[1]And arose all their crowds and brought Him to Pilatus |
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[2]And they began being consumed with slandering Him and they were saying This One we have found seducing our people and He forbids that money head to Qaesar not to give and He has said about Himself that King He is The Messiah |
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[3]Pilatus but asked Him and said to him You? are the King of the Jews He said to him you have said |
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[4]And said Pilatus to Chief the Priests and to the crowd I any fault not find I about man this |
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[5]They but shouting they were and they were saying that He stirred up our people when He taught in all Judea and began from Galila and unto here |
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[6]Pilatus but when he had heard the name of Galila he asked if The Man was a Galilean |
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[7]And when he knew that from under the authority He was of Herodus he sent Him to the presence of Herodus because in Jerusalem he was in those days |
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[8]Herodus but when he saw Ieshu he was glad very wanted he had for to see Him for a time long because of that heard he had about Him many things and hoped he had that some sign he would see from Him |
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[9]And matters many asking he was Him Ieshu but any an answer not He brought him |
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[10]Standing they were but Chief The Priests and The Scribes vehemently consumed with they were accusing Him |
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[11]Herodus but mocked Him he and his servants and when he had insulted Him He clothed Him with a robe of purple and he sent Him to Pilatus |
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[12]And on that day became friends Pilatus and Herodus with each other enmity there had been for from before between them |
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[13]Called but Pilatus Chief The Priests and the Rulers and the people |
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[14]And He said to them you have brought to Me Man This as subverting your people and behold I have examined Him in your sight and fault any not I have found in Man This of everything which accusing you are Him |
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[15]But neither Herodus I sent Him for to him and behold not anything worthy for death has been commited by Him |
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[16]I shall discipline Him therefore and I shall release Him |
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[17]The custom for it was that he would release to them one at the feast |
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[18]Shouted but the entire mob and they were saying take away This One and release to us Barabba |
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[19]He who because of sedition which occurred in the city and murder cast he was in a house of prisoners |
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[20]Again but spoke with them Pilatus as he wanted to release Ieshu |
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[21]They but shouting were and they were saying crucify Him crucify Him |
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[22]He but a third time said to them what? for that is evil has done This One any fault that deserves death not I have found in Him I shall chastise Him therefore and I shall release Him |
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[23]They but urging were in a voice loud and demanding they were him that they may crucify Him and prevailed it their voice theirs and that of Chief The Priests |
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[24]Pilatus but commanded that should be done their demand |
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[25]And he released to them him who for sedition and murder cast had been into a house of prisoners him whom they demanded Ieshu but he delivered to their pleasure |
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[26]And as they brought Him they seized Shimeon a Cyrenian who came from a village they laid upon him the cross to carry after Him Ieshu |
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[27]And came there after him a multitude of people and women those who lamenting were and howling over Him |
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[28]And turned Ieshu to them and He said daughters of Jerusalem not weep for Me but for yourselves weep and for your children |
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[29]Behold are coming the days in which they shall say blessed are they the barren and the wombs that not bore and the breasts that not nursed |
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[30]Then you shall begin to say to the mountains fall upon us and to the hills cover us |
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[31]That if with wood green these things they are doing with the dried what? will happen |
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[32]And coming were with Him two others doers evil- to be killed |
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[33]And when they came to place a certain that is called The Skull they crucified Him there and those doers evil one at His right and one at His left |
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[34]He but Ieshu saying was Father forgive them not for they know what? they are doing and they divided His garments and they cast over them lots |
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[35]Standing were but the people and watching and mocking were Him also the leaders and they were saying to others He gave life let Him save Himself if He is the Messiah The Chosen One of Alaha |
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[36]And scoffing were at Him also soldiers as they came near to Him and were offering to Him vinegar |
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[37]And they were saying to Him if You are the King of the Jews save Yourself |
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[38]There was but also an inscription that was written over Him in Greek and in Latin and in Hebrew this is the King of The Judeans |
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[39]One but of those doers evil who crucified were with Him blaspheming was Him and he said if You are the Messiah save Yourself and save also us |
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[40]And rebuked Him his companion and he said to him also not? of Alaha afraid are you for also you with Him are in condemnation |
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[41]And we justly so because worthy we are for according to what we have done we are repaid This One but anything bad not was done by Him |
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[42]And he said to Ieshu remember me my Lord when come You in Your Kingdom |
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[43]Said to him Ieshu amen say I to you that today with Me you shall be in Paradise |
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[44]It was but about hour the sixth and was darkness upon all the earth until the ninth hour |
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[45]And the sun grew dark and was ripped apart ? the curtain of the temple from its middle |
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[46]And called out Ieshu in a voice loud and He said My Father into Your hands lay down I My Spirit this He said and He expired |
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[47]When saw but the centurion the thing that happened he praised to Alaha and He said truly This Man The Righteous One was |
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[48]And all the crowds which gathered had for spectacle this when they saw the thing that happened returned while smiting on their chests |
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[49]And standing they were from afar all of them the acquaintances of Ieshu and women those who come had with Him from Galila and beholding they were these things |
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[50]A man but certain whose name Yoseph a Sanhedrin member from Ramatha a city of Judea a man was good and just |
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[51]This one not consented had to their decision and to their action and waiting he was for the Kingdom of Alaha |
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[52]This man came to Pilatus and he requested the Body of Ieshu |
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[53]And he took it down and wrapped it in a winding sheet of linen and he placed it in a house of burial cut out that is without anyone yet placed having been in it |
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[54]And the day Friday it was and The Sabbath beginning was |
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[55]Approaching were but women these who came with Him from Galila and they saw the tomb and in which way had been laid His body |
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[56]And they returned preparing sweet spices and ointment and on The Sabbath they rested according to that which was commanded |
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