[1]And He began to speak with them in a parable a man certain planted a vineyard and he enclosed it with a hedge and dug in it a wine press and built in it a tower and gave its care to laborers and he went abroad |
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[2]And he sent to the workers his servant in time that from the fruits of the vineyard he might receive |
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[3]They but beat him and they sent him away while empty |
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[4]And he sent again to them servant another and also him threw rocks at him and cut him and he sent him away in shame |
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[5]And he sent again another also him they murdered and many servants other he sent and some of them they beat some of them but they murdered |
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[6]Finally but one a son beloved that was to him and he sent him unto them afterward he said for doubtless they will be ashamed before my son |
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[7]Those but laborers they said in themselves this is the heir Come we will kill him and will be ours the inheritance |
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[8]And they took and murdered him and they cast him outside of the vineyard |
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[9]What? therefore will do the lord of the vineyard he will come destroy those laborers and will give it the vineyard to others |
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[10]And not even? scripture this have you read the stone that rejected the builders it became to the head of the corner |
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[11]From the presence of The Lord the Lord was this and it is wonderful in our eyes |
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[12]And seeking they were to seize Him and they were afraid of the people they knew for that about the leaders He had spoken parable this and they left Him and they departed |
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[13]And they sent unto Him men from the scribes and from the house of Herodus that they might trap Him in His words |
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[14]Those but they came and they asked Him Teacher know we that true you are and not taken you are by anxiety for a man not for have regard you for the person of the sons of men but in truth the way of Alaha teach you is it lawful? to give money head to Qaesar or not shall we give? or not shall we give? |
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[15]He but knew their treachery and He said to them why? tempting are you Me bring to Me a penny I may see |
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[16]And they brought it He said to them whose is image this and writing? they but said Qaesar's |
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[17]Said to them Ieshu Qaesar's give to Qaesar and Alaha's to Alaha and marveled they at Him |
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[18]And came The Sadducees to Him those who say that a resurrection there is not and asking they were Him and they were saying |
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[19]Teacher Moshe wrote to us that if dies the brother of a man and he leaves a wife and children not leaves behind shall take his brother his wife and shall raise seed for his brother |
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[20]Seven brothers there were the first took a wife and he died and not left behind a son |
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[21]And the second took her and he died when also not he had left seed and the third likewise |
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[22]And the seven of them they took her and no they left seed after all of them she died also that woman |
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[23]In the resurrection therefore whose? among them will she be wife the seven for they took her |
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[24]Said to them Ieshu not? was it because of this err you because not know you the scriptures nor His mighty work of Alaha |
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[25]Whenever for they have arisen from those who have died not have they taken wives also not wives have been to men but they are like the angels in Heaven |
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[26]About the dead but that they rise not Have you read? in the scripture of Moshe how from the bush said to him Alaha I I The Alaha of Abraham and The Alaha of Iskhaq and The Alaha of Yaqob |
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[27]And not He was Alaha of the dead but of the living you therefore greatly erring are |
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[28]And approached one from the scribes and he heard them who were debating and he saw that beautifully He had returned them an answer and he asked Him which is? the commandment the first of all |
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[29]Said to him Ieshu the first of all of them the commandments hear Israel The Lord the Lord your Alaha The Lord the Lord One He is |
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[30]And you shall love The Lord the Lord your Alaha from all your heart and from all your soul and from all your mind and from all your power this is the commandment the first |
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[31]And the second that is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself commandment another that is greater than these there is not |
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[32]Said to Him that Scribe excellent Rabbi in truth You have spoken Because One He is and there is not another outside of Him |
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[33]And that shall love Him a man from all the heart and from all the mind and from all the soul and from all the power and to love his neighbor as himself more is than all burnt offerings and sacrifices |
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[34]Ieshu but seeing him that wisely he had returned an answer He answered and He said to him not you have been far from the kingdom of Alaha and not a man again dared to question Him |
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[35]And answered Ieshu and said when he taught in the temple How? are saying the Scribes that The Messiah the son is of David |
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[36]Himself for David said in The Spirit of Holiness said The Lord the Lord to my Lord sit you at My right until when I shall constitute Your enemies as a footstool under Your feet |
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[37]He therefore David He called Him my Lord and How? His son is He and whole the crowd listening was to Him with pleasure |
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[38]And in his teaching said He to them Beware of the Scribes who like that in robes they walk and love the greetings in the streets |
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[39]And chief the seats in the synagogue and top rooms at feasts |
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[40]They who devour the houses of widows for an offering of prolonging their prayers those shall receive the judgment the greater |
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[41]And when sat down Ieshu near house the treasure beheld he how the crowds cast money in house of treasure and many rich men casting in they were much |
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[42]And came widow one poor she cast in two minas that were a farthing [one quarter of a cent] |
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[43]And called Ieshu His disciples and He said to them amen say I to you that this widow poor more than all the men who cast in she has cast into the house of treasure |
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[44]All of them for from the things of the surplus to them they cast in this one but from her want every thing that was to her she cast in all her possessions |
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