[1]And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, |
[1]And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696[H8762] unto MosesH4872, sayingH559,[H8800] |
[2]Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the Lord your God. |
[2]SpeakH1696[H8761] unto the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, and sayH559[H8804] unto them, I am the LORDH3068 your GodH430. |
[3]After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the manner of the land of Canaan, whither I will bring you, shall ye not do, neither walk in their ordinances, |
[3]After the doingsH4639 of the landH776 of EgyptH4714, wherein ye dweltH3427[H8804], shall ye not doH6213[H8799]: and after the doingsH4639 of the landH776 of CanaanH3667, whither I bringH935[H8688] you, shall ye not doH6213[H8799]: neither shall ye walkH3212[H8799] in their ordinancesH2708. |
[4]But do after my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the Lord your God. |
[4]Ye shall doH6213[H8799] my judgmentsH4941, and keepH8104[H8799] mine ordinancesH2708, to walkH3212[H8800] therein: I am the LORDH3068 your GodH430. |
[5]Ye shall keep therefore my statutes, and my judgments, which if a man do, he shall then live in them: I am the Lord. |
[5]Ye shall therefore keepH8104[H8804] my statutesH2708, and my judgmentsH4941: whichH834 if a manH120 doH6213[H8799], he shall liveH2425[H8804] in them: I am the LORDH3068. |
[6]None shall come near to any of the kindred of his flesh to uncover her shame: I am the Lord. |
[6]None of you shall approachH7126[H8799] to anyH376 that is nearH7607 of kinH1320 to him, to uncoverH1540[H8763] their nakednessH6172: I am the LORDH3068. |
[7]Thou shalt not uncover the shame of thy father, nor the shame of thy mother: for she is thy mother, thou shalt not discover her shame. |
[7]The nakednessH6172 of thy fatherH1, or the nakednessH6172 of thy motherH517, shalt thou not uncoverH1540[H8762]: she is thy motherH517; thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762] her nakednessH6172. |
[8]The shame of thy father's wife shalt thou not discover: for it is thy father's shame. |
[8]The nakednessH6172 of thy father'sH1 wifeH802 shalt thou not uncoverH1540[H8762]: it is thy father'sH1 nakednessH6172. |
[9]Thou shalt not discover the shame of thy sister the daughter of thy father, or the daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born without: thou shalt not discover their shame. |
[9]The nakednessH6172 of thy sisterH269, the daughterH1323 of thy fatherH1, or daughterH1323 of thy motherH517, whether she be bornH4138 at homeH1004, or bornH4138 abroadH2351, even their nakednessH6172 thou shalt not uncoverH1540.[H8762] |
[10]The shame of thy son's daughter, or of thy daughter's daughter, thou shalt not, I say, uncover their shame: for it is thy shame. |
[10]The nakednessH6172 of thy son'sH1121 daughterH1323, or of thy daughter'sH1323 daughterH1323, even their nakednessH6172 thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762]: for theirsH2007 is thine own nakednessH6172. |
[11]The shame of thy father's wife's daughter, begotten of thy father ( for she is thy sister) thou shalt not, I say, discover her shame. |
[11]The nakednessH6172 of thy father'sH1 wife'sH802 daughterH1323, begottenH4138 of thy fatherH1, she is thy sisterH269, thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762] her nakednessH6172. |
[12]Thou shalt not uncover the shame of thy father's sister: for she is thy father's kinswoman. |
[12]Thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762] the nakednessH6172 of thy father'sH1 sisterH269: she is thy father'sH1 near kinswomanH7607. |
[13]Thou shalt not discover the shame of thy mother's sister: for she is thy mother's kinswoman. |
[13]Thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762] the nakednessH6172 of thy mother'sH517 sisterH269: for she is thy mother'sH517 near kinswomanH7607. |
[14]Thou shalt not uncover the shame of thy father's brother: that is, thou shalt not go in to his wife , for she is thine aunt. |
[14]Thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762] the nakednessH6172 of thy father'sH1 brotherH251, thou shalt not approachH7126[H8799] to his wifeH802: she is thine auntH1733. |
[15]Thou shalt not discover the shame of thy daughter in law: for she is thy son's wife: therefore shalt thou not uncover her shame. |
[15]Thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762] the nakednessH6172 of thy daughter in lawH3618: she is thy son'sH1121 wifeH802; thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762] her nakednessH6172. |
[16]Thou shalt not discover the shame of thy brother's wife. for it is thy brother's shame. |
[16]Thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762] the nakednessH6172 of thy brother'sH251 wifeH802: it is thy brother'sH251 nakednessH6172. |
[17]Thou shalt not discover the shame of the wife and of her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, nor her daughter's daughter, to uncover her shame: for they are thy kinfolks, and it were wickedness. |
[17]Thou shalt not uncoverH1540[H8762] the nakednessH6172 of a womanH802 and her daughterH1323, neither shalt thou takeH3947[H8799] her son'sH1121 daughterH1323, or her daughter'sH1323 daughterH1323, to uncoverH1540[H8763] her nakednessH6172; for they are her near kinswomenH7608: it is wickednessH2154. |
[18]Also thou shalt not take a wife with her sister, during her life, to vex her, in uncovering her shame upon her. |
[18]Neither shalt thou takeH3947[H8799] a wifeH802 to her sisterH269, to vexH6887[H8800] her, to uncoverH1540[H8763] her nakednessH6172, beside the other in her life timeH2416. |
[19]Thou shalt not also go unto a woman to uncover her shame, as long as she is put apart for her disease. |
[19]Also thou shalt not approachH7126[H8799] unto a womanH802 to uncoverH1540[H8763] her nakednessH6172, as long as she is put apartH5079 for her uncleannessH2932. |
[20]Moreover, thou shalt not give thy self to thy neighbor's wife by carnal copulation, to be defiled with her. |
[20]Moreover thou shalt notH5414[H8799] lieH7903 carnallyH2233 with thy neighbour'sH5997 wifeH802, to defileH2930 thyself with herH8800. |
[21]Also thou shalt not give thy children to offer them unto Molech, neither shalt thou defile the name of thy God: for I am the Lord. |
[21]And thou shalt notH5414[H8799] let any of thy seedH2233 passH5674[H8687] through the fire to MolechH4432, neither shalt thou profaneH2490[H8762] the nameH8034 of thy GodH430: I am the LORDH3068. |
[22]Thou shalt not lie with the male as one lieth with a woman: for it is abomination. |
[22]Thou shalt not lieH7901[H8799] with mankindH2145, as withH4904 womankindH802: it is abominationH8441. |
[23]Thou shalt not also lie with any beast to be defiled therewith, neither shall any woman stand before a beast, to lie down thereto: for it is abomination. |
[23]Neither shalt thouH5414[H8799] lieH7903 with any beastH929 to defileH2930[H8800] thyself therewith: neither shall any womanH802 standH5975[H8799] beforeH6440 a beastH929 to lie downH7250[H8800] thereto: it is confusionH8397. |
[24]Ye shall not defile yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled, which I will cast out before you: |
[24]DefileH2930[H8691] not ye yourselves in any of these thingsH428: for in all these the nationsH1471 are defiledH2930[H8738] which I cast outH7971[H8764] before youH6440: |
[25]And the land is defiled: therefore I will visit the wickedness thereof upon it, and the land shall vomit out her inhabitants. |
[25]And the landH776 is defiledH2930[H8799]: therefore I do visitH6485[H8799] the iniquityH5771 thereof upon it, and the landH776 itself vomiteth outH6958[H8686] her inhabitantsH3427.[H8802] |
[26]Ye shall keep therefore mine ordinances, and my judgments, and commit none of these abominations, as well he that is of the same country, as the stranger that sojourneth among you. |
[26]Ye shall therefore keepH8104[H8804] my statutesH2708 and my judgmentsH4941, and shall not commitH6213[H8799] any of these abominationsH8441; neither any of your own nationH249, nor any strangerH1616 that sojournethH1481[H8802] among youH8432: |
[27](For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled: |
[27](For all theseH411 abominationsH8441 have the menH582 of the landH776 doneH6213[H8804], which were beforeH6440 you, and the landH776 is defiledH2930;[H8799]) |
[28]And shall not the land spew you out if ye defile it, as it spewed out the people that were before you?) |
[28]That the landH776 spue not you outH6958[H8686] also, when ye defileH2930[H8763] it, as it spued outH6958[H8804] the nationsH1471 that were before youH6440. |
[29]For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, the persons that do so, shall be cut off from among their people. |
[29]For whosoever shall commitH6213[H8799] any of these abominationsH8441, even the soulsH5315 that commitH6213[H8802] them shall be cut offH3772[H8738] from amongH7130 their peopleH5971. |
[30]Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinances that ye do not any of the abominable customs, which have been done before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: for I am the Lord your God. |
[30]Therefore shall ye keepH8104[H8804] mine ordinanceH4931, that ye commitH6213[H8800] not any one of these abominableH8441 customsH2708, which were committedH6213[H8738] beforeH6440 you, and that ye defileH2930[H8691] not yourselves therein: I am the LORDH3068 your GodH430. |