[1]NowG1161 upon the firstG3391 day of the weekG4521, very early in the morningG3722[G901], they cameG2064[G5627] untoG1909 the sepulchreG3418, bringingG5342[G5723] the spicesG759 whichG3739 they had preparedG2090[G5656], andG2532 certainG5100 others withG4862 themG846. |
[1]But on the first [day] in the week, in the morning, while yet dark, they came to the sepulchre, and brought those aromatics which they had prepared; and with them there were other women. |
[2]AndG1161 they foundG2147[G5627] the stoneG3037 rolled awayG617[G5772] fromG575 the sepulchreG3419. |
[2]And they found the stone rolled from the sepulchre, |
[3]AndG2532 they entered inG1525[G5631], and foundG2147[G5627] notG3756 the bodyG4983 of the LordG2962 JesusG2424. |
[3]And entered, but found not the body of Jeshu. |
[4]AndG2532 it came to passG1096[G5633], asG1722 theyG846 were much perplexedG1280[G5745] thereaboutG4012[G5127],[G2532] beholdG2400[G5628], twoG1417 menG435 stood byG2186[G5627] themG846 inG1722 shiningG797[G5723] garmentsG2067: |
[4]And it was that while they were amazed at this, behold, two men stood over against them, and whose raiment shined; |
[5]AndG1161 asG1096 theyG846 wereG1096[G5637] afraidG1719, andG2532 bowed downG2827[G5723] their facesG4383 toG1519 the earthG1093, they saidG2036[G5627] untoG4314 themG846, WhyG5101 seek yeG2212[G5719] the livingG2198[G5723] amongG3326 the deadG3498? |
[5]And they were in fear, and bowed their faces to the earth. And they said to them, Why are you seeking the living with the dead? |
[6]He isG2076[G5748] notG3756 hereG5602, butG235 is risenG1453[G5681]: rememberG3415[G5682] howG5613 he spakeG2980[G5656] unto youG5213 when he wasG5607[G5752] yetG2089 inG1722 GalileeG1056, |
[6]He is not here, he is risen. Remember what he spake with you while he was in Galila, |
[7]SayingG3004[G5723],[G3754] The SonG5207 of manG444 mustG1163[G5748] be deliveredG3860[G5683] intoG1519 the handsG5495 of sinfulG268 menG444, andG2532 be crucifiedG4717[G5683], andG2532 the thirdG5154 dayG2250 rise againG450.[G5629] |
[7]And [when he] said, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of men of sins, and he will be crucified, and [in] the third of the days he will arise. |
[8]AndG2532 they rememberedG3415[G5681] hisG846 wordsG4487, |
[8]And they remembered his words, |
[9]AndG2532 returnedG5290[G5660] fromG575 the sepulchreG3419, and toldG518[G5656] allG3956 these thingsG5023 unto the elevenG1733, andG2532 to allG3956 the restG3062. |
[9]And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these [things] unto the eleven, and to the rest. |
[10][G1161]It wasG2258[G5713] MaryG3137 MagdaleneG3094, andG2532 JoannaG2489, andG2532 MaryG3137 the mother of JamesG2385, andG2532 otherG3062 women that were withG4862 themG846, whichG3739 toldG3004[G5707] these thingsG5023 untoG4314 the apostlesG652. |
[10]Now it was Mariam Magdalitha, Juchanon, and Mariam his mother, and Jacub, and the rest who were with them, who told these [occurrences] to the apostles. |
[11]AndG2532 theirG846 wordsG4487 seemedG5316[G5648] toG1799 themG846 asG5616 idle talesG3026, andG2532 they believedG569 themG846 notG569.[G5707] |
[11]And these words appeared in their eyes as dreams, and they believed them not. |
[12]ThenG1161 aroseG450[G5631] PeterG4074, and ranG5143[G5627] untoG1909 the sepulchreG3419; andG2532 stooping downG3879[G5660], he beheldG991[G5719] the linen clothesG3608 laidG2749[G5740] by themselvesG3441, andG2532 departedG565[G5627], wonderingG2296[G5723] inG4314 himselfG1438 at that which was come to passG1096.[G5756] |
[12]But Shemun arose, and ran to the sepulchre, and, looking in, he saw the linen clothes lying apart; and he went away, wondering in himself at what was done. |
[13]AndG2532, beholdG2400[G5628], twoG1417 ofG1537 themG846 wentG2258[G5713][G4198][G5740] thatG1722 sameG846 dayG2250 toG1519 a villageG2968 calledG3739[G3686] EmmausG1695, which wasG568[G5723] fromG575 JerusalemG2419 about threescoreG1835 furlongsG4712. |
[13]AND, behold, two of them in that day went to a village whose name was Emaos, and distant from Urishlem sixty stadia. |
[14]AndG2532 theyG846 talkedG3656[G5707] togetherG4314[G240] ofG4012 allG3956 these thingsG5130 which had happenedG4819.[G5761] |
[14]And they talked one with the other of all these [events] which had happened. |
[15]AndG2532 it came to passG1096[G5633], that, whileG1722 theyG846 communedG3656[G5721] together andG2532 reasonedG4802[G5721], JesusG2424 himselfG2532[G846] drew nearG1448[G5660], and went withG4848[G5711] themG846. |
[15]And while they discoursed and investigated one with the other, Jeshu himself came and went with them, and walked with them. |
[16]ButG1161 theirG846 eyesG3788 were holdenG2902[G5712] that they shouldG1921 notG3361 knowG1921[G5629] himG846. |
[16]And their eyes were holden, that they should not know him. |
[17]AndG1161 he saidG2036[G5627] untoG4314 themG846, WhatG5101 manner of communicationsG3056 are theseG3778 thatG3739 ye haveG474[G5719] one toG4314 anotherG240, as ye walkG4043[G5723], andG2532 areG2075[G5748] sadG4659? |
[17]And he said to them, What are these words that you speak with each other, as you walk and are sad? |
[18]AndG1161 the one of themG1520, whoseG3739 nameG3686 was CleopasG2810, answeringG611[G5679] saidG2036[G5627] untoG4314 himG846, Art thouG4771 onlyG3441 a strangerG3939[G5719] inG1722 JerusalemG2419, andG2532 hastG1097 notG3756 knownG1097[G5627] the things which are come to passG1096[G5637] thereG1722[G846] inG1722 theseG5025 daysG2250? |
[18]And one of them answered, whose name was Kleopha, and said to him, Art thou only a stranger from Urishlem, who knowest not what hath been done in it in these days? |
[19]AndG2532 he saidG2036[G5627] unto themG846, What thingsG4169? AndG1161 they saidG2036[G5627] unto himG846, ConcerningG4012 JesusG2424 of NazarethG3480, whichG3739 wasG1096[G5633] a prophetG4396 mightyG1415 inG1722[G435] deedG2041 andG2532 wordG3056 beforeG1726 GodG2316 andG2532 allG3956 the peopleG2992: |
[19]He saith to them, What? They say to him, Concerning Jeshu, who was of Natsrath, a man who was a prophet, and mighty in word and in deed before Aloha, and before all the people. |
[20]And howG3704[G5037] the chief priestsG749 andG2532 ourG2257 rulersG758 deliveredG3860[G5656] himG846 toG1519 be condemnedG2917 to deathG2288, andG2532 have crucifiedG4717[G5656] himG846. |
[20]And the chief priests and elders delivered him to the judgment of death, and crucified him. |
[21]ButG1161 weG2249 trustedG1679[G5707] thatG3754 it had beenG2076[G5748] heG846 which shouldG3195[G5723] have redeemedG3084[G5733] IsraelG2474: andG235 besideG1065[G4862] allG3956 thisG5125, to dayG4594 isG71[G5719] theG5026 thirdG5154 dayG2250 sinceG575[G3739] these thingsG5023 were doneG1096.[G5633] |
[21]But we had hoped that it was he who shall redeem Isroel; and, lo, three days [have passed] since all these things were done. |
[22]YeaG235, and certainG5100 womenG1135 alsoG2532 ofG1537 our companyG2257 madeG1839 usG2248 astonishedG1839[G5627], which wereG1096[G5637] earlyG3721 atG1909 the sepulchreG3419; |
[22]But women also of us have astonished us; for they were before at the sepulchre; |
[23]AndG2532 when they foundG2147[G5631] notG3361 hisG846 bodyG4983, they cameG2064[G5627], sayingG3004[G5723], that they hadG3708 alsoG2532 seenG3708[G5760] a visionG3701 of angelsG32, whichG3739 saidG3004[G5719] that heG846 was aliveG2198.[G5721] |
[23]And when they found not his body, they came and told us that angels they had seen there, and [that] they had said concerning him that he was alive. |
[24]AndG2532 certain of themG5100 which were withG4862 usG2254 wentG565[G5627] toG1909 the sepulchreG3419, andG2532 foundG2147[G5627] it evenG2532 soG3779 asG2531 the womenG1135 had saidG2036[G5627]: butG1161 himG846 they sawG1492[G5627] notG3756. |
[24]And some also of us went to the sepulchre, and found even as the women had said, but him they saw not. |
[25]ThenG2532 heG846 saidG2036[G5627] untoG4314 themG846, OG5599 foolsG453, andG2532 slowG1021 of heartG2588 to believeG4100[G5721][G1909] allG3956 thatG3739 the prophetsG4396 have spokenG2980:[G5656] |
[25]Then said Jeshu to them, O wanting in understanding, and hard of heart to believe all the things which the prophets have spoken! |
[26]OughtG1163[G5713] notG3780 ChristG5547 to have sufferedG3958[G5629] these thingsG5023, andG2532 to enterG1525[G5629] intoG1519 hisG846 gloryG1391? |
[26]Was it not to be that these the Meshicha should suffer, and enter into his glory? |
[27]AndG2532 beginningG756[G5671] atG575 MosesG3475 andG2532[G575] allG3956 the prophetsG4396, he expoundedG1329[G5707] unto themG846 inG1722 allG3956 the scripturesG1124 the things concerningG4012 himselfG1438. |
[27]And, beginning from Musha and all the prophets, he explained to them concerning himself from all the scriptures. |
[28]AndG2532 they drew nighG1448[G5656] untoG1519 the villageG2968, whitherG3757 they wentG4198[G5711]: andG2532 heG846 made as thoughG4364[G5710] he would have goneG4198[G5738] furtherG4208. |
[28]And they drew near to that village to which they were going; and he made them suppose that to a more distant place he was going. |
[29]ButG2532 they constrainedG3849[G5662] himG846, sayingG3004[G5723], AbideG3306[G5657] withG3326 usG2257: forG3754 it isG2076[G5748] towardG4314 eveningG2073, andG2532 the dayG2250 is far spentG2827[G5758]. AndG2532 he went inG1525[G5627] to tarryG3306[G5658] withG4862 themG846. |
[29]And they constrained him, and said to him, Abide with us, because the day now inclines to darken. And he went in to remain with them. |
[30]AndG2532 it came to passG1096[G5633], asG1722 heG846 sat at meatG2625[G5683] withG3326 themG846, he tookG2983[G5631] breadG740, and blessedG2127[G5656] it, andG2532 brakeG2806[G5660], and gaveG1929[G5707] to themG846. |
[30]And it was that, while he reclined with them, he took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them. |
[31]AndG1161 theirG846 eyesG3788 were openedG1272[G5681], andG2532 they knewG1921[G5627] himG846; andG2532 heG846 vanishedG1096[G5633][G855] out ofG575 their sightG846. |
[31]And at once their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he was taken from them. |
[32]AndG2532 they saidG2036[G5627] one to anotherG4314[G240], DidG2258[G5713] notG3780 ourG2257 heartG2588 burnG2545[G5746] withinG1722 usG2254, whileG5613 he talkedG2980[G5707] with usG2254 byG1722 the wayG3598, andG2532 whileG5613 he openedG1272[G5707] to usG2254 the scripturesG1124? |
[32]And they said one to the other, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he spake with us by the way, and explained to us the scriptures? |
[33]AndG2532 they rose upG450[G5631] the sameG846 hourG5610, and returnedG5290[G5656] toG1519 JerusalemG2419, andG2532 foundG2147[G5627] the elevenG1733 gathered togetherG4867[G5772], andG2532 them that were withG4862 themG846, |
[33]And they arose in the same hour, and returned to Urishlem, and found the eleven, who were assembled, and they who were with them, |
[34]SayingG3004[G5723],[G3754] The LordG2962 is risenG1453[G5681] indeedG3689, andG2532 hath appearedG3700[G5681] to SimonG4613. |
[34]Saying, Assuredly our Lord is risen, and hath appeared unto Shemun. |
[35]AndG2532 theyG846 toldG1834[G5711] what things were done inG1722 the wayG3598, andG2532 howG5613 he was knownG1097[G5681] of themG846 inG1722 breakingG2800 of breadG740. |
[35]And they also declared those things which had happened in the way, and how he was made known to them while he brake the bread. |
[36]AndG1161 as theyG846 thusG5023 spakeG2980[G5723], JesusG2424 himselfG846 stoodG2476[G5627] inG1722 the midstG3319 of themG846, andG2532 saithG3004[G5719] unto themG846, PeaceG1515 be unto youG5213. |
[36]AND while they were discoursing, Jeshu stood among them, and said to them, Peace be with you! I am; fear not. |
[37]ButG1161 they were terrifiedG4422[G5685] andG2532 affrightedG1719[G1096][G5637], and supposedG1380[G5707] that they had seenG2334[G5721] a spiritG4151. |
[37]And they were troubled, and were in fear; for they thought they beheld a spirit. |
[38]AndG2532 he saidG2036[G5627] unto themG846, WhyG5101 are yeG2075[G5748] troubledG5015[G5772]? andG2532 whyG1302 do thoughtsG1261 ariseG305[G5719] inG1722 yourG5216 heartsG2588? |
[38]Jeshu saith to them, Why are you perturbed, and why arise thoughts in your hearts? |
[39]BeholdG1492[G5628] myG3450 handsG5495 andG2532 myG3450 feetG4228, thatG3754 it isG1510[G5748] IG1473 myselfG846: handleG5584[G5657] meG3165, andG2532 seeG1492[G5628]; forG3754 a spiritG4151 hathG2192[G5719] notG3756 fleshG4561 andG2532 bonesG3747, asG2531 ye seeG2334[G5719] meG1691 haveG2192.[G5723] |
[39]Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I: feel me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as you see that I have. |
[40]AndG2532 when he had thusG5124 spokenG2036[G5631], he shewedG1925[G5656] themG846 his handsG5495 andG2532 his feetG4228. |
[40]And while these words he spake, he showed them his hands and his feet. |
[41]AndG1161 while theyG846 yetG2089 believed notG569[G5723] forG575 joyG5479, andG2532 wonderedG2296[G5723], he saidG2036[G5627] unto themG846, Have yeG2192[G5719] hereG1759 anyG5100 meatG1034? |
[41]And while they as yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said to them, Have you here somewhat to eat? |
[42]AndG1161 they gaveG1929[G5656] himG846 a pieceG3313 of a broiledG3702 fishG2486, andG2532 ofG575 an honeycombG3193.[G2781] |
[42]And they gave to him a portion of broiled fish, and of the comb of honey; |
[43]AndG2532 he tookG2983[G5631] it, and did eatG5315[G5627] beforeG1799 themG846. |
[43]And he took [and] did eat before their eyes. |
[44]AndG1161 he saidG2036[G5627] unto themG846, TheseG3778 are the wordsG3056 whichG3739 I spakeG2980[G5656] untoG4314 youG5209, whileG5607[G5752] I was yetG2089 withG4862 youG5213, thatG3754 all thingsG3956 mustG1163[G5748] be fulfilledG4137[G5683], whichG3588 were writtenG1125[G5772] inG1722 the lawG3551 of MosesG3475, andG2532 in the prophetsG4396, andG2532 in the psalmsG5568, concerningG4012 meG1700. |
[44]And he said to them, These are the words that I spoke with you while I was with you, that every thing must be fulfilled which is written in the law of Musha, and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning me. |
[45]ThenG5119 opened heG1272[G5656] theirG846 understandingG3563, that they might understandG4920[G5721] the scripturesG1124, |
[45]Then opened he their minds, that they might understand the scriptures. |
[46]AndG2532 saidG2036[G5627] unto themG846, ThusG3754[G3779] it is writtenG1125[G5769], andG2532 thusG3779 it behovedG1163[G5713] ChristG5547 to sufferG3958[G5629], andG2532 to riseG450[G5629] fromG1537 the deadG3498 the thirdG5154 dayG2250: |
[46]And he said to them, that so it is written, and so it was just, that the Meshicha should suffer, and should rise from among the dead in the three days, |
[47]AndG2532 that repentanceG3341 andG2532 remissionG859 of sinsG266 should be preachedG2784[G5683] inG1909 hisG846 nameG3686 amongG1519 allG3956 nationsG1484, beginningG756[G5671] atG575 JerusalemG2419. |
[47]And that in his name should be preached repentance and the forgiveness of sins among all nations, and that the commencement should be from Urishlem. |
[48]AndG1161 yeG5210 areG2075[G5748] witnessesG3144 of these thingsG5130. |
[48]And you are the witnesses of these. |
[49]AndG2532, beholdG2400[G5628], IG1473 sendG649[G5719] the promiseG1860 of myG3450 FatherG3962 uponG1909 youG5209: butG1161 tarryG2523[G5657] yeG5210 inG1722 the cityG4172 of JerusalemG2419, untilG2193 yeG3739 be enduedG1746[G5672] with powerG1411 fromG1537 on highG5311. |
[49]And I will send upon you the promise of my Father. But await you in Urishlem the city until you be clothed with power from on high. |
[50]AndG1161 he ledG1806[G5627] themG846 outG1854 as far asG2193 toG1519 BethanyG963, andG2532 he lifted upG1869[G5660] hisG846 handsG5495, and blessedG2127[G5656] themG846. |
[50]And he brought them out unto Bethania, and lifted up his hands, and blessed them. |
[51]AndG2532 it came to passG1096[G5633], whileG1722 heG846 blessedG2127[G5721] themG846, he was partedG1339[G5627] fromG575 themG846, andG2532 carried upG399[G5712] intoG1519 heavenG3772. |
[51]And it was that while he blessed them, he was separated from them, and he ascended to the heavens. |
[52]AndG2532 theyG846 worshippedG4352[G5660] himG846, and returnedG5290[G5656] toG1519 JerusalemG2419 withG3326 greatG3173 joyG5479: |
[52]And they worshipped him, and returned to Urishlem with great joy. |
[53]AndG2532 wereG2258[G5713] continuallyG1275 inG1722 the templeG2411, praisingG134[G5723] andG2532 blessingG2127[G5723] GodG2316. AmenG281. |
[53]And at all time were they in the temple, praising and blessing Aloha. Amen.
Finished is the Holy Gospel of Lukos the Evangelist. |