The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696[H8762] unto MosesH4872, sayingH559,[H8800] [1]And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
[2]SpeakH1696[H8761] unto AaronH175 and to his sonsH1121, that they separateH5144[H8735] themselves from the holy thingsH6944 of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, and that they profaneH2490[H8762] not my holyH6944 nameH8034 in those things which they hallowH6942[H8688] unto me: I am the LORDH3068. [2]Speak unto Aaron, and to his sons, that they be separated from the holy things of the children of Israel, and that they pollute not mine holy name in those things, which they hallow unto me: I am the Lord.
[3]SayH559[H8798] unto them, WhosoeverH376 he be of all your seedH2233 among your generationsH1755, that goethH7126[H8799] unto the holy thingsH6944, which the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 hallowH6942[H8686] unto the LORDH3068, having his uncleannessH2932 upon him, that soulH5315 shall be cut offH3772[H8738] from my presenceH6440: I am the LORDH3068. [3]Say unto them, Whosoever he be of all your seed among your generations after you, that toucheth the holy things which the children of Israel hallow unto the Lord, having his uncleanness upon him, even that person shall be cut off from my sight: I am the Lord.
[4]What man soeverH376 of the seedH2233 of AaronH175 is a leperH6879[H8803], or hath a running issueH2100[H8802]; he shall not eatH398[H8799] of the holy thingsH6944, until he be cleanH2891[H8799]. And whoso touchethH5060[H8802] any thing that is uncleanH2931 by the deadH5315, or a manH376 whose seedH2233[H7902] goethH3318 from himH8799; [4]Whosoever also of the seed of Aaron is a leper, or hath a running issue, he shall not eat of the holy things until he be clean: and whoso toucheth any that is unclean, by reason of the dead, or a man whose issue of seed runneth from him,
[5]Or whosoeverH376 touchethH5060[H8799] any creeping thingH8318, whereby he may be made uncleanH2930[H8799], or a manH120 of whom he may take uncleannessH2930[H8799], whatsoever uncleanness he hathH2932; [5]Or the man that toucheth any creeping thing, whereby he may be made unclean, or a man, by whom he may take uncleanness, whatsoever uncleanness he hath,
[6]The soulH5315 which hath touchedH5060[H8799] any such shall be uncleanH2930[H8804] until evenH6153, and shall not eatH398[H8799] of the holy thingsH6944, unlessH518 he washH7364[H8804] his fleshH1320 with waterH4325. [6]The person that hath touched such, shall therefore be unclean until the even, and shall not eat of the holy things, except he have washed his flesh with water.
[7]And when the sunH8121 is downH935[H8804], he shall be cleanH2891[H8804], and shall afterwardH310 eatH398[H8799] of the holy thingsH6944; because it is his foodH3899. [7]But when the sun is down, he shall be clean, and shall afterward eat of the holy things: for it is his food.
[8]That which dieth of itselfH5038, or is tornH2966 with beasts, he shall not eatH398[H8799] to defileH2930[H8800] himself therewith: I am the LORDH3068. [8]Of a beast that dieth, or is rent with beasts, whereby he may be defiled, he shall not eat: I am the Lord.
[9]They shall therefore keepH8104[H8804] mine ordinanceH4931, lest they bearH5375[H8799] sinH2399 for it, and dieH4191[H8804] therefore, if they profaneH2490[H8762] it: I the LORDH3068 do sanctifyH6942 themH8764. [9]Let them keep therefore mine ordinance, lest they bear their sin for it, and die for it, if they defile it: I the Lord sanctify them.
[10]There shall no strangerH2114[H8801] eatH398[H8799] of the holy thingH6944: a sojournerH8453 of the priestH3548, or an hired servantH7916, shall not eatH398[H8799] of the holy thingH6944. [10]There shall no stranger also eat of the holy thing, neither the guest of the priest, neither shall an hired servant eat of the holy thing:
[11]But if the priestH3548 buyH7069[H8799] any soulH5315 withH7075 his moneyH3701, he shall eatH398[H8799] of it, and he that is bornH3211 in his houseH1004: they shall eatH398[H8799] of his meatH3899. [11]But if the priest buy any with money, he shall eat of it, also he that is born in his house: they shall eat of his meat.
[12]If the priest'sH3548 daughterH1323 also be married unto a strangerH376[H2114][H8801], she may not eatH398[H8799] of an offeringH8641 of the holy thingsH6944. [12]If the priest's daughter also be married unto a stranger, she may not eat of the holy offerings.
[13]But if the priest'sH3548 daughterH1323 be a widowH490, or divorcedH1644[H8803], and have no childH2233, and is returnedH7725[H8804] unto her father'sH1 houseH1004, as in her youthH5271, she shall eatH398[H8799] of her father'sH1 meatH3899: but there shall no strangerH2114[H8801] eatH398 thereofH8799. [13]Notwithstanding if the priest's daughter be a widow or divorced, and have no child, but is returned unto her father's house, she shall eat of her father's bread, as she did in her youth: but there shall no stranger eat thereof.
[14]And if a manH376 eatH398[H8799] of the holy thingH6944 unwittinglyH7684, then he shall putH3254[H8804] the fifthH2549 part thereof unto it, and shall giveH5414[H8804] it unto the priestH3548 with the holy thingH6944. [14]If a man eat of the holy thing unwittingly, he shall put the fifth part thereunto, and give it unto the priest with the hallowed thing.
[15]And they shall not profaneH2490[H8762] the holy thingsH6944 of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, which they offerH7311[H8686] unto the LORDH3068; [15]So they shall not defile the holy things of the children of Israel, which they offer unto the Lord,
[16]Or suffer them to bearH5375[H8689] the iniquityH5771 of trespassH819, when they eatH398[H8800] their holy thingsH6944: for I the LORDH3068 do sanctifyH6942 themH8764. [16]Neither cause the people to bear the iniquity of their trespass, while they eat their holy thing: for I the Lord do hallow them.
[17]And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696[H8762] unto MosesH4872, sayingH559,[H8800] [17]And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
[18]SpeakH1696[H8761] unto AaronH175, and to his sonsH1121, and unto all the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, and sayH559[H8804] unto them, WhatsoeverH376 he be of the houseH1004 of IsraelH3478, or of the strangersH1616 in IsraelH3478, that will offerH7126[H8686] his oblationH7133 for all his vowsH5088, and for all his freewill offeringsH5071, which they will offerH7126[H8686] unto the LORDH3068 for a burnt offeringH5930; [18]Speak unto Aaron, and to his sons, and to all the children of Israel, and say unto them, Whosoever he be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers in Israel, that will offer his sacrifice for all their vows, and for all their free offerings, which they use to offer unto the Lord for a burnt offering,
[19]Ye shall offer at your own willH7522 a maleH2145 without blemishH8549, of the beevesH1241, of the sheepH3775, or of the goatsH5795. [19]Ye shall offer of your free mind a male without blemish of the beeves, of the sheep, or of the goats.
[20]But whatsoever hath a blemishH3971, that shall ye not offerH7126[H8686]: for it shall not be acceptable for youH7522. [20]Ye shall not offer anything that hath a blemish: for that shall not be acceptable for you.
[21]And whosoeverH376 offerethH7126[H8686] a sacrificeH2077 of peace offeringsH8002 unto the LORDH3068 to accomplishH6381[H8763] his vowH5088, or a freewill offeringH5071 in beevesH1241 or sheepH6629, it shall be perfectH8549 to be acceptedH7522; there shall be no blemish thereinH3971. [21]And whosoever bringeth a peace offering unto the Lord to accomplish his vow, or for a free offering, of the beeves, or of the sheep, his free offering shall be perfect, no blemish shall be in it.
[22]BlindH5788, or brokenH7665[H8803], or maimedH2782[H8803], or having a wenH2990, or scurvyH1618, or scabbedH3217, ye shall not offerH7126[H8686] these unto the LORDH3068, nor makeH5414[H8799] an offering by fireH801 of them upon the altarH4196 unto the LORDH3068. [22]Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having a wen, or scurvy, or scabbed: these shall ye not offer unto the Lord nor make an offering by fire of these upon the altar of the Lord.
[23]Either a bullockH7794 or a lambH7716 that hath any thing superfluousH8311[H8803] or lacking in his partsH7038[H8803], that mayest thou offerH6213[H8799] for a freewill offeringH5071; but for a vowH5088 it shall not be acceptedH7521.[H8735] [23]Yet a bullock, or a sheep that hath any member superfluous, or lacking, such mayest thou present for a free offering, but for a vow it shall not be accepted.
[24]Ye shall not offerH7126[H8686] unto the LORDH3068 that which is bruisedH4600[H8803], or crushedH3807[H8803], or brokenH5423[H8803], or cutH3772[H8803]; neither shall ye makeH6213[H8799] any offering thereof in your landH776. [24]Ye shall not offer unto the Lord that which is bruised or crushed, or broken, or cut away, neither shall ye make an offering thereof in your land,
[25]Neither from a stranger'sH5236 handH3027[H1121] shall ye offerH7126[H8686] the breadH3899 of your GodH430 of any of these; because their corruptionH4893 is in them, and blemishesH3971 be in them: they shall not be acceptedH7521 for youH8735. [25]Neither of the hand of a stranger shall ye offer the bread of your God of any of these, because their corruption is in them, there is a blemish in them: therefore shall they not be accepted for you.
[26]And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696[H8762] unto MosesH4872, sayingH559,[H8800] [26]And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
[27]When a bullockH7794, or a sheepH3775, or a goatH5795, is brought forthH3205[H8735], then it shall be sevenH7651 daysH3117 under the damH517; and from the eighthH8066 dayH3117 and thenceforthH1973 it shall be acceptedH7521[H8735] for an offeringH7133 made by fireH801 unto the LORDH3068. [27]When a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat shall be brought forth, it shall be even seven days under his dam: and from the eighth day forth, it shall be accepted for a sacrifice made by fire unto the Lord.
[28]And whether it be cowH7794 or eweH7716, ye shall not killH7819[H8799] it and her youngH1121 both in oneH259 dayH3117. [28]As for the cow or the ewe, ye shall not kill her, and her young both in one day.
[29]And when ye will offerH2076[H8799] a sacrificeH2077 of thanksgivingH8426 unto the LORDH3068, offerH2076[H8799] it at your own willH7522. [29]So when ye will offer a thank offering unto the Lord, ye shall offer willingly.
[30]On the same dayH3117 it shall be eaten upH398[H8735]; ye shall leaveH3498[H8686] none of it until the morrowH1242: I am the LORDH3068. [30]The same day it shall be eaten, ye shall leave none of it until the morrow: I am the Lord.
[31]Therefore shall ye keepH8104[H8804] my commandmentsH4687, and doH6213[H8804] them: I am the LORDH3068. [31]Therefore shall ye keep my commandments and do them: for I am the Lord.
[32]Neither shall ye profaneH2490[H8762] my holyH6944 nameH8034; but I will be hallowedH6942[H8738] amongH8432 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478: I am the LORDH3068 which hallowH6942 youH8762, [32]Neither shall ye pollute mine holy name, but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel. I the Lord sanctify you,
[33]That brought you outH3318[H8688] of the landH776 of EgyptH4714, to be your GodH430: I am the LORDH3068. [33]Which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the Lord.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org