The Septuagint in English by Brenton
Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
[1]And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, [1]The Lord spak to Moises, and seide,
[2]Speak to the congregation of the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, Ye shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy. [2]Speke thou to al the cumpenye of the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, Be ye hooli, for Y am hooli, youre Lord God.
[3]Let every one of you reverence his father and his mother; and ye shall keep my sabbaths: I am the Lord your God. [3]Ech man drede his fadir and his modir. Kepe ye my sabatis; Y am youre Lord God.
[4]Ye shall not follow idols, and ye shall not make to yourselves molten gods: I am the Lord your God. [4]Nyle ye be turned to ydols, nether ye schulen make to you yotun goddis; Y am youre Lord God.
[5]And if ye will sacrifice a peace-offering to the Lord, ye shall offer it acceptable from yourselves. [5]If ye offren a sacrifice of pesible thingis to the Lord, that it be quemeful,
[6]In what day soever ye shall sacrifice it, it shall be eaten; and on the following day, and if any of it should be left till the third day, it shall be thoroughly burnt with fire. [6]ye schulen ete it in that day, in which it is offrid, and in the tother dai; sotheli what euer thing is residue in to the thridde dai, ye schulen brenne in fier.
[7]And if it should be at all eaten on the third day, it is unfit for sacrifice: it shall not be accepted. [7]If ony man etith therof aftir twei daes, he schal be vnhooli, and gilti of vnfeithfulnes `ether wickidnesse; and he schal bere his wickidnesse,
[8]And he that eats it shall bear his iniquity, because he has profaned the holy things of the Lord; and the souls that eat it shall be destroyed from among their people. [8]for he defoulide the hooli thing of the Lord, and his soule schal perische fro his puple.
[9]And when ye reap the harvest of your land, ye shall not complete the reaping of your field with exactness, and thou shalt not gather that which falls from thy reaping. [9]Whanne thou schalt repe the fruytis of thi lond, thou schalt not kitte `til to the ground the corn of the lond, nether thou schalt gadere the eeris of corn that ben left;
[10]And thou shalt not go over the gathering of thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather the remaining grapes of thy vineyard: thou shalt leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am the Lord your God. [10]nethir in thi vyner thou schalt gadere reysyns and greynes fallynge doun, but thou schalt leeue to be gaderid of pore men and pilgryms; Y am youre Lord God.
[11]Ye shall not steal, ye shall not lie, neither shall one bear false witness as an informer against his neighbour. [11]Ye schulen not do thefte. Ye schulen not lye, and no man disseyue his neiybour.
[12]And ye shall not swear unjustly by my name, and ye shall not profane the holy name of your God: I am the Lord your God. [12]Thou schalt not forswere in my name, nethir thou schalt defoule the name of thi God; Y am the Lord.
[13]Thou shalt not injure thy neighbour, neither do thou rob him, neither shall the wages of thy hireling remain with thee until the morning. [13]Thou schalt not make fals chalenge to thi neiybore, nethir thou schalt oppresse hym bi violence. The werk of thin hirid man schal not dwelle at thee til the morewtid.
[14]Thou shalt not revile the deaf, neither shalt thou put a stumbling-block in the way of the blind; and thou shalt fear the Lord thy God: I am the Lord your God. [14]Thou schalt not curse a deef man, nether thou schalt sette an hurtyng bifor a blynd man; but thou schalt drede thi Lord God, for Y am the Lord.
[15]Thou shalt not act unjustly in judgment: thou shalt not accept the person of the poor, nor admire the person of the mighty; with justice shalt thou judge thy neighbour. [15]Thou schalt not do that, that is wickid, nether thou schalt deme vniustli; biholde thou not the persoone of a pore man, nethir onoure thou the face of a myyti man; deme thou iustli to thi neiybore.
[16]Thou shalt not walk deceitfully among thy people; thou shalt not rise up against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the Lord your God. [16]Thou schalt not be a sclaunderere, nether a priuey bacbitere in the puplis; thou schalt not stonde ayens the blood of thi neiybore; Y am the Lord.
[17]Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, so thou shalt not bear sin on his account. [17]Thou schalt not hate thi brothir in thin herte, but repreue hym opynly, lest thou haue synne on hym.
[18]And thy hand shall not avenge thee; and thou shalt not be angry with the children of thy people; and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself; I am the Lord. [18]Thou schalt not seke veniaunce, nether thou schalt be myndeful of the wrong of thi cyteseyns; thou schalt loue thi freend as thi silf; Y am the Lord.
[19]Ye shall observe my law: thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with one of a different kind, and thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with diverse seed; and thou shalt not put upon thyself a mingled garment woven of two materials. [19]Kepe ye my lawis. Thou schalt not make thi beestis to gendre with the lyuynge beestis of another kynde. Thou schalt not sowe the feeld with dyuerse sede. Thou schalt not be clothid in a cloth, which is wouun of twei thingis.
[20]And if any one lie carnally with a woman, and she should be a home-servant kept for a man, and she has not been ransomed, and her freedom has not been given to her, they shall be visited with punishment; but they shall not die, because she was not set at liberty. [20]If a man slepith with a womman by fleischly knowyng of seed, which womman is an `hand maide, ye, a noble womman of kyn, and netheles is not ayenbouyt bi prijs, nethir rewardid with fredom, bothe schulen be betun, and thei schulen not die, for sche was not fre.
[21]And he shall bring for his trespass to the Lord to the door of the tabernacle of witness, a ram for a trespass-offering. [21]Sotheli the man for his trespas schal offre a ram to the Lord, at the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng;
[22]And the priest shall make atonement for him with the ram of the trespass-offering, before the Lord, for the sin which he sinned; and the sin which he sinned shall be forgiven him. [22]and the preest schal preye for hym, and for his trespas, bifor the Lord; and the Lord schal be merciful to hym, and the synne schal be foryouun.
[23]And whenever ye shall enter into the land which the Lord your God gives you, and shall plant any fruit-tree, then shall ye purge away its uncleanness; its fruit shall be three years uncleansed to you, it shall not be eaten. [23]Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond of biheest, and han plauntid therynne appil trees, ye schulen do awei the firste flouris; the applis whiche tho trees bryngen forth, schulen be vncleene to you, nethir ye schulen ete of tho.
[24]And in the fourth year all its fruit shall be holy, a subject of praise to the Lord. [24]Forsothe in the fourthe yeer al the fruyt of tho trees schal be `halewid preiseful to the Lord;
[25]And in the fifth year ye shall eat the fruit, its produce is an increase to you. I am the Lord your God. [25]forsothe in the fifthe yeer ye schulen ete fruytis, and schulen gadere applis, whiche tho trees bryngen forth; Y am youre Lord God.
[26]Eat not on the mountains, nor shall ye employ auguries, nor divine by inspection of birds. [26]Ye schulen not ete fleisch with blood. Ye schulen not make veyn diuynyng, nether ye schulen kepe dremes;
[27]Ye shall not make a round cutting of the hair of your head, nor disfigure your beard. [27]nether ye schulen clippe the heer in round, nether ye schulen schaue the beerd;
[28]And ye shall not make cuttings in your body for a dead body, and ye shall not inscribe on yourselves any marks. I am the Lord your God. [28]and on deed men ye schulen not kitte youre fleischis, nether ye schulen make to you ony fyguris, ether markis in youre fleisch; Y am the Lord.
[29]Thou shalt not profane thy daughter to prostitute her; so the land shall not go a whoring, and the land be filled with iniquity. [29]Sette thou not thi douytir to do leccherie for hire, and the lond be defoulid, and be fillid with synne.
[30]Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuaries: I am the Lord. [30]Kepe ye my sabatis, and drede ye my seyntuarie; Y `am the Lord.
[31]Ye shall not attend to those who have in them divining spirits, nor attach yourselves to enchanters, to pollute yourselves with them: I am the Lord your God. [31]Bowe ye not to astronomyers, nether axe ye ony thing of fals dyuynours, that ye be defoulid bi hem; Y am youre Lord God.
[32]Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and shalt fear thy God: I am the Lord your God. [32]Rise thou bifor an hoor heed, and onoure thou the persoone of an eld man, and drede thou thi Lord God; Y am the Lord.
[33]And if there should come to you a stranger in your land, ye shall not afflict him. [33]If a comelyng enhabitith in youre lond, and dwellith among you, dispise ye not hym,
[34]The stranger that comes to you shall be among you as the native, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. [34]but be he among you as a man borun in the lond; and ye schulen loue hym as you silf, for also ye weren comelyngis in the lond of Egipt; Y am youre Lord God.
[35]Ye shall not act unrighteously in judgment, in measures and weights and scales. [35]Nyle ye do ony wickid thing in doom, in reule, in weiyte, and in mesure; the balance be iust,
[36]There shall be among you just balances and just weights and just liquid measure. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt. [36]and the weiytis be euene, the buschel be iust, and the sextarie be euene; Y am youre Lord God, that ladde you out of the lond of Egipt.
[37]And ye shall keep all my law and all my ordinances, and ye shall do them: I am the Lord your God. [37]Kepe ye alle myn heestis, and alle domes, and do ye tho; Y am the Lord.
Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)