Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And when He approached to Jerusalem on the side of Byth-Phage and Byth-Ania to The Mount of Olives He sent two of His disciples [No book]
[2]And He said to them go to village that opposite us and son of a moment that entering you are it will find you a colt that is tied that a man from the children of men not has ridden loose him bring him [No book]
[3]And if a man shall say to you why? doing are you this say to him that for our Lord he is required and at once he will send him here [No book]
[4]And they went they found the colt that was tied on the gate outside in the street and as they untied him [No book]
[5]People among those who were standing they said to them what? doing are you that untying you are the colt [No book]
[6]They but they said to them according to what commanded them Ieshu and they allowed them [No book]
[7]And they brought it the colt to Ieshu and they threw upon it their garments and rode upon him Ieshu [No book]
[8]Many but spreading were their coats in the road and others cutting were branches from trees and were spreading them in the road [No book]
[9]And those who were before Him and those behind him cheering were and they were saying Oshanna! blessed is He Who comes in His name of The Lord the Lord [No book]
[10]Blessed is the kingdom that comes of our father David Oshanna! in the highest [No book]
[11]And entered Ieshu to Jerusalem to the temple and He saw everything when it was but the time of evening He went out to Byth-Ania with the twelve [No book]
[12]And on day the next when He went out from Byth-Ania He was hungry [No book]
[13]And He saw fig tree one from a distance that is on it leaves and He came to it that perhaps He may find on it something and when He came not He found on it except only leaves the season for not was it of figs [No book]
[14]And He said to it from now and forever a man from you fruit not will eat and they heard His disciples and they came to Jerusalem [No book]
[15]And entered Ieshu to the temple of Alaha and He began that He should cast out those who bought and sold in the temple and overturned the tables of the money exchangers and the seats of those who were selling doves [No book]
[16]And not allowed He that a man should carry merchandise inside the temple [No book]
[17]And taught He and He said to them not? is it written that My house a house of prayer it shall be called for all of them the nations you but you have made it a den of robbers [No book]
[18]And they heard the chiefs of the priests and the scribes and seeking they were how they might destroy Him afraid they were for of Him because all the people awestruck were at His teaching [No book]
[19]And when it was evening they went out outside from the city [No book]
[20]And in the morning when passing by they saw fig tree that after it had dried up from its roots [No book]
[21]And remembered Shimeon and said to Him Rabbi behold fig tree that that You cursed has dried up [No book]
[22]And answered Ieshu and He said to them let there be in you the faith of Alaha [No book]
[23]Amen for say I to you that whoever shall say to mountain this that you be lifted up and fall into the sea and not will doubt in his heart but shall believe He that thing that he says shall be done to him anything that he says [No book]
[24]Because of this say I to you that every thing that praying you are and asking you are Believe that receiving you are and it shall be to you [No book]
[25]And whenever stand you to pray forgive the thing that is to you against a man so that also your Father Who is in Heaven may forgive to you your faults [No book]
[26]If but you not forgiving are neither your Father Who is in Heaven will forgive to you your faults [No book]
[27]And they came again to Jerusalem and when was walking He in the temple they came to Him the chiefs of the priests and the Scribes and the Elders [No book]
[28]And they were saying to Him by which? authority these things doing are you and who? gave to You authority this that these things you would do [No book]
[29]He but Ieshu said to them I will ask you also I matter one that you shall tell Me and I tell will to you by which authority these things doing I am [No book]
[30]The baptism of Yokhanan from where? is it from Heaven or from the sons of men Tell Me [No book]
[31]And they reasoned in themselves and they said that if we say to Him that from Heaven He will say to us and Why? not did you believe him [No book]
[32]And that we shoud say from ? the sons of men fear there is of the people all of them for holding were him Yokhanan that truly a prophet he is [No book]
[33]And they answered and they were saying to Him to Ieshu not we know He said to them also not I telling am I to you in which? authority these things do I [No book]