Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]? on Sunday but at dawn while it was dark they came to the place burial they brought spices these that prepared they had and there were with them women other [No book]
[2]And they found the stone that was rolled from the house burial [No book]
[3]And they entered and not they found the body of Ieshu [No book]
[4]And it was that while these wondered at this behold two men stood over them and shining was their clothing [No book]
[5]And they were in fear and they bowed their faces to the ground and they were saying to them why? seeking are you The Life among the dead [No book]
[6]He is not here has risen He remember when He spoke with you as He was in Galilee [No book]
[7]And said He going is The Son of Man to be delivered into the hands of men sinners and He shall be crucified and the third day He shall arise [No book]
[8]And these women remembered His words [No book]
[9]And they returned from the tomb and they were saying these things all to the eleven and to the rest [No book]
[10]They were but Maryam Magdalitha and Yohanna and Maryam the mother of Yaqob and the rest who were with them these things who told had to the apostles [No book]
[11]And appeared in their eyes words these as insane and not they believed them [No book]
[12]Shimeon but arose and ran to the tomb and beholding he saw the linen that was placed by itself and he went while wondering in his soul over what had happened [No book]
[13]And behold two of them on that day going were to the village whose name is Emmaus and it is distant from Jerusalem furlongs sixty [No book]
[14]And they speaking were one with another about these all things that had occurred [No book]
[15]And while they were talking and inquiring one with another came He Ieshu and He met them and walking He was with them [No book]
[16]And their eyes closed shut had been lest they would recognize Him [No book]
[17]And He said to them what? are matters these of which speaking you are one with another as walking you are and gloomy you are [No book]
[18]Answered one of them whose name Qliopa and He said to Him You are? indeed by Yourself a foreigner to Jerusalem that not know You the thing that occurred in it in those days [No book]
[19]He said to them what? they were saying to Him concerning Ieshu He was Who from Natsareth a Man Who was The Prophet and mighty He was in word and in deed before Alaha and before the whole nation [No book]
[20]And delivered Him Chief the Priests and The Elders to the sentence of death and they crucified Him [No book]
[21]We but hoping had been that was going He to deliver Israel and behold it is three days behold from when these things all occurred [No book]
[22]But also women among us stupefied us gone before they had for to the place of burial [No book]
[23]And when not they found His body they came they were telling us that angels we saw there and they were saying about Him that alive He is [No book]
[24]Also some of us went to the house of burial and they found thus according to what said the women Him but not they saw [No book]
[25]Then said to them Ieshu Oh! deficient minds and dull hearts to believe in all those things that spoke the prophets [No book]
[26]Not? was these things necessary it that would endure The Messiah and that He enter His glory [No book]
[27]And began He from Moshe and from all of The Prophets and expounded He to them about Himself from all of the scriptures [No book]
[28]And arrived they at village that going they were to which and He announcing was to them how to a place distant going He was [No book]
[29]And they constrained Him and they were saying to Him stay with us because the day now is declining it to become dark and He entered to stay with them [No book]
[30]And it happened that when He reclined with them He took bread and He blessed and He broke and He gave to them [No book]
[31]And at once were opened their eyes and they recognized Him and He ascended Himself from them [No book]
[32]And saying they were one to another not? was our heart stupid it within us when He was speaking with us on the road and He expounded to us the scriptures [No book]
[33]And they arose in that hour and they returned to Jerusalem and they found the eleven who were assembled and those who were with them [No book]
[34]When they were saying truly has risen our Lord and He has appeared to Shimeon [No book]
[35]Also they related those things that occurred on the road and how He was known to them when He broke the bread [No book]
[36]And when these things speaking they were Ieshu stood in their midst and He said to them peace with you I I not be afraid [No book]
[37]And they were alarmed and they were in fear thinking they were for that a spirit they were seeing [No book]
[38]And said to them Ieshu why? are shaken you and why? arise imaginations in your hearts [No book]
[39]See My hands and My feet that It is I touch Me and know that a spirit flesh and bones has not to it as see you that there are to Me [No book]
[40]And when these things He had said He showed them His hands and His feet [No book]
[41]And as until this moment not believing they were from their joy and astonished they were He said to them is? with you here anything to eat [No book]
[42]They so gave to Him a piece of fish that was roasted and of a comb of honey [No book]
[43]And He took He ate in their sight [No book]
[44]And He said to them these are the words that I spoke with you when with you I was that must be it fulfilled every thing that is written in the law of Moshe and in The Prophets and in the Psalms about Me [No book]
[45]Then he opened their mind to understand the scriptures [No book]
[46]And He said to them thus it is written and thus righteous it was to suffer for The Messiah and to arise from among the dead the third day [No book]
[47]And that would be preached in His Name a repentance for the forgiveness of sins in all of the nations and the beginning would be at Jerusalem [No book]
[48]And you are witnesses of these things [No book]
[49]And I shall send upon you the promise of My Father you but stay in Jerusalem the city until you shall be clothed in power from on high [No book]
[50]And He brought them unto BaythAnya and He lifted His hands and He blessed them [No book]
[51]And it was that as He blessed them He was separated from them and He ascended to Heaven [No book]
[52]They but worshipped Him and they returned to Jerusalem in Joy great [No book]
[53]And at all times they were in the temple while they were praising and they were blessing to Alaha Amen [No book]