Peshitta NT (literal)
The Epistle of Barnabas
[1]The beginning of the gospel of Ieshu The Messiah the Son of Alaha [No book]
[2]As it is written in Isaiah the prophet behold shall send I My messenger before your presence to prepare your way [No book]
[3]A voice that cries in the wilderness prepare the way of The Lord the Lord and make level His paths [No book]
[4]Was Yohanan in the wilderness baptizing and preaching the baptism of repentance for the release of sins [No book]
[5]And going out were to him all the country of Judea and all the children of Jerusalem and baptized he them in the Jordan when they confessed their sins [No book]
[6]The same but Yohanan clothed was with clothing of hair of the camel and bound he was with a belt of leather at his waist and his food it was locusts and honey of the field [No book]
[7]And preaching he was and he said behold shall come after me He Who mightier than I is of Whom not worthy I am to stoop to loose the strap of His sandals [No book]
[8]I have immersed you in water He but will immerse you in The Spirit of Holiness [No book]
[9]And it was in days those came Ieshu from Nazareth of Galila and was immersed in the Jordan by Yohanan [No book]
[10]And at once as He came up from the waters He saw that were ripped opened the heavens and The Spirit as a dove Who was descending upon Him [No book]
[11]And a voice there was from the heavens You are My Son beloved with you I am delighted [No book]
[12]And at once drove Him The Spirit into the wilderness [No book]
[13]And he was there in the wilderness days forty when being tempted by Satan and he was with the animals and ministering were to Him the angels [No book]
[14]After was delivered up but Yohanan came to it Ieshu to Galila and preaching was the gospel of the kingdom of Alaha [No book]
[15]And He said has come to an end of itself time and has arrived the kingdom of Alaha repent and believe in the good news [No book]
[16]And when He walked around the Sea of Galila He saw Shimeon and Andraeus his brother who were casting a net into the sea they were for fishermen [No book]
[17]And said to them Ieshu come after Me and I will make you fishers of the children of men [No book]
[18]And at once they left their nets and they went after Him [No book]
[19]And when He passed by a little He saw Yaqob son of Zebedee and Yohanan his brother and also those in the ship who were setting in order their nets [No book]
[20]And he called them and at once they left Zebedee their father in the boat with the hired servants and they went after Him [No book]
[21]And when they entered Kapernakhum at once taught He on the Sabbath in their synagogue [No book]
[22]And dumbfounded they were at His teaching teaching He was them for as one having authority and not like their scribes [No book]
[23]And there was in their synagogue a man who had in him a spirit vile and he cried out [No book]
[24]And he said what? to us and to You Ieshu Nazarene have You come? to destroy us know I You Who You are The Holy One of Alaha [No book]
[25]And rebuked him Ieshu and said shut your mouth and come out from him [No book]
[26]And threw him down the spirit foul and he cried out in a voice loud and came out of him [No book]
[27]And were astonished all of them and inquiring they were one with another and they were saying what? is this and what is? teaching this new for with authority and even the spirits foul He commands and they obey Him [No book]
[28]And at once went out His fame in the whole region of Galila [No book]
[29]And they went out from the synagogue and they came to the house of Shimeon and Andraeus with Yaqob and Yohanan [No book]
[30]And the Mother-in-law of Shimeon lying ill was with fever and they told Him about her [No book]
[31]And he came near took her by her hand and raised her up and at once left her her fever and waiting she was on them [No book]
[32]In the evening but at the going down of the sun they brought to Him all of them who ill had been and the demon possessed [No book]
[33]And the city whole assembled was at the door [No book]
[34]And He healed multitudes who ill become had with diseases various and evil spirits many He cast out and not allow He did them the evil spirits to speak because know they did Him [No book]
[35]And in the morning early He arose very and went on to a place desolate and there prayed He [No book]
[36]And seeking were for him Shimeon and His companions [No book]
[37]And when they found Him they were saying to Him all of them the people are seeking You [No book]
[38]He said to them walk to the villages and to the cities near to us so that also there I may preach because of this for I have come [No book]
[39]And preaching He was in all their synagogues in all Galila and casting out demons [No book]
[40]And came to Him a leper and fell at His feet and begged he of Him and said to Him if are willing You are able You to make me clean [No book]
[41]Himself but Ieshu was moved with compassion for him and reaching out His hand He touched him and He said willing I am be cleansed [No book]
[42]And in it in the moment went his leprosy from him and he was cleansed [No book]
[43]And He reproved him and sent him out [No book]
[44]And He said to him see that not a man tell you but go show yourself to the priest and bring gifts for the sake of your being cleansed just as commanded Moshe for their testimony [No book]
[45]He but when he went out began he preaching much and he reported the event so that not able was Ieshu openly to enter the cities but outside He was in places deserted and coming they were to Him from every place [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com