[1]Again but began He teaching on the side of the sea and were assembled unto him crowds great so that He would go up to sit Himself on a boat in the sea and all the crowd standing was on the land on the side of the sea |
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[2]And teaching He was them in the parables many and said He in his teaching |
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[3]Listen behold went out a sower to sow |
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[4]And when he sowed there was some that fell on the side of the road and came a bird and ate it |
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[5]Other seed but fell on the rock where there was not soil much and son of an hour it sprouted because there not was depth of soil |
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[6]When arose but the sun it was scorched and because there not were to it roots it dried up |
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[7]And another fell among the thorns and came up the thorns and they choked it and fruit not yielded |
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[8]Another but fell on ground good and came up and grew and it yielded fruit some of thirty and some of sixty and some of a hundred |
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[9]And said He whoever is to him ears that hear let him hear |
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[10]When they were but by themselves inquired of Him those with Him with the twelve about parable that |
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[11]And said to them Ieshu to you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of Alaha to outsiders but every thing in parables has been |
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[12]So that when seeing they shall see and not they shall see and when they are hearing they shall hear and not they shall understand unless perhaps they shall be converted and shall be forgiven to them their sins |
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[13]And He said to them not knowing you it parable this and how? all of them the parables shall you know |
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[14]The sower who sowed the word sowed |
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[15]These but upon the side of the road these are they who had been sown in them the word and when they heard at once came Satan and took away it the word that was sown in their hearts |
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[16]And those that upon the rock were sown these are they who when they have heard the word at once in joy receive it |
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[17]And there are not to them roots in themselves but of a time they abide and when there is distress or persecutions because of the word quickly they are offended |
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[18]And they among the thorns being sown these are those who have heard the word |
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[19]And the cares of world this and the deception of wealth and the rest of desires other are entering choking it the word and without fruit it becomes |
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[20]And they that in the ground good were sown these are they who are hearing the word and receive and yield fruit thirty-fold and sixty-fold and a hundred-fold |
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[21]And He said to them not one brings a lamp under a basket to be put or under the bed? not it upon a lampstand should be put? |
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[22]There is not for a thing that is covered that not shall be revealed and nothing that is in secret and not shall be discovered |
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[23]If a man is to him an ear so that he may hear let him hear |
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[24]And He said to them Take heed what are hearing you in that measure measuring you are it is measured to you and it is increased to you to those who hear |
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[25]Whoever has to him for it shall be given to him and whoever has not to him also that which he has it shall be taken from him |
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[26]And said He thus is the kingdom of Alaha like a man who may cast seed in the ground |
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[27]And he shall sleep and arise by night and by day and the seed grows and lengthens when he not is aware |
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[28]The earth for produces itself fruit first shall be the blade and after it the ear finally but the wheat the full in the ear |
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[29]Whenever ripens but the fruit at once comes the sickle because has arrived the harvest |
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[30]And He said what? shall resemble the kingdom of Alaha and in what? parable shall it be analogized |
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[31]Like a grain it is of mustard seed that which when it is sown in the ground least is of all of the grain seeds on the earth |
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[32]And when it is sown it comes up and becomes greater than all of them small herbs and produces branches great so that shall be able in its shade the birds to perch |
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[33]In parables like these speaking was Ieshu with them parables such as able they were to hear |
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[34]And without parables not speaking He was with them to His disciples but between Him and them expounded He all things |
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[35]And He said to them in that day in the evening let it pass over for us to the other side |
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[36]And they left the crowd and brought Him as in the ship He was and boats other there were with them |
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[37]And there was a storm great and the wind and waves beating were into the ship and close it was to being filled |
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[38]He but Ieshu on a pillow sleeping He was in the stern of the ship and they came awakened Him and they were saying to Him our Master not ? do you care? that are perishing we |
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[39]And He arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea stop shut up you and stopped the wind and there was calm weather great |
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[40]And He said to them Why? fearful are you so and why? is there not in you faith |
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[41]And they were afraid with fear great and saying they were one to another Who is? indeed This that the wind and the sea are obeying Him |
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