[1]AND when [there] had gathered [by] myriads great assemblies, so that they would have trodden upon one another, Jeshu began to say to his disciples, Beware for yourselves before all thingsⓘ of the leaven of the Pharishee, which is hypocrisy. |
[1]And when were gathered a multitude of crowds great so that they would tread one on another began Ieshu to say to His disciples first beware among yourselves of the yeast of the Pharisees which is accepting faces |
[2]For nothing is hidden which shall not be revealed, and nothing secreted which shall not be made known. |
[2]There is not but anything that is covered that not shall be revealed neither that is secret that not shall be known |
[3]For all that you say in darknesses in the light shall be heard, and what you whisper in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed on the housetops. |
[3]Everything for that in the darkness you shall say in the light shall be heard and whatever in an inner chamber in an ear you whispered on rooftops will be preached |
[4]But I say to you, my beloved ones, Fear not them who kill the body, and who afterward can do nothing more; |
[4]Say I to you but My friends not fear from those who kill the body and who after this there is not for them anything more to do |
[5]But I will show you whom you shall fear;ⓘ Him who, after he hath killed, hath power to cast into gihana, yes, I say to you, Fear this [one]. |
[5]I shall show you but that one whom you should fear that one whomever when from after he kills is authorized to cast into Gehenna yes say I to you of this one be afraid |
[6]Are not five sparrows sold for two asorin;ⓘ and one of them is not forgotten before Aloha. |
[6]Not? five sparrows are sold for two assarii and one of them not is forgotten before Alaha |
[7]But of you, the numbers of the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; than many sparrows more precious are you. |
[7]Your but also the hairs of the hair of your heads all numbered are not therefore you shall fear because than many sparrows better you are |
[8]But I tell you that every one who shall confess me before men, the Son of man will also confess him before the angels of Aloha. |
[8]Say I to you but that everyone who will confess Me before children of men also The Son of Man will confess him before His angels of Alaha |
[9]But he who denieth me before men, I will deny him before the angels of Aloha. |
[9]Whoever but denies Me before children of men shall be denied himself before His angels of Alaha |
[10]And every one who shall speak a word against the Son of man, it may be forgiven him; but whoever against the Spirit of Holiness shall blaspheme, it shall not be forgiven him. |
[10]And everyone who will say a word against The Son of Man it shall be forgiven to him whoever against The Spirit but of Holiness will blaspheme not it shall be forgiven to him |
[11]And when they bring you into the synagogues, before heads and authorities, be not anxious how you shall express yourselves,ⓘ or what you shall say; |
[11]Whenever they bring you but to assemblies before rulers and authorities not you shall be concerned how you will give answer or what you will say |
[12]For the Spirit of Holiness will teach you in that hour what you ought to say. |
[12]The Spirit for of Holiness shall teach you in that hour the thing that it is necessary that you will say |
[13]AND a man from the assembly said to him, Malphona, tell my brother to divide with me the inheritance. |
[13]Said to Him but a man from that crowd Teacher tell my brother to divide with me the inheritance |
[14]But Jeshu said to him, Man, who established me over you a judge and a divider? |
[14]Ieshu but said to him man who? has set Me over you a judge and a divider |
[15]And he said to his disciples, Beware of all avarice: for life is not in the abundance of riches. |
[15]And He said to His disciples beware of all covetousness because that not is in the abundance of riches is life |
[16]And he spake a parable to them: The ground of a certain rich man produced him much provisions. |
[16]And He said a parable to them man a certain rich brought to him his land crops many |
[17]And he thought within himself, and said, What shall I do? for I have not where to collect my provisions. |
[17]And thought he to himself and said what? shall I do for there is no for me where? to gather my crops |
[18]And he said, This will I do: I will destroy my house of stores, and will build and enlarge it; and there will I collect all my provender and my good things: |
[18]And he said this I shall do I shall pull down houses of storage and I shall build and I shall enlarge them and I shall gather there all my produce and my goods |
[19]And I will say to my soul, My soul, thou hast many good things laid up for many years: be at ease, eat, drink, and be merry. |
[19]And I shall say to my soul my soul there are to you goods many laid up for years many be contented eat drink be merry |
[20]But Aloha said to him, Reasonless [man]!ⓘ this night thy soul they shall require of thee; and then, [the things] which thou hast prepared, whose shall they be? |
[20]Said to him but Alaha one lacking intellect in this night your soul will be required it from you and these things which you have prepared whose? will they be |
[21]So is he who layeth up to himself treasures, and towards Aloha is not rich. |
[21]Thus is whoever lays down for himself treasure and in Alaha not is rich |
[22]And he said to his disciples, Therefore I tell you, Be not anxious for yourselves, what you shall eat; neither for the body, how you shall dress: |
[22]And He said to His disciples because of this to you say I not you shall take care of yourselves what? you will eat neither your bodies what? you will wear |
[23]For the soul is more precious than food, and the body than raiment. |
[23]The soul for is more important than food and the body than clothing |
[24]Consider the ravens, which sow not nor reap, which have no chambers or barns, yet Aloha feeds them. How much, therefore, are you better than the fowls! |
[24]Consider the ravens that not they sow neither do they reap and there is not to them an inner chamber and house of storage and Alaha feeds them how much? therefore are more important you than than birds |
[25]And which of you by being anxious could add to his stature one cubit? |
[25]Which? but of you while taking care can add to his height cubit one |
[26]But if indeed you are not capable of [that which is] the least, why concerning the rest are you anxious? |
[26]If but even not the small thing can do you why? over the rest take pains do you |
[27]Consider the lilies, how they grow, which toil not nor spin; but I tell you that even Shelemun in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. |
[27]Consider the lilies how they grow that not they labor neither do they weave say I to you but that even not Solomon in all His glory was robed like one of these |
[28]But if the herbage, which today is in the field, and to-morrow is cast into the furnace, Aloha thus clothes, how much more you, little in faith! |
[28]If but the grass that today is in the field and tomorrow will fall into a fire Alaha thus clothes how much? better is He to you little ones of faith |
[29]And seek you not what you shall eat, and what you shall drink; nor let your mind be distracted for these: |
[29]You not shall seek what? you will eat and what? you will drink neither shall wander your mind in these things |
[30]For all these the nations of the world seek; but to you also your Father knoweth that these are needful. |
[30]These things for all people the of the world are seeking also for you but your Father knows that are necessary to you these things |
[31]But seek the kingdom of Aloha, and these all shall be added to you. |
[31]However seek the Kingdom of Alaha and these things all are added to you |
[32]FEAR not, little flock; for your Father hath willed to give you the kingdom. |
[32]Not fear flock little for wills your Father to give to you the Kingdom |
[33]Sell your substance, and give alms: make to you bags which become not old, and a treasure which is not transient, in the heavens, where the thief does not approach, and the moth destroys not. |
[33]Sell your possessions and give alms make for yourselves pouches that not wear out and treasure that not is diminished in Heaven where a thief not comes and a moth not devours |
[34]For where your treasure is, there will be also your heart. |
[34]Wherever for is your treasure there shall be also your heart |
[35]Let your loins be bound, and your lamps be burning, |
[35]Let be girded your waist and burning your lamps |
[36]And be you like men who wait for their lord, when he shall return from the place of festivity, that, when he hath come and knocked, immediately they may open to him. |
[36]And be like people waiting for their Lord when He will return from the house of wedding that whenever He comes and knocks at once they may open to Him |
[37]Blessed those servants who, when their lord shall come, shall be found watching. Amen I tell you, He will gird his loins, and make them recline, and will come over and serve them. |
[37]Their blessings to servants those which when shall come their Lord also He shall find them while watching Amen say I to you that He shall gird His waist and He shall make recline them and He shall go through He shall wait on them |
[38]And if in the second or the third watch he shall come and find them thus, blessed will be those servants. |
[38]And if in the watch second or the third He will come and He will find thus their blessings to servants those |
[39]But this know, that if the lord of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have permitted his house to be dug through. |
[39]This but know that if known had the owner of a house in which watch would come a thief awakened he would have been and not allowed he would have to be broken into his house |
[40]Also you, be you therefore ready: for, in that hour that you think not, cometh the Son of man. |
[40]Also you therefore be ready for in that hour when not expecting you are comes The Son of Man |
[41]Shemun Kipha said to him, Our Lord, to us speakest thou this parable, or to all men also? |
[41]Said to Him Shimeon Kaypha our Lord to us say? You it parable this or also to everyone |
[42]Jeshu said to him, Who then is that steward, faithful and wise, whom his lord hath established over his service, to give the portion in its time? |
[42]Said to him Ieshu who? indeed is the steward faithful and wise whom will appoint his Lord over His servants to give a portion in His time |
[43]Blessed that servant whom, when his lord shall come, he shall find so doing. |
[43]His blessing to that servant when shall come his Lord whom He shall find that is doing so |
[44]Assuredly I tell you, He will establish him over all his substance. |
[44]Truly say I to you that He shall appoint him over all His possessions |
[45]But if that servant shall say in his heart, My lord withholdeth to come, and shall begin to beat the servants and the handmaids of his lord, and shall begin to eat and to drink and be drunken; |
[45]If but will say servant that in his heart my Lord delays to come and he should begin to strike the servants and the maids of his Lord and he should begin to eat and to drink and to get drunk |
[46]The lord of that servant will come in a day when he thinketh not, and in an hour which he knoweth not; and shall sunder him, and set him his portion with those who are not faithful. |
[46]Shall come his Lord of servant that in a day when not he expects and in an hour when not he knows and He shall cut him off and He shall appoint his portion with those who are un- -faithful |
[47]And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself according to his will, shall be beaten with many. |
[47]The servant but which knew the will of his Master and not he prepared for Him according to His will he shall be beaten many times |
[48]But he who knew not, and did that which was worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For every one to whom much is given, much will be required from him; and to whom much is committed, the more will they require at his hand. |
[48]He but who not knew and did something worthy of blows shall be beaten with blows few everyone for is given to whom much much shall be required from him and to whomever they commit it much more they shall require from his hand |
[49]FIRE have I come to send forth upon the earth, and I would that it already burned: |
[49]Fire I have come to set in the earth and wish I Oh, if only from now it were burning |
[50]And I have a baptism [wherewith] to be baptized, and greatly am I pressed till it be completed. |
[50]And a baptism is to Me in which I am to be baptized and much am afflicted I until it is fulfilled |
[51]Suppose you that peace I have come to send forth on the earth? I tell you, not [peace], but divisions. |
[51]Think? do you that peace I have come to bring in the earth say I to you no but division |
[52]For from henceforth there will be five in one house, who [will be] divided, three against two, and two against three. |
[52]From now for shall be five in house one who are divided three against two and two against three |
[53]For the father will be divided against his son, and the son against his father; the mother against her daughter, and the daughter against her mother; the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law. |
[53]Shall be divided for father against his son and son against his father mother against her daughter and daughter against her mother mother in law against her daughter in law and daughter in law against her mother in law |
[54]And he said to the assembly, When you see a cloud arisen from the west, immediately you say, The rain cometh; and it is so: |
[54]And He said to the crowds whenever you see a cloud that rises from from the west at once say you rain is coming and it is so |
[55]And when bloweth the south, you say, It becomes heat; and it is so. |
[55]And when blows a south wind say you hot it will be and it is |
[56]You hypocrites, the aspect of the sky and of the earth you know to distinguish; but this Time how do you not distinguish? |
[56]Accepters of faces the face of the earth and of the sky know you to discern time but this how? not discern do you |
[57]But why of yourselves judge you not the truth? |
[57]Why? but from yourselves not judge you truth |
[58]When thou art going with thine adversary to the magistrate, while in the way, negotiate, and be freed from him; lest he bring thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the exactor, and the exactor cast thee into the house of the bound; |
[58]Whenever for go you with your accuser at-law to the ruler while on the road you are give merchandise and be ransomed from him lest he bring you to the judge and the judge deliver you to the officer and the officer should cast you into the house of prisoners |
[59]And Amen I tell thee, Thou wilt not be delivered from thence till thou shalt have given the last shomona. |
[59]And say I to you that not you shall go out from there until you give the one-quarter cent last |