The Book of Jubilees
The Book of Jubilees
[Yitschaq and Ishmael come to celebrate "The Feast of Weeks" before Abrahams death] [Yitschaq and Ishmael come to celebrate "The Feast of Weeks" before Abrahams death]
[1]And it came to pass in the first week in the forty-fourth jubilee, in the second year, that is, the year in which Abraham died, that Yitschaq and Ishmael came from the "Well of the Oath" to celebrate "The Feast of Weeks"—that is, "The Feast of the First Fruits" of the harvest—to Abraham, their father, and Abraham rejoiced because his two sons had come. [1]And it came to pass in the first week in the forty-fourth jubilee, in the second year, that is, the year in which Abraham died, that Yitschaq and Ishmael came from the "Well of the Oath" to celebrate "The Feast of Weeks"—that is, "The Feast of the First Fruits" of the harvest—to Abraham, their father, and Abraham rejoiced because his two sons had come.
[2]For Yitschaq had many possessions in Beersheba, and Yitschaq was wont to go and see his possessions and to return to his father. [2]For Yitschaq had many possessions in Beersheba, and Yitschaq was wont to go and see his possessions and to return to his father.
[3]And in those days Ishmael came to see his father, and they both came together, and Yitschaq offered a sacrifice for a burnt offering, and presented it on the altar of his father which he had made in Hebron. [3]And in those days Ishmael came to see his father, and they both came together, and Yitschaq offered a sacrifice for a burnt offering, and presented it on the altar of his father which he had made in Hebron.
[4]And he offered a thank offering and made a feast of joy before Ishmael, his brother: and Rebecca made new cakes from the new grain, and gave them to Yacob, her son, to take them to Abraham, his father, from the first fruits of the land, that he might eat and bless the Creator of all things before he died. [4]And he offered a thank offering and made a feast of joy before Ishmael, his brother: and Rebecca made new cakes from the new grain, and gave them to Yacob, her son, to take them to Abraham, his father, from the first fruits of the land, that he might eat and bless the Creator of all things before he died.
[5]And Yitschaq, too, sent by the hand of Yacob to Abraham a best thank offering, that he might eat and drink. [5]And Yitschaq, too, sent by the hand of Yacob to Abraham a best thank offering, that he might eat and drink.
[6]And he eat and drank, and blessed the Most High Yahweh, Who has created heaven and earth, Who has made all the fat things of the earth, And given them to the children of men That they might eat and drink and bless their Creator. [6]And he eat and drank, and blessed the Most High Yahweh, Who has created heaven and earth, Who has made all the fat things of the earth, And given them to the children of men That they might eat and drink and bless their Creator.
[7]'And now I give thanks unto You, my Sovereign Ruler, because you have caused me to see this day: behold, I am one hundred and seventy five years, an old man and full of days, and all my days have been unto me shalom. [7]'And now I give thanks unto You, my Sovereign Ruler, because you have caused me to see this day: behold, I am one hundred and seventy five years, an old man and full of days, and all my days have been unto me shalom.
[8]The sword of the adversary has not overcome me in all that You have given me and my children all the days of my life until this day. [8]The sword of the adversary has not overcome me in all that You have given me and my children all the days of my life until this day.
[9]My Sovereign Ruler, may Your mercy and Your shalom be upon Your servant, and upon the seed of his sons, that they may be to You a chosen nation and an inheritance from amongst all the nations of the earth from henceforth unto all the days of the generations of the earth, unto all the ages.' [9]My Sovereign Ruler, may Your mercy and Your shalom be upon Your servant, and upon the seed of his sons, that they may be to You a chosen nation and an inheritance from amongst all the nations of the earth from henceforth unto all the days of the generations of the earth, unto all the ages.'
[10]And he called Yacob and said: 'My son Yacob, may Yahweh the Sovereign Ruler of all bless you and strengthen you to do righteousness, and His will before Him, and may He choose you and your seed that you may become a people for His inheritance according to His will always. [10]And he called Yacob and said: 'My son Yacob, may Yahweh the Sovereign Ruler of all bless you and strengthen you to do righteousness, and His will before Him, and may He choose you and your seed that you may become a people for His inheritance according to His will always.
[11]And do you, my son, Yacob, draw near and kiss me.' And he drew near and kissed him, and he said: 'Blessed be my son Yacob And all the sons of Yahweh Most High, unto all the ages: May Yahweh give unto you a seed of righteousness; And some of your sons may He sanctify in the midst of the whole earth; May nations serve you, And all the nations bow themselves before your seed. [11]And do you, my son, Yacob, draw near and kiss me.' And he drew near and kissed him, and he said: 'Blessed be my son Yacob And all the sons of Yahweh Most High, unto all the ages: May Yahweh give unto you a seed of righteousness; And some of your sons may He sanctify in the midst of the whole earth; May nations serve you, And all the nations bow themselves before your seed.
[12]Be strong in the presence of men, And exercise authority over all the seed of Seth. Then your ways and the ways of your sons will be justified, So that they shall become a kodesh nation. [12]Be strong in the presence of men, And exercise authority over all the seed of Seth. Then your ways and the ways of your sons will be justified, So that they shall become a kodesh nation.
[13]May the Most High Yahweh give you all the blessings Wherewith He has blessed me And wherewith He blessed Noah and Adam; May they rest on the sacred head of your seed from generation to generation forever. [13]May the Most High Yahweh give you all the blessings Wherewith He has blessed me And wherewith He blessed Noah and Adam; May they rest on the sacred head of your seed from generation to generation forever.
[14]And may He cleanse you from all unrighteousness and impurity, that you may be forgiven all the transgressions; which you have committed ignorantly. And may He strengthen you, and bless you. [14]And may He cleanse you from all unrighteousness and impurity, that you may be forgiven all the transgressions; which you have committed ignorantly. And may He strengthen you, and bless you.
[15]And may you inherit the whole earth, And may He renew His covenant with you. That you may be to Him a nation for His inheritance for all the ages, and that He may be to you and to your seed a Almighty in truth and righteousness throughout all the days of the earth. [15]And may you inherit the whole earth, And may He renew His covenant with you. That you may be to Him a nation for His inheritance for all the ages, and that He may be to you and to your seed a Almighty in truth and righteousness throughout all the days of the earth.
[16]And do you, my son Yacob, remember my words, And observe the commandments of Abraham, your father: Separate yourself from the nations, And eat not with them: And do not according to their works, And become not their associate; For their works are unclean, And all their ways are a pollution and an abomination and uncleanness. [16]And do you, my son Yacob, remember my words, And observe the commandments of Abraham, your father: Separate yourself from the nations, And eat not with them: And do not according to their works, And become not their associate; For their works are unclean, And all their ways are a pollution and an abomination and uncleanness.
[17]They offer their sacrifices to the dead and they worship evil spirits, and they eat over the graves, and all their works are vanity and nothingness. [17]They offer their sacrifices to the dead and they worship evil spirits, and they eat over the graves, and all their works are vanity and nothingness.
[18]They have no heart to understand and their eyes do not see what their works are, and how they err in saying to a piece of wood: 'You are my Sovereign Ruler,' and to a stone: 'You are my Sovereign Ruler and you are my deliverer.' [And they have no heart.] [18]They have no heart to understand and their eyes do not see what their works are, and how they err in saying to a piece of wood: 'You are my Sovereign Ruler,' and to a stone: 'You are my Sovereign Ruler and you are my deliverer.' [And they have no heart.]
[19]And as for you, my son Yacob, May the Most High Yahweh help you, and the Almighty of heaven bless you, and remove you from their uncleanness and from all their error. [19]And as for you, my son Yacob, May the Most High Yahweh help you, and the Almighty of heaven bless you, and remove you from their uncleanness and from all their error.
[20]Be you ware, my son Yacob, of taking a wife from any seed of the daughters of Canaan; for all his seed is to be rooted out of the earth. [20]Be you ware, my son Yacob, of taking a wife from any seed of the daughters of Canaan; for all his seed is to be rooted out of the earth.
[21]For, owing to the transgression of Ham, Canaan erred, and all his seed shall be destroyed from off the earth and all the residue thereof, and none springing from him shall be saved on the day of judgment. [21]For, owing to the transgression of Ham, Canaan erred, and all his seed shall be destroyed from off the earth and all the residue thereof, and none springing from him shall be saved on the day of judgment.
[22]And as for all the worshippers of idols and the profane (b) There shall be no hope for them in the land of the living; (c) And there shall be no remembrance of them on the earth; (c) For they shall descend into Sheol, (d) And into the place of condemnation shall they go, As the children of Sodom were taken away from the earth So will all those who worship idols be taken away. [22]And as for all the worshippers of idols and the profane (b) There shall be no hope for them in the land of the living; (c) And there shall be no remembrance of them on the earth; (c) For they shall descend into Sheol, (d) And into the place of condemnation shall they go, As the children of Sodom were taken away from the earth So will all those who worship idols be taken away.
[23]Fear not, my son Yacob, and be not dismayed, O son of Abraham: May the Most High Yahweh preserve you from destruction, And from all the paths of error may he deliver you. [23]Fear not, my son Yacob, and be not dismayed, O son of Abraham: May the Most High Yahweh preserve you from destruction, And from all the paths of error may he deliver you.
[24]This house have I built for myself that I might put my name upon it in the earth: [it is given to you and to your seed forever], and it will be named the house of Abraham; it is given to you and to your seed forever; for you will build my house and establish my name before Yahweh forever: your seed and your name will stand throughout all generations of the earth.' [24]This house have I built for myself that I might put my name upon it in the earth: [it is given to you and to your seed forever], and it will be named the house of Abraham; it is given to you and to your seed forever; for you will build my house and establish my name before Yahweh forever: your seed and your name will stand throughout all generations of the earth.'
[25]And he ceased commanding him and blessing him. [25]And he ceased commanding him and blessing him.
[26]And the two lay together on one bed, and Yacob slept in the bosom of Abraham, his father's father and he kissed him seven times, and his affection and his heart rejoiced over him. [26]And the two lay together on one bed, and Yacob slept in the bosom of Abraham, his father's father and he kissed him seven times, and his affection and his heart rejoiced over him.
[27]And he blessed him with all his heart and said: 'The Most High Yahweh, the Sovereign Ruler of all, and Creator of all, who brought me forth from Ur of the Chaldees that He might give me this land to inherit it forever, and that I might establish a kodesh seed-blessed be the Most High forever.' [27]And he blessed him with all his heart and said: 'The Most High Yahweh, the Sovereign Ruler of all, and Creator of all, who brought me forth from Ur of the Chaldees that He might give me this land to inherit it forever, and that I might establish a kodesh seed-blessed be the Most High forever.'
[28]And he blessed Yacob and said: 'My son, over whom with all my heart and my affection I rejoice, may Your free unmerited favor and Your mercy be lift up upon him and upon his seed always. [28]And he blessed Yacob and said: 'My son, over whom with all my heart and my affection I rejoice, may Your free unmerited favor and Your mercy be lift up upon him and upon his seed always.
[29]And do not forsake him, nor set him at naught from henceforth unto the days of eternity, and may Your eyes be opened upon him and upon his seed, that You may preserve him, and [29]And do not forsake him, nor set him at naught from henceforth unto the days of eternity, and may Your eyes be opened upon him and upon his seed, that You may preserve him, and
[30]bless him, and may make him kodesh as a nation for Your inheritance; And bless him with all Your blessings from henceforth unto all the days of eternity, and renew Your covenant and Your free unmerited favor with him and with his seed according to all Your good pleasure unto all the generations of the earth.' [30]bless him, and may make him kodesh as a nation for Your inheritance; And bless him with all Your blessings from henceforth unto all the days of eternity, and renew Your covenant and Your free unmerited favor with him and with his seed according to all Your good pleasure unto all the generations of the earth.'
Author: Enoch the Prophet
Source: www.YahwehsWord.org
Author: Enoch the Prophet
Source: www.YahwehsWord.org