[1]ישׁוע דינ כד מלא רוחא דקודשׁא הפכ מנ יורדננ ודברתה רוחא לחורבא |
[1]Ieshu but when being full of The Spirit of Holiness He returned from the Jordan and led Him The Spirit to the wilderness |
[2]יומתא ארבעינ דנתנסא מנ אכלקרצא ולא לעס מדמ בהנונ יומתא וכד שׁלמ אנונ לחרתא כפנ |
[2]Days forty that He would be tempted by The Devil and not He ate anything in those days and when He had finished them at the end He was hungry |
[3]ואמר לה אכלקרצא אנ ברה אנת דאלהא אמר לכאפא הדא דתהוא לחמא |
[3]And said to him The Devil if The Son You are of Alaha say to stone this that it shall become bread |
[4]ענא ישׁוע ואמר לה כתיב הו דלא הוא בלחמא בלחוד חיא ברנשׁא אלא בכל פתגמ דאלהא |
[4]Answered Ieshu and said to him is written by bread alone lives a son of man it that not it is but by every statement of Alaha |
[5]ואסקה סטנא לטורא רמא וחויה כלהינ מלכותא דארעא בעדנא זעורא |
[5]And took Him up Satan to a mountain high and he showed Him all the kingdoms of the earth in a time short |
[6]ואמר לה אכלקרצא לכ אתל שׁולטנא הנא כלה ושׁובחה דלי משׁלמ ולמנ דאצבא יהב אנא לה |
[6]And said to Him The Devil to You I shall give authority this all and its glory for to me it is delivered and to whomever I want give I it |
[7]אנ הכיל תסגוד קדמי דילכ נהוא כלה |
[7]If therefore You will worship before me Yours will be all |
[8]ענא ישׁוע ואמר לה כתיב הו דלמריא אלהכ תסגוד ולה בלחודוהי תפלוח |
[8]Answered Ieshu and said to him is written it that the Lord your Alaha you shall worship and Him only you shall serve |
[9]ואיתיה לאורשׁלמ ואקימה על כנפא דהיכלא ואמר לה אנ ברה אנת דאלהא ארמא נפשׁכ מכא לתחת |
[9]And he brought Him to Jerusalem and he stood Him on the pinnacle of the temple and he said to him if The Son You of Alaha cast Yourself from here down |
[10]כתיב גיר דלמלאכוהי נפקד עליכ דננטרונכ |
[10]It is written for His angels He will will command concerning You that they will protect You |
[11]ועל דרעיהונ נשׁקלונכ דלא תתקל רגלכ בכאפא |
[11]And upon their arms they will carry You lest You should strike Your foot on a stone |
[12]ענא דינ ישׁוע ואמר לה אמיר הו דלא תנסא למריא אלהכ |
[12]Answered but Ieshu and He said to him has been said it that not you shall tempt the Lord your Alaha |
[13]וכד שׁלמ אכלקרצא כלהונ נסיונוהי פרק מנ לותה עד זבנא |
[13]And when had finished The Devil all of them his temptations he departed from His presence until a time |
[14]והפכ ישׁוע בחילא דרוחא לגלילא ונפק עלוהי טבא בכלה אתרא דחדריהונ |
[14]And returned Ieshu in the power of The Spirit to Galila and went out about Him a report in every place around them |
[15]והו מלפ הוא בכנושׁתהונ ומשׁתבח הוא מנ כל אנשׁ |
[15]And He teaching was in their assemblies and being praised He was by every person |
[16]ואתא לנצרת איכא דאתרבי ועל איכנא דמעד הוא לכנושׁתא ביומא דשׁבתא וקמ למקרא |
[16]And He came to Natsareth where He had been raised and entered just as accustomed He was the synagogue on the day of the Sabbath and He stood up to read |
[17]ואתיהב לה ספרא דאשׁעיא נביא ופתח ישׁוע ספרא ואשׁכח דוכתא איכא דכתיב |
[17]And was given to Him a scroll of Isaiah the prophet and opened Ieshu the scroll and He found the place where it is written |
[18]רוחה דמריא עלי ומטל הדא משׁחני למסברו למסכנא ושׁלחני למאסיו לתבירי לבא ולמכרזו לשׁביא שׁובקנא ולעוירא חזיא ולמשׁררו לתבירא בשׁובקנא |
[18]The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me and because of this He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor and He has sent Me to heal broken hearts and to proclaim to captives liberty and to the blind vision and to restore the depressed with forgiveness |
[19]ולמכרזו שׁנתא מקבלתא למריא |
[19]And to proclaim the era acceptable to the Lord |
[20]וכרכ ספרא ויהבה למשׁמשׁנא ואזל יתב כלהונ דינ דבכנושׁתא עיניהונ חירנ הוי בה |
[20]And He rolled up the scroll and He gave it to the minister and He went He sat down all of them but who were in the synagogue their eyes fixed they were on Him |
[21]ושׁרי למאמר לותהונ דיומנא אשׁתלמ כתבא הנא באדניכונ |
[21]And He began to say to them this day is fulfilled scripture this in your ears |
[22]וסהדינ הוו לה כלהונ ומתדמרינ הוו במלא דטיבותא דנפקנ הוי מנ פומה ואמרינ הוו לא הוא הנא בר יוספ |
[22]And testifying they were to it all of them and amazed they were at the words of grace that come out had from His mouth and saying they were not? is this the son of Yoseph |
[23]אמר להונ ישׁוע כבר תאמרונ לי מתלא הנא אסיא אסא נפשׁכ וכל דשׁמענ דעבדת בכפרנחומ עבד אפ הרכא במדינתכ |
[23]Said to them Ieshu doubtless you will say to Me proverb this physician heal yourself and everything that we are hearing that You have done in Kapernakhum do also here in Your town |
[24]הו דינ אמר אמינ אמר אנא לכונ דלית נביא דמתקבל במדינתה |
[24]He but said amen say I to you there is not a prophet who is received in his town |
[25]שׁררא גיר אמר אנא לכונ דסגי ארמלתא אית הוי באיסריל ביומי אליא נביא כד אתתחדו שׁמיא שׁנינ תלת וירחא שׁתא והוא כפנא רבא בכלה ארעא |
[25]Truly for say I to you that many widows there were in Israel in the days of Elia the prophet when were shut the heavens years three and months six and there was hunger great in all the land |
[26]ולות חדא מנהינ לא אשׁתדר אליא אלא לצרפת דצידנ לות אנתתא ארמלתא |
[26]And unto one of them not was sent Elia but to Tsarepta of Tsidon unto a woman a widow |
[27]וסגיאא גרבא אית הוו בית איסריל ביומי אלישׁע נביא וחד מנהונ לא אתדכי אלא אנ נעמנ ארמיא |
[27]And many lepers there were among Israel in the days of Elisha the prophet and one of them not was purified but only Naaman The Aramaean |
[28]וכד שׁמעו הלינ הנונ דבכנושׁתא אתמליו חמתא כלהונ |
[28]And when they heard these things they who were in the synagogue were filled with rage all of them |
[29]וקמו אפקוהי לבר מנ מדינתא ואיתיוהי עדמא לגבינא דטורא הו דמדינתהונ בניא הות עלוהי דנשׁדוניהי מנ שׁקיפא |
[29]And they arose and they thrust Him outside from the city and they brought Him unto the ridge of the mountain that on which the city built had been upon it to cast Him from the precipice |
[30]הו דינ עבר בינתהונ ואזל |
[30]He but passed through the midst of them and He departed |
[31]ונחת לכפרנחומ מדינתא דגלילא ומלפ הוא להונ בשׁבא |
[31]And He went down to Kapernakhum a city of Galila and teaching He was them on the Sabbath |
[32]ותמיהינ הוו ביולפנה דמשׁלטא הות מלתה |
[32]And astonished they were at His teaching for of authority was His word |
[33]ואית הוא בכנושׁתא גברא דאית הוא בה רוחא דשׁאדא טנפא וזעק בקלא רמא |
[33]And there was in the synagogue a man who had in him spirits of demons filthy and he cried in a voice loud |
[34]ואמר שׁבוקיני מא לנ ולכ ישׁוע נצריא אתית למובדותנ ידע אנא לכ מנ אנת קדישׁה דאלהא |
[34]And he said let us alone what to us and to You Ieshu Nazarene have You come? to destroy us know I You Who You are the Holy One of Alaha |
[35]וכאא בה ישׁוע ואמר סכור פומכ ופוק מנה ושׁדיהי שׁאדא במצעתא ונפק מנה כד לא סרח בה מדמ |
[35]And rebuked it Ieshu and He said shut your mouth and come out from him and threw him the demon in the midst and it came out from him while not it did harm to him any |
[36]ותמהא רבא אחד לכלנשׁ וממללינ הוו עמ חדדא ואמרינ מנא הי כי מלתא הדא דבשׁולטנא ובחילא פקדא לרוחא טנפתא ונפקנ |
[36]And astonishment great gripped everyone and speaking they were with one another and they were saying what? is indeed word this for with authority and with power He commands the spirits foul and they come out |
[37]ונפק עלוהי טבא בכלה אתרא דחדריהונ |
[37]And went out about Him a report in the whole region that was around them |
[38]וכד נפק ישׁוע מנ כנושׁתא על לביתה דשׁמעונ וחמתה דשׁמעונ אליצא הות באשׁתא רבתא ובעו מנה מטלתה |
[38]And when went out Ieshu from the synagogue He entered the house of Shimeon and the mother in law of Shimeon afflicted was with fever great and they besought Him for her sake |
[39]וקמ לעל מנה וכאא באשׁתה ושׁבקתה ומחדא קמת ומשׁמשׁא הות להונ |
[39]And He arose over her and He rebuked her fever and it left her and at once she arose and waiting on she was them |
[40]מערבי שׁמשׁא דינ כלהונ אילינ דאית הוא להונ כריהא דכריהינ בכורהנא משׁחלפא איתיו אנונ לותה הו דינ על חד חד מנהונ אידה סאמ הוא ומאסא הוא להונ |
[40]Was setting the sun but all of them those who had to them who were sick of their sicknesses with diseases various they brought them to Him He but on each one of them His hand laid He and healed He them |
[41]ונפקינ הוו אפ שׁאדא מנ סגיאא כד מזעקינ ואמרינ דאנת הו משׁיחא ברה דאלהא וכאא הוא בהונ ולא שׁבק הוא להונ דנאמרונ דידעינ דהויו משׁיחא |
[41]And going out were also demons from many as they screamed and they were saying You are the Messiah The Son of Alaha and rebuking He was them and not allowing was them to say that they knew that He was the Messiah |
[42]ולצפרה דיומא נפק אזל לה לאתרא חורבא וכנשׁא בעינ הוו לה ואתו עדמא לותה ואחדוהי דלא נאזל לה מנ לותהונ |
[42]And at the dawn of the day He went out He went Himself to a place deserted and the crowds seeking were Him and they came unto to His Presence and they held to Him that not should depart He from their presence |
[43]הו דינ ישׁוע אמר להונ דאפ למדינתא אחרניתא ולא לי למסברו מלכותה דאלהא דעל הדא הו אשׁתדרת |
[43]Himself but Ieshu said to them that also to cities other it is incumbant upon Me to proclaim the Kingdom of Alaha because for this it is I am sent |
[44]והו מכרז הוא בכנושׁתא דגלילא |
[44]And He preaching was in the synagogues of Galila |