Peshitta NT (literal)
The Epistle of Polycarp to the Church at Phillipians
[1]Because many were willing to write an account of the events those of which we are persuaded [No book]
[2]Like the things delivered to us those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of The Word [No book]
[3]He appeared also to me because approached I had carefully all of them that every thing in its order I should write to you excellent Theophila [No book]
[4]That you may know the truth of the words of which you have been instructed by these things [No book]
[5]There was in the days of Herod the King of Judea priest one whose name was Zechariah from the ministry of the house of Abia and his wife from the daughters of Aaron her name was Elishaba [No book]
[6]Both of them but righteous were before Alaha and they were walking in all the commandments and in the judgments of the Lord without reproach [No book]
[7]A son but there not was to them because Elishaba infertile was and both advanced in their days were [No book]
[8]It was but while exercizing priestly function he was in the order of his service before Alaha [No book]
[9]In the custom of the priesthood it befell him to offer incense and he entered the temple of the Lord [No book]
[10]And all the crowds of the people praying were outside at the time of incense [No book]
[11]And appeared to him to Zechariah an angel of the Lord who stood at the right side of the altar of incense [No book]
[12]And was troubled Zechariah when he saw him and dread fell upon him [No book]
[13]And said to him the angel not fear Zechariah because has been heard your prayer and your wife Elishaba will bear you a son and you shall call his name Yokhanan [No book]
[14]And there will be to you Joy and gladness and many will rejoice at his birth [No book]
[15]He will be for great before the Lord and wine and strong drink not he will drink and with The Spirit of Holiness he will be filled while he is in the womb of his mother [No book]
[16]And many of the children of Israel he will turn to the Lord their Alaha [No book]
[17]And he will go before Him in the spirit and in the power of Elia the prophet to turn the heart of fathers to the children and those who not are persuaded to the knowledge of the Just One and he will prepare for the Lord a people perfect [No book]
[18]And said Zechariah to the angel how? shall I know this I for am old and my wife advanced in her days is [No book]
[19]Answered the angel and he said to him I am Gabriel who standing am before Alaha and I am sent to speak with you and to give you tidings these [No book]
[20]Henceforth you will be dumb and not you will be able to speak until the day that these things will occur because not you believed my words these which will be fulfilled in their time [No book]
[21]The people but standing were waiting for Zechariah and wondering they were at his tarrying in the temple [No book]
[22]When came out but Zechariah not able he was to speak with them and they perceived that a vision he had seen in the temple and he making signs gesturing was to them and he remained still mute [No book]
[23]And when were fulfilled the days of his service he went to his house [No book]
[24]And it was from after days those conceived Elishaba his wife and secluded she had herself months five and said she [No book]
[25]These things has done for me the Lord in the days in which He regarded me to take away my reproach that is among the children of men [No book]
[26]In the month but sixth was sent Gabriel the angel from the presence of Alaha to Galila to the city whose name was Natsareth [No book]
[27]To a virgin who was engaged to a man from the house of David whose name Yoseph and the name for the virgin Maryam [No book]
[28]And entered to her the angel and he said to her peace to you full of grace our Lord is with you you are blessed among women [No book]
[29]She but when she saw she was alarmed at his word and reasoning she was what? is greeting this [No book]
[30]And said to her the angel not you should fear Maryam you have found for favor with Alaha [No book]
[31]Behold for you will receive conception and you will give birth to a Son and you shall call His Name Ieshu [No book]
[32]This One will be great and The Son of The Highest He will be called and will give to him the Lord Alaha the throne of David His father [No book]
[33]And He will reign over the house of Yaqob eternally and to His Kingdom an end not there will be [No book]
[34]She said Maryam to the angel How? will be this for a man not has known me [No book]
[35]Answered the angel and said to her The Spirit of Holiness will come and the power of The Highest will rest upon you because of this He Who will be begotten in you holy will be and The Son of Alaha He will be called [No book]
[36]And behold Elishaba your cousin also she has conceived a son in her old age and this the month sixth it is for her who is called barren [No book]
[37]Because not is difficult to Alaha anything [No book]
[38]She said Maryam behold I am the handmaid of the Lord let be done to me according to your word and departed the angel from her [No book]
[39]Arose but Maryam among them in days those and she went instantly to the mountains to a city of Judea [No book]
[40]And she entered the house of Zechariah and she invoked the peace of Elishaba [No book]
[41]And it was that when heard Elishaba the greeting of Maryam leapt the baby in her womb and was filled Elishaba with the Spirit of Holiness [No book]
[42]And she cried in a voice loud and she said to Maryam blessed you are among women and blessed is the fruit that is in your womb [No book]
[43]From where? to me is this that the mother of my Lord would come to me [No book]
[44]Behold for when fell the voice of your greeting in my ear in Joy great leapt the baby in my womb [No book]
[45]And blessed is she the one who believed that there would be a fulfillment to those things that were spoken with her from the presence of the Lord [No book]
[46]And said Maryam exalts my soul The Lord the Lord [No book]
[47]And rejoices my spirit in Alaha my Savior [No book]
[48]For He has regarded the lowliness of His maidservant behold for from this hour blessedness they will ascribe to me generations all [No book]
[49]Because He has done to me great things He Who is mighty and holy is His Name [No book]
[50]And His mercy to posterity and generations is upon those who revere Him [No book]
[51]He has wrought victory with His arm and He has scattered the proud with the opinion of their heart [No book]
[52]He has cast down the mighty from thrones and He has raised up the lowly [No book]
[53]The hungry He has filled with good things and the rich He has sent away empty handed [No book]
[54]He has helped Israel His servant and he has remembered His mercy [No book]
[55]Just as He spoke with our patriarchs with Abraham and with his seed eternally [No book]
[56]Stayed but Maryam with Elishaba about months three and she returned to her house [No book]
[57]Elishaba but it was for her time that she would bear and she bore a son [No book]
[58]And they heard her neighbors and the children of her family that had magnified Alaha His mercy to her and rejoiced they with her [No book]
[59]And it was on the day eighth and they came to circumcise the boy and calling they were him by the name of his father Zechariah [No book]
[60]And answered his mother and she said to them not so but he will be called Yokhanan [No book]
[61]And they said to her there is not a man among your generations who is called by name this [No book]
[62]And they signed to his father that in which way? he wanted to name him [No book]
[63]He requested a tablet and he wrote and he said Yokhanan is his name and was amazed everyone [No book]
[64]And at once had been opened his mouth and his tongue and he spoke and he blessed to Alaha [No book]
[65]And there was awe on all of them their neighbors and in all the mountains of Judea these things being spoken were [No book]
[66]And all those who heard contemplating were in their heart and they were saying what? indeed will be the boy this and the hand of the Lord it was with him [No book]
[67]And was filled Zechariah his father with The Spirit of Holiness and he prophesied and he said [No book]
[68]Blessed is the Lord the Alaha of Israel Who has visited His nation and He has wrought for it redemption [No book]
[69]And He has raised up for us a trumpet of redemption in the house of David His servant [No book]
[70]Just as He spoke by the mouth of His prophets holy that which is from eternity [No book]
[71]That He would save us from our enemies and from the hand of all of them who hate us [No book]
[72]And He has wrought His mercy with our fathers and He has remembered His covenants holy [No book]
[73]And the oath that He swore to Abraham our patriarch that He would grant us [No book]
[74]That we would be saved from the hands of our enemies and without fear we should serve before Him [No book]
[75]All of our days in justice and in righteousness [No book]
[76]And you boy the prophet of The Highest you will be called you will go for before the Person of the Lord that you may prepare His way [No book]
[77]That He may give the knowledge of Life to His people in forgiveness of their sins [No book]
[78]In the compassion of the mercy of our Alaha in which will visit us the Manifestation from Heaven [No book]
[79]To enlighten those who in darkness and in the shadow of death are sitting that He may direct our feet in the path of peace [No book]
[80]The boy but growing was and being strengthened in spirit and in the wilderness he dwelt until the day of his manifestation unto Israel [No book]