi.
[3]Therfor Adonysedech, kyng of Jerusalem, sente to Ocham, kyng of Ebron, and to Pharam, kyng of Herymoth, and to Japhie, kyng of Lachis, and to Dabir, kyng of Eglon, and seide, [3]Misit ergo Adonisedec rex Jerusalem ad Oham regem Hebron, et ad Pharam regem Jerimoth, ad Japhia quoque regem Lachis, et ad Dabir regem Eglon, dicens:
[4]Stie ye to me, and helpe ye, that we fiyte ayens Gabaon, for it was yoldun to Josue, and to the sones of Israel. [4]Ad me ascendite, et ferte præsidium, ut expugnemus Gabaon, quare transfugerit ad Josue, et ad filios Israël.
[5]Therfor fyue kyngis of Ammorreis, the kyng of Jerusalem, the kyng of Ebron, the kyng of Herymoth, the kyng of Lachis, the kyng of Eglon, weren gaderid, and stieden togidere with her oostis; and settiden tentis ayens Gabaon, and fouyten ayens it. [5]Congregati igitur ascenderunt quinque reges Amorrhæorum: rex Jerusalem, rex Hebron, rex Jerimoth, rex Lachis, rex Eglon, simul cum exercitibus suis, et castrametati sunt circa Gabaon, oppugnantes eam.
[6]Sotheli the dwelleris of the citee of Gabaon, `that weren bisegid, senten to Josue, that dwellide than in tentis at Galgala, and seide to hym, Withdrawe not thin hondis fro the help of thi seruauntis; `stie thou soone, and delyuere vs, and helpe thou; for alle the kyngis of Amorreis, that dwelliden in the hilli places, camen togidere ayens vs. [6]Habitatores autem Gabaon urbis obsessæ miserunt ad Josue, qui tunc morabatur in castris apud Galgalam, et dixerunt ei: Ne retrahas manus tuas ab auxilio servorum tuorum: ascende cito, et libera nos, ferque præsidium: convenerunt enim adversum nos omnes reges Amorrhæorum, qui habitant in montanis.
[7]And Josue stiede fro Galgala, and al the oost of fiyters, `the strengeste men, `with hym. [7]Ascenditque Josue de Galgalis, et omnis exercitus bellatorum cum eo, viri fortissimi.
[8]And the Lord seide to Josue, Drede thou not hem, for Y yaf hem in to thin hondis; noon of hem schal mow ayenstonde thee. [8]Dixitque Dominus ad Josue: Ne timeas eos: in manus enim tuas tradidi illos: nullus ex eis tibi resistere poterit.
[9]Therfor Josue felde sodenli on hem, and stiede in al the nyyt fro Galgala; [9]Irruit itaque Josue super eos repente, tota nocte ascendens de Galgalis.
[10]and the Lord `disturblide hem fro the face of Israel, and al to-brak with greet veniaunce in Gabaon. And Josue pursuede hem bi the weie of the stiyng of Betheron, and smoot `til to Azecha and Maceda. [10]Et conturbavit eos Dominus a facie Israël: contrivitque plaga magna in Gabaon, ac persecutus est eos per viam ascensus Bethoron, et percussit usque Azeca et Maceda.
[11]And whanne thei fledden the sones of Israel, and weren in the goyng doun of Betheron, the Lord sente grete stoonus on hem fro heuene, til to Azecha; and many mo weren deed bi the `stoonys of hail, than thei whiche the sones of Israel `smytiden bi swerd. [11]Cumque fugerent filios Israël, et essent in descensu Bethoron, Dominus misit super eos lapides magnos de cælo usque ad Azeca: et mortui sunt multo plures lapidibus grandinis, quam quos gladio percusserant filii Israël.
[12]Thanne Josue spak to the Lord, in the dai in which he bitook Amorrey in the siyt of the sones of Israel; and Josue seide bifore hem, Sunne, be thou not mouyd ayens Gabaon, and the moone ayens the valei of Hailon. [12]Tunc locutus est Josue Domino, in die qua tradidit Amorrhæum in conspectu filiorum Israël, dixitque coram eis: Sol, contra Gabaon ne movearis, et luna contra vallem Ajalon.
[13]And the sunne and the moone stoden, til the folc of God vengide it silf of hise enemyes. Whether this is not writun in the book of iust men? And so the sunne stood in the myddis of heuene, and hastide not to go doun in the space of o dai; so long a dai was not bifore and aftirward; [13]Steteruntque sol et luna, donec ulcisceretur se gens de inimicis suis. Nonne scriptum est hoc in libro justorum? Stetit itaque sol in medio cæli, et non festinavit occumbere spatio unius diei.
[14]for the Lord obeiede to the vois of man, and fauyt for Israel. [14]Nam fuit antea nec postea tam longa dies, obediente Domino voci hominis, et pugnante pro Israël.
[15]And Josue turnede ayen, with al Israel, in to the tentis of Galgala. [15]Reversusque est Josue cum omni Israël in castra Galgalæ.
[16]Forsothe fyue kyngis fledden, and hidden hem silf in the denne of the citee of Maceda. [16]Fugerant enim quinque reges et se absconderant in spelunca urbis Maceda.
[17]And it was teld to Josue, that fyue kyngis weren foundun hid in the denne of the citee of Maceda. [17]Nuntiatumque est Josue quod inventi essent quinque reges latentes in spelunca urbis Maceda.
[18]Which Josue comaundide to felowis, and seide, Walewe ye grete stoonus to the `mouth of the denne, and putte ye witti men, that schulen kepe the closid kyngis; sotheli nyle ye stonde, [18]Qui præcepit sociis, et ait: Volvite saxa ingentia ad os speluncæ, et ponite viros industrios, qui clausos custodiant:
[19]but pursue ye the enemyes, and slee ye alle the laste of fleeris; and suffre ye not hem entre in to the strengthis of her citees, whiche enemyes youre Lord God bitook in to youre hondis. [19]vos autem nolite stare, sed persequimini hostes, et extremos quosque fugientium cædite: nec dimittatis eos urbium suarum intrare præsidia, quos tradidit Dominus Deus in manus vestras.
[20]Therfor whanne the aduersaries weren betun with greet veniaunce, and weren almost wastid `til to deeth, thei that myyten fle Israel, entriden in to the strengthid citees. [20]Cæsis ergo adversariis plaga magna, et usque ad internecionem pene consumptis, hi qui Israël effugere potuerunt, ingressi sunt civitates munitas.
[21]And al the oost turnede ayen hoole, and in hoole noumbre to Josue, in to Maceda, where the tentis weren thanne; and no man was hardi to grutche, `ether to make priuy noise, ayens the sones of Israel. [21]Reversusque est omnis exercitus ad Josue in Maceda, ubi tunc erant castra, sani et integro numero: nullusque contra filios Israël mutire ausus est.
[22]And Josue comaundide, and seide, Opene ye the `mouth of the denne, and brynge forth to me the fyue kyngis that ben hid therynne. [22]Præcepitque Josue, dicens: Aperite os speluncæ, et producite ad me quinque reges, qui in ea latitant.
[23]And the mynystris diden, as it was comaundid to hem; and thei brouyten forth to Josue fyue kyngis fro the denne; the kyng of Jerusalem, the kyng of Ebron, the kyng of Herymoth, the kyng of Lachis, the kyng of Eglon. [23]Feceruntque ministri ut sibi fuerat imperatum: et eduxerunt ad eum quinque reges de spelunca, regem Jerusalem, regem Hebron, regem Jerimoth, regem Lachis, regem Eglon.
[24]And whanne thei weren led out to Josue, he clepide alle the men of Israel, and seide to the princes of the oost, that weren with hym, Go ye, and sette youre feet on the neckis of these kyngis. And whanne thei hadden go, and trediden the neckis of `the kyngis suget `to her feet, [24]Cumque educti essent ad eum, vocavit omnes viros Israël, et ait ad principes exercitus qui secum erant: Ite, et ponite pedes super colla regum istorum. Qui cum perrexissent, et subjectorum colla pedibus calcarent,
[25]eft Josue seide to hem, Nyle ye drede, nethir `drede ye with ynne, be ye coumfortid, and be ye stronge; for the Lord schal do so to alle youre enemyes, ayens whiche ye schulen fiyte. [25]rursum ait ad eos: Nolite timere, nec paveatis: confortamini, et estote robusti: sic enim faciet Dominus cunctis hostibus vestris, adversum quos dimicatis.
[26]And Josue smoot, and killide hem, and hangide on fyue trees; and thei weren hangid `til to euentid. [26]Percussitque Josue, et interfecit eos, atque suspendit super quinque stipites: fueruntque suspensi usque ad vesperum.
[27]And whanne the sunne yede doun, he comaundide to felowis, that thei schulden put hem doun fro the iebatis; and whanne thei weren put doun, thei `castiden forth hem in to the denne, in which thei weren hid; and thei puttiden grete stoonus on the mouth therof, whiche stoonus dwellen `til to present tyme. [27]Cumque occumberet sol, præcepit sociis ut deponerent eos de patibulis. Qui depositos projecerunt in speluncam, in qua latuerant, et posuerunt super os ejus saxa ingentia, quæ permanent usque in præsens.
[28]In the same dai Josue took also Maceda, and smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and killide the kyng therof, and alle the dwelleris therof; he lefte not therynne, nameli, litle relikis; and he dide to the kyng of Maceda as he hadde do to the kyng of Jerico. [28]Eodem quoque die, Macedam cepit Josue, et percussit eam in ore gladii, regemque illius interfecit, et omnes habitatores ejus: non dimisit in ea saltem parvas reliquias. Fecitque regi Maceda, sicut fecerat regi Jericho.
[29]Forsothe Josue passide with al Israel fro Maceda in to Lempna, and fauyt ayens it, [29]Transivit autem cum omni Israël de Maceda in Lebna, et pugnabat contra eam:
[30]which the Lord bitook, with the kyng therof, in the hond of Israel; and thei smytiden the citee bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and alle the dwelleris therof, and leften not ony relikis therynne; and thei diden to the kyng of Lempna as thei hadden do to the kyng of Jerico. [30]quam tradidit Dominus cum rege suo in manus Israël: percusseruntque urbem in ore gladii, et omnes habitatores ejus: non dimiserunt in ea ullas reliquias. Feceruntque regi Lebna, sicut fecerant regi Jericho.
[31]Fro Lempna he passide with al Israel in to Lachis; and whanne the oost was disposid bi cumpas, he fauyt ayens it. [31]De Lebna transivit in Lachis cum omni Israël: et exercitu per gyrum disposito, oppugnabat eam.
[32]And the Lord bitook Lachis in the hond of the sones of Israel; and he took it in the tothir dai, and smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and ech man, that was therynne, as he hadde do to Lempna. [32]Tradiditque Dominus Lachis in manus Israël, et cepit eam die altero, atque percussit in ore gladii, omnemque animam quæ fuerat in ea, sicut fecerat Lebna.
[33]In that time Yram, kyng of Gazar, stiede to helpe Lachis; whom Josue smoot, with al his puple, til to deeth. [33]Eo tempore ascendit Horam rex Gazer, ut auxiliaretur Lachis: quem percussit Josue cum omni populo ejus usque ad internecionem.
[34]And he passide fro Lachis in to Eglon, [34]Transivitque de Lachis in Eglon, et circumdedit,
[35]and cumpasside, and ouercam it in the same dai; and he smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd alle men that weren therynne, bi alle thingis whiche he hadde do to Lachis. [35]atque expugnavit eam eadem die: percussitque in ore gladii omnes animas quæ erant in ea, juxta omnia quæ fecerat Lachis.
[36]Also he stiede with al Israel fro Eglon in to Ebron, and fauyt ayens it, [36]Ascendit quoque cum omni Israël de Eglon in Hebron, et pugnavit contra eam:
[37]and took, and smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd; and the kyng therof, and alle citees of that cuntrey, and alle men that dwelliden therynne; he lefte not ony relikis therynne; as he hadde do to Eglon so he dide also to Ebron, and wastide bi swerd alle thingis that weren therynne. [37]cepit eam, et percussit in ore gladii, regem quoque ejus, et omnia oppida regionis illius, universasque animas quæ in ea fuerant commoratæ: non reliquit in ea ullas reliquias: sicut fecerat Eglon, sic fecit et Hebron, cuncta quæ in ea reperit consumens gladio.
[38]Fro thennus he turnyde in to Dabir, and took it, and wastide; [38]Inde reversus in Dabir,
[39]and he smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd the kyng therof, and alle tounnes `bi cumpas; he lefte not ony relikis therynne; as he hadde do to Ebron, and to Lempna, and to `the kyngis of tho, so he dide to Dabir, and to the kyng therof. [39]cepit eam atque vastavit: regem quoque ejus atque omnia per circuitum oppida percussit in ore gladii: non dimisit in ea ullas reliquias: sicut fecerat Hebron et Lebna et regibus earum, sic fecit Dabir et regi illius.
[40]And so Josue smoot al the `lond of the hillis, and of the south, and `of the feeld, and Asedoch with her kyngis; he lefte not therynne ony relikis, but he killide al thing that myyte brethe, as the Lord God of Israel comaundide to hym; [40]Percussit itaque Josue omnem terram montanam et meridianam atque campestrem, et Asedoth, cum regibus suis: non dimisit in ea ullas reliquias, sed omne quod spirare poterat interfecit, sicut præceperat ei Dominus Deus Israël,
[41]fro Cades Barne `til to Gazan, and al the lond of Jesson, `til to Gabaon Josue took, [41]a Cadesbarne usque Gazam. Omnem terram Gosen usque Gabaon,
[42]and wastide with o fersnesse alle the kyngis, and `cuntreis of hem; for the Lord God of Israel fauyt for hym. [42]universosque reges, et regiones eorum uno impetu cepit atque vastavit: Dominus enim Deus Israël pugnavit pro eo.
[43]And he turnede ayen with al Israel to the place of tentis in Galgala. [43]Reversusque est cum omni Israël ad locum castrorum in Galgala.
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)
Source: unbound.biola.edu