[1]And the whole assembly of them arose, and brought him to Pilatos. |
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[2]And they began to accuse him, saying, We have found this who deludeth our people, and forbiddeth that tributeⓘ unto Caesar we should give, saying of himself that he is the King Meshicha. |
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[3]But Pilatos asked him, and said to him, Art thou the king of the Jihudoyee? He saith to him, Thou hast said. |
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[4]And Pilatos said to the chief priests and to the assembly, I find no occasion against this man. |
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[5]But they cried out and said, He commoveth our people while he teacheth throughout all Jihud, beginning from Galila unto this place. |
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[6]Pilatos, however, when he heard the name of Galila, asked if the man were a Galiloya. |
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[7]And when he knew that he was from the limit of the jurisdiction of Herodes, he sent him unto Herodes, because that in Urishlem he was in those days. |
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[8]And Herodes, when he saw Jeshu, was very glad; for he had desired to see him of a great time: for he had heard concerning him many things, and hoped that some sign he should see from him. |
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[9]And many words he asked him; but Jeshu gave him no answer whatever. |
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[10]And the chief priests and scribes stood and strenuously accused him. |
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[11]Then Herodes and his soldiers treated him as a fool;ⓘ and when he had derided him, he dressed him in a robe of crimson, and sent him to Pilatos. |
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[12]And in that day Pilatos and Herodes were friends with each other; for before there had been enmity between them. |
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[13]And Pilatos called the chief priests and the rulers of the people, |
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[14]And said to them, You have brought to me this man as a perverter of your people; and, behold, I have examined him in your sight, and have found no cause in this man of all that you accuse him: |
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[15]Nor also Herodes; for I sent him unto him, and, behold, nothing worthy of death is done to him: |
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[16]I will therefore chastiseⓘ him, and dismiss him. |
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[17]For a custom had he to release to them one at the festival. |
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[18]But all the multitude cried out, saying, Take this, and release to us Baraba; |
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[19]He who, for insurrection and murder which had been done in the city, had been thrown into the house of the chained. |
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[20]But Pilatos spake with them again, being willing to release Jeshu. |
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[21]But they cried out, saying, Crucify him! Crucify him! |
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[22]He the third time also said to them, Why, what evil hath this done? Cause whatever that is worthy of death, I find not in him: I will therefore chastise him, and dismiss him. |
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[23]But they were urgent with a high voice, demanding that they might crucify him; and theirs and the voices of the high priests prevailed. |
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[24]And Pilatos commanded that their requirement should be done. |
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[25]And he released to them him who, for insurrection and murder, had been thrown into the house of the chained, whom they had asked: but Jeshu he delivered to their will. |
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[26]AND as they led him away, they laid hold on Shemun Kurinoya, who was coming from the country, and they laid on him the cross, that he might bear [it] after Jeshu. |
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[27]And there followed him much people, and those women who mourned and wailed for him. |
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[28]And Jeshu turned to them, and said, Daughters of Urishlem, weep not for me, but for yourselves weep, and for your children. |
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[29]For, behold, coming are the days in which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs which have not borne, and the breasts that have not suckled. |
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[30]Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us! and to the heights, Cover us! |
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[31]For if to the tree which is goodⓘ they do these things, unto the dry what shall be? |
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[32]And there went with him two others, workers of evil, to be put to death. |
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[33]And when they came to a certain place called Karkaphtha,ⓘthere they crucified him, and those workers of evil, one on his right hand, and one on his left. |
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[34]BUT Jeshu himself said, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.ⓘ And they divided his garments, and cast for them lots. |
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[35]But the people stood beholding, and the rulers also, mocking him, and saying, He saved others, let him save himself, if he be the Meshicha, the Chosen of God. |
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[36]And the soldiers also, deriding him, approaching him, and offering to him vinegar, |
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[37]Said to him, If thou art the King of the Jihudoyee, save thyself. |
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[38]And there was also an inscription which was written over him in Greek and Roman and Hebrew,ⓘ THIS IS THE KING OF THE JIHUDOYEE. |
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[39]And one of those workers of evil who were hanged with him, blasphemed against him, saying, If thou art the Meshicha, deliver thyself, and deliver us also. |
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[40]And his companion rebuked him, and said to him, Dost thou not fear [even] Aloha? for thou also art in this judgment. |
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[41]And we righteously, forasmuch as we have been deserving, and as we are punished for that which we have done; but this hath done nothing that is abominable. |
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[42]And he said to Jeshu, Remember me, my Lord, when thou art come into thy kingdom! |
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[43]Jeshu saith to him, Amen I say to thee, That to-day with me thou shalt be in Paradise.ⓘ |
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[44]NOW it was about six hours, and there was darkness over all the earth until nine hours. |
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[45]And the sun darkened, and rent was the vail of the temple through the midst of it. |
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[46]And Jeshu cried with a high voice, and said, My Father, in thy hands I place my spirit.ⓘ This he said, and completed. |
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[47]But when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified Aloha, saying, Assuredly this was a just man. |
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[48]And all the multitude, they who were assembled to see this, when they saw what was done, returned, smiting upon their breasts. |
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[49]And there were standing afar off all the acquaintances of Jeshu, and those women who came with him from Galila; and they saw these things. |
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[50]BUT a certain man, whose name was Jauseph, a senator from Rometha, a city of Jehud, a man [who] was good and just: |
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[51](this had not consented to the counsel and deed of them; and he was waiting for the kingdom of Aloha:) |
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[52]This approached Pilatos, and begged the body of Jeshu; |
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[53]And he took it down, and wrapped it in a cloth of linen, and laid it in a hewn sepulchre, in which no one had hitherto been laid. |
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[54]And it was the day of the preparation; and the shabath had lighted. |
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[55]And the women also drew near, they who had come with him from Galila; and they saw the sepulchre, and where the body was laid; |
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[56]And, returned, they prepared balsams and aromatics, and on the shabath rested, as it is commanded. |
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