Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]After but two days it was Passover of unleavened bread and seeking were Chief the Priests and the scribes how by treachery they would seize and they would kill Him [1]BUT after two days was the Petscha of unleavened cakes: and the chief priests and the Sophree sought how with guile they might apprehend and kill him.
[2]And saying they were not during the feast lest there be a tumult among the people [2]And they said, Not on the festival, lest there be a commotion among the people.
[3]And while He was in Byth-Ania in the house of Shimeon the potter when reclining came a woman who had with her an alabaster vase of ointment of spikenard the best very costly and she opened it and poured it on the head of Ieshu [3]And when he was at Bethania in the house of Shemun the leper, as he reclined, there came a woman who had with her a vase of the balsam of the choicest nard of great prices; and she opened it, and poured it upon the head of Jeshu.
[4]There were but men from the disciples whom it displeased to them in themselves and they said Why? was there the loss of this ointment [4]But there were men of the disciples who were displeased among themselves, and said, Why make destruction of this balsam?
[5]Possible it would have been for to sell for more than 300 Danarii and to be given to the poor and indignant they were at her [5]For it could have been sold for more than three hundred dinoreen, and given to the poor. And they were angry with her.
[6]He but Ieshu said let her alone why? troubling are you her a deed beautiful she has done for Me [6]But he, Jeshu, said, Let her alone; why do you trouble her? A good work hath she wrought upon me.
[7]At every time for the poor are to you with you and whenever desire you able you are that you may do to them what is good I but not always am with you [7]For in all time you have the poor with you, and, when you will, you can do them good; but I am not at all time with you.
[8]That which was to her this she has done and she has gone before so as for burial she anointed My body [8][With] that which was hers she hath done this, and beforehand as for the funeral she hath anointed my body.
[9]And amen say I to you that every where that will be preached My gospel this in all the world and also thing that she has done this shall be spoken in her memory [9]And Amen I say to you, That wheresoever my gospel shall be preached in the whole world, this also which she hath now done shall be told in memorial of her.
[10]Yehuda but Skariota one from the twelve went to Chief the Priests so as to betray Him to them Ieshu [10]But Jihuda Scarjuta, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests, to betray Jeshu to them:
[11]They but when they heard they rejoiced and they promised money they would give to him and sought he it opportunity to betray Him [11]And they when they had heard rejoiced, and promised silver to give him. And he sought to him opportunity to betray him.
[12]And on the day first of unleavened bread in which slaughter the Jews the Passover lamb they were saying to Him His disciples where? want do You that we shall go to prepare for You that You may eat The Passover [12]And the first day of the unleavened bread, in which the Jihudoyee sacrifice the Petscha, the disciples say to him, Where wilt thou that we go to prepare for thee to eat the Petscha?
[13]And he sent two of His disciples and said to them go to the city and behold will meet with you a man bearing a vessel of water go after him [13]And he sent two of his disciples, and said to them, Go to the city, and, observe, a man meeteth you bearing a vessel of waters. Go after him;
[14]And in the place he enters say to the lord of the house our Master says where is? the house chamber where I may eat with My disciples The Passover [14]And when he hath entered, say to the house-lord, Our Master saith, Where is the place of feasting, where I can eat with my disciples the Petscha?
[15]And behold he will show to you an upper room great which is laid out and prepared there make ready for us [15]And, behold, he showeth you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us.
[16]And went out His disciples and they came to the city and they found Just as He told them and they prepared the Passover [16]And the disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had told them: and they prepared the Petscha.
[17]And when it was evening He came with His twelve [17]And when it was evening he came with his twelve.
[18]And as they reclined and ate said Ieshu amen say I to you that one of you who eats with Me he will betray Me [18]And as they reclined and ate, Jeshu said to them, Amen I tell you, That one of you who eateth with me shall betray me.
[19]They but began to lose heart and they were saying to Him each one ? is it I? [19]But they began to be sad, and said to him one, one, Is it I?
[20]He but said to them one of the twelve who dips with Me in the dish [20]But he said to them, One of the twelve who dippeth with me in the dish.
[21]And The Son of Man goes Just as it is written about Him woe but to man that by whose hand is betrayed The Son of Man better it were for him for man that if not had been begotten [21]And the Son of man goeth, as it is written concerning him; but woe to that man by whom is betrayed the Son of man! It had been better for that man if he had not been born.
[22]And while they were eating took Ieshu bread and He blessed and He broke and He gave to them and He said to them take this is My body [22]And while they were eating, Jeshu took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them, and said to them, Take; this is my body.
[23]And He took a cup and He gave thanks and He blessed and He gave to them and they drank from it all of them [23]And he took the cup, and praised and blessed, and gave to them; and they drank of it, all of them.
[24]And He said to them this My blood of the Covenant New which in exchange for the many is shed [24]And he said to them, This is my blood of the new Covenant, which for many is shed.
[25]Amen say I to you that again not I shall drink from fruit of the vine until day that in which I shall drink it anew in the kingdom of Alaha [25]Amen I say to you, That again I will not drink from the fruit of the vine till that day in which I will drink it newly in the kingdom of Aloha.
[26]And they sang praises and they went out to the Mount of Olives [26]And they praised, and went forth to the mount of Olives.
[27]And said to them Ieshu all of you will be ashamed of Me in this night it is written for I shall smite The Shepherd and will be scattered His lambs [27]AND Jeshu said to them, All of you will be offended with me in this night: for it is written, I will strike the Shepherd, and scattered shall be his sheep.
[28]But when I am risen shall go before I you to Galila [28]But when I have arisen, I go before you into Galila.
[29]Said to Him Kaypha if all of them will be ashamed yet not I shall [29]Kipha saith to him, If all shall be offended with thee, yet I [will] not.
[30]Said to him Ieshu amen say I to you that you today in night this before will crow the rooster two times thrice you will renounce Me [30]Jeshu saith to him, Amen I tell thee, That thou, to-day, in this [very] night, before the cock shall crow, three times wilt deny me.
[31]He but all the more saying was that if it happens to me to be put to death with You not I shall renounce You My Lord and like him also all of them they spoke [31]But he the more said, If I shall die with thee, I will not deny thee, my Lord. And so also all of the disciples said.
[32]And they came to the place which is called Gathseman and He said to His disciples sit here while pray I [32]And they came to the place which is called Gedsimon; and he said to his disciples, Sit here until I have prayed.
[33]And He took with Him Kaypha andYaqob and Yokhanan and He began to be saddened and languid [33]And he took with him Kipha and Jacub and Juchanon, and began to be sorrowful and agonized.
[34]And He said to them sadness is to it to my soul unto death stay here and watch [34]And he said to them, My soul is afflicted unto death; wait for me here, and be watchful.
[35]And he approached a little and He fell on the ground and prayed He that if it were possible would pass from Him the hour [35]And he removed a little, and fell upon the earth, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.
[36]And He said Father My Father every thing can do You let pass from Me cup this but not My will Mine but Yours [36]And he said, Father, my Father, thou canst [do] every thing, cause to pass from me this cup: but not my will, but thine.
[37]And He came He found them when they were sleeping and said to Kaypha Shimeon are you sleeping? you not? were you able one hour to watch [37]And he came and found them sleeping: and he said to Kipha, Shemun, dost thou sleep? couldst thou not one hour watch?
[38]Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit is willing and prepared but the body is weak [38]Be wakeful and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit is willing and ready, but the body is infirm.
[39]And He went on again He prayed and the same words He said [39]And he went again, prayed, and said that word.
[40]And returning He came again He found them while they were sleeping because their eyes heavy were and not know they did what? they should say to Him [40]And he turned again, came and found them sleeping, because their eyes were made heavy, and they knew not what to say to him.
[41]And He came a third time and He said to them sleep now and take rest has arrived the end and has come the hour and behold is betrayed The Son of Man into the hands of sinners [41]And he came three times [the third time], and said to them, Sleep on, and be at rest. The end approacheth, and the hour cometh, and, behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
[42]Arise we will go behold approaches he who betrays Me [42]Arise, we will go; behold, he draweth nigh who betrayeth me.
[43]While he was speaking came Yehuda Scariota one of the twelve and people many with swords and clubs from the presence of Chief the Priests and the Scribes and The Elders [43]And while he was speaking, Jihuda Scarjuta, one of the twelve, came, and with him a multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the Sophree and the elders.
[44]And he had given to them a sign the traitor he who betrayed and said he Whom shall kiss I is He seize Him securely and bring Him [44]And the traitor who betrayed had given to them a sign, and said, He whom I shall kiss is He: take him carefully and lead him.
[45]And son of a moment he approached and he said to Him Rabbi Rabbi and he kissed Him [45]And immediately he approached, and said to him, Rabi, Rabi, and kissed him.
[46]Those but laid upon Him hands and they seized Him [46]Then they laid on him their hands and seized him.
[47]One but from those who were standing drew a sword and hit the servant of the high Priest and took off his ear [47]But one of those who stood drew a sword, and struck the servant of the high priest, and took off his ear.
[48]He but Ieshu answered and said to them as against a band of robbers have you gone out? with swords and with clubs that you might seize Me [48]But Jeshu answered and said to them, As against a robber are you come out against me, with swords and with staves to apprehend me?
[49]Every day with you I was when taught I in the temple and not you did seize Me but that may be fulfilled the scriptures has happened this [49]Every day with you was I teaching in the temple, and ye did not take me; but to fulfil the scriptures this is done.
[50]Then forsook Him His disciples and they fled [50]Then his disciples forsook him and fled.
[51]And young man one come had after Him and he was clothed with a cloth he was naked and they seized him [51]But a certain youth followed him, and he was covered [with] a linen cloth, naked; and they laid hold on him:
[52]He but left the cloth and fled naked [52]But he left the linen cloth, and escaped naked.
[53]And they brought Him Ieshu to Qaiapha high the Priest and gathered to Him all of them Chief the Priests and the Scribes and the Elders [53]And they led Jeshu to Kaiapha, chief of the priests: and were gathered together to him all the chief priests and the scribes and the elders.
[54]Shimeon but from a distance coming was after Him until within the courtyard of High the Priest and sat down he with the servants and warmed himself near the fire [54]But Shemun from afar came after him, until within the court of the chief of the priests: and he sat with the servants, and warmed [himself] at the fire.
[55]Chief the Priests but and all their assembly seeking were against Ieshu testimony that they might put Him to death and not they were able [55]But the chief priests and all the assembly of them sought against Jeshu testimony to put him to death, but they found not.
[56]While many for testifying were against Him not worthy was their testimony [56]For when many bore witness against him, their testimonies were not equal.
[57]People but rose up against Him testifying of lies and they said [57]But men rose up against him, witnesses of falsehood, and said,
[58]We we have heard Him say I destroy shall temple this that is made with hands and in three days shall build I another that not is made with hands [58]We heard him say, I dissolve this temple which is made with hands, and in three days I build another not made with hands.
[59]Neither but in like manner worthy was their testimony [59]But neither so was their testimony equal.
[60]Stood up High the Priest in the center and asked Him Ieshu and said not? return you an answer why? are testifying against You these [60]And the chief of the priests arose in the midst, and questioned Jeshu, and said, Returnest thou no answer? what witness against thee these?
[61]He but silent was and anything not He answered him and again asked Him High the Priest and he said You are? The Messiah The Son of The Blessed One [61]But Jeshu was silent, and answered him nothing. And again the chief of the priests demanded, and said, Art thou the Meshicha, the Son of the Blessed?
[62]He but Ieshu said to him I I and you shall behold The Son of Man sitting at the right hand of The Power and comes on the clouds of Heaven [62]And he, Jeshu, said to him, I am: and you shall see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven.
[63]High the Priest but ripped in two his tunic and he said why? now are required for us witnesses [63]Then the chief of the priests tore his robe, and said, Why now seek we witnesses?
[64]Behold from His mouth you have heard the blasphemy How? does it appear to you they but all of them judged that deserved He death [64]Behold, from his own lips you have heard the blasphemy: how is it seen by you? And they all judged that he was guilty of death.
[65]And began the people spitting in His face and covering His face and hitting Him and they were saying prophesy and the guards hitting were Him on His jaw [65]And some began to spit on his person, and they struck him on his face, and did buffet him, saying, Prophesy! and the servitors struck him upon his cheeks.
[66]And while Shimeon underneath in the courtyard came handmaid a certain of High the Priest [66]And Shemun being below in the court, there came a certain damsel of the chief of the priests.
[67]She saw him that he warmed himself and she stared at him and she said to him also you with Ieshu were The Nazarene [67]She saw him as he warmed [himself], and knew him, saying to him, Thou also wast with Jeshu Natsroia.
[68]He but denied and said not know I what? saying you are and he went forth outside to the porch and crowed a rooster [68]But he denied, and said, I know not what thou sayest. And he went without into the vestibule; and the cock crew.
[69]And she saw him again handmaiden that and she began to say to those standing that also this one of them is [69]And again that damsel saw him, and she began to say to those who were standing, This man is also of them.
[70]He but again denied and after a little while again they who were standing said to Kaypha truly of them you are also for a Galilean you are and your speech is similar [70]But he again denied. And after a little while those who stood said to Kipha, Assuredly thou art from them, for thou art also a Galiloia, and thy speech is similar.
[71]He but begun had cursing and swearing not know I man this of whom speak you [71]But he began to imprecate and to swear, I know not this man of whom thou speakest.
[72]And in it in the moment crowed the cock the second time and was reminded Shimeon of the word of Ieshu Who said had to him before shall crow a cock two times thrice you will deny Me and he began to weep [72]And in the hour the cock crew the second time. And Shemun remembered the word that Jeshu had spoken to him, That before the cock should crow twice, three times thou shalt deny me. And he began to weep.
[14:1] Phatiree, "unleavened bread," in the plural; so called either from phatar, "to send forth, liberate," in allusion to the Exodus; or from the Arabic fatara, "to knead bread without leaven."
[14:61] Meshicha Bareh dambarka.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info