[1]And called Ieshu the twelve and He gave to them power and authority over all of demons and diseases to heal the sick |
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[2]And he sent them to preach the Kingdom of Alaha and to heal the sick |
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[3]And He said to them a thing not you shall take not a staff neither a money bag for the road nor bread nor money neither two tunics will be with you |
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[4]And whatever house enter you it there stay and from there go out |
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[5]And to whomever does not receive you whenever leave you from city that also the sand from your feet shake against them for a testimony |
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[6]And went out the apostles and walking around they were in villages and in cities and preaching the good news they were and healing in every place |
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[7]Heard but Herodus the Tetrarch all the things that being done were by His hand and amazed he was because saying were people that Yokhanan had arisen from among the dead |
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[8]Others but saying were Elia has appeared and others that a prophet from the prophets ancient had risen |
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[9]And said Herodus the head of Yokhanan I have cut off who is? but this these things have heard I about whom and wanted He to see Him |
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[10]And when returned the Apostles they were relating to Ieshu everything they had done and He took them by themselves to a region deserted of Bayth-Tsayda |
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[11]The crowds but when they knew they went after Him and He received them and speaking He was with them about the Kingdom of Alaha and those who in need were of healing healed He |
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[12]When but began the day to decline came His disciples and they were saying to him dismiss the crowds that they will go to the villages surrounding and hamlets to lodge in them and to find for them provisions because in a place deserted we are |
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[13]Said to them Ieshu you give to them you food they but were saying there is not with us more than five loaves and two fish unless if we go and we buy provisions for this entire people |
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[14]Remaining there were for about five thousand men said to them Ieshu make recline them by groups fifty people in a group |
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[15]And did so the disciples and they made recline all of them |
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[16]And took Ieshu those five loaves and two fish and He gazed into the sky and He blessed and He broke and He gave to His disciples to set before the crowds |
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[17]And they ate all of them and they were satisfied they took up fragments the things that remained twelve large baskets |
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[18]And when He was praying alone and His disciples were with him He asked them and He said who is it? were saying about Me the crowds that I am |
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[19]They answered and they were saying to Him that Yokhanan the Baptizer and others Elia others but that a prophet one from the prophets ancient has risen |
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[20]He said to them you but who is it? are saying you that I am answered Shimeon and he said The Messiah of Alaha |
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[21]He but admonished them and He warned them that this to a person not they should say |
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[22]And He said to them was going He The Son of Man of many things to suffer and to be rejected by The Elders and Chief the Priests and the Scribes and they would murder Him and on the day third He would arise |
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[23]And said He before everyone whoever is willing to come after Me let him deny himself and let him take up his cross every day and let him come after Me |
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[24]Whoever for wills that his soul will be saved destroys it whoever but will give up his soul for My sake this one saves it |
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[25]What? for would benefit a son of man to gain the world whole his soul but destroy or lose it |
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[26]Whoever will be ashamed of Me but and of My words will be ashamed of that one The Son of Man whenever He comes in the glory of His Father with His angels holy |
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[27]The truth tell I you there are men who stand here who not will partake of death until they behold the Kingdom of Alaha |
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[28]It happened but after words these about eight days took Ieshu Shimeon and Yaqob and Yokhanan and He went up a mountain to pray |
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[29]And as He prayed was transformed the appearance of His face and His garments became white and shining they were |
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[30]And behold two men speaking were with Him who are Moshe and Elia |
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[31]Who appeared in glory speaking they were but about His departure which going was to be fulfilled in Jerusalem |
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[32]And dull they were to them with sleep Shimeon and those with him and with difficulty they awakened and they saw His glory and those two men who standing were with Him |
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[33]And when they began to part from Him said Shimeon to Ieshu Rabbi beautiful it is for us here to be and let us make three tabernacles for You one and for Moshe one and for Elia one and not knew he what he said |
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[34]And as he said these things there was a cloud and it formed a tabernacle about them and they were afraid when they beheld Moshe and Elia who entered into the cloud |
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[35]And a voice there was from the cloud that said This is My Son The Beloved Him hear |
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[36]And when had occurred the voice was found Ieshu alone and they were silent and a man not they told in those days anything that they had seen |
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[37]And it occurred the day after it as they descended from the mountain met them a crowd great |
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[38]And man one from crowd that called and he said Teacher beg I of you restore unto me my son the only child he is to me |
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[39]And a spirit suddenly comes upon him and from the silence he screams and gnashes his teeth and becomes ill and with difficulty departs from him whenever he attacks him |
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[40]And I begged of Your disciples to cast it out and not they could |
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[41]Answered but Ieshu and said Oh! generation without faith and perverse until when? shall I be with you and shall I endure you bring here your son |
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[42]And when he came near to him threw him down demon that and it convulsed him and rebuked Ieshu spirit that vile and He healed the boy and He gave him to his father |
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[43]And were astonished all of them at the majesty of Alaha and as everyone marveling was at everything that did Ieshu He said to His disciples |
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[44]Lay up you words these in your ears The Son for of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of the sons of men |
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[45]They but not understood saying this because hidden it was from them lest they should perceive it and afraid they were to ask Him about it about saying this |
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[46]And entered into them a reasoning of who was then great among them |
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[47]Ieshu but knew the thought of their heart and He took a boy and He stood him by Him |
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[48]And He said to them whoever receives a boy like this one in My Name Me that one receives and whoever Me receives receives The One Who sent Me whoever for is least among you all this one will be great |
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[49]And answered Yokhanan and he said our Master we saw a man who cast out a demon in your name and we forbade him for that not comes with us after You |
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[50]Said to them Ieshu not you shall forbid whoever for not has been against you for you is |
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[51]And it was that when were fulfilled the days of His ascent He prepared Himself to go to Jerusalem |
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[52]And He sent messengers before His face and they went they entered a village of Samaritans so as to prepare for Him |
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[53]And not they received him because His Person to Jerusalem determined was to go |
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[54]And when saw Yaqob and Yokhanan His disciples they were saying to Him our Lord want? you us to speak and will descend fire from Heaven and it will consume them as also Elia did |
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[55]And He turned and He rebuked them and He said not know you of which you are Spirit |
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[56]The Son for of Man not came to destroy lives but to give life and they went to them to villages other |
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[57]And as they were going on the road said to Him a man I shall come after You to the place to which go You my Lord |
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[58]Said to him Ieshu foxes dens have to them and birds of the sky shelters The Son but of Man there is not to Him where to lay His head |
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[59]And He said to another come after Me He but said to Him my Lord permit me first to go bury my father |
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[60]Said to him Ieshu let the dead bury their dead and you go announce the Kingdom of Alaha |
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[61]Said to Him another I shall come after You my Lord first but permit me to go say goodbye to my children of my house and I shall come |
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[62]Said to him Ieshu no man lays his hand on the plow of a yoke and gazes behind him and is fit for the kingdom of Alaha |
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