[1]And He came to the other side of the sea to the region of the Gadarenes |
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[2]And when He went out from the ship met with him from among tombs a man who is in him a spirit unclean |
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[3]And dwelt he among the tombs and with chains a man not able was to bind him |
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[4]Because ever when in shackles and in chains bound he had been the chains broken he had and the shackles cut apart he had and no man able was to subdue him |
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[5]And in every time in the night and in the daytime in the house of tombs and in the mountains he was and crying out was and he was cutting himself with a stone |
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[6]When he saw but Ieshu from a distance he ran and prostrated himself |
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[7]And he cried out in a voice loud and said what to me and to You Ieshu Son of Alaha most high adjure I you by Alaha that not you will torture me |
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[8]Said He had to him for come out from the son of man spirit foul |
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[9]And He had asked him What is? your name he said to Him Legion our name is because many we are |
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[10]And begged he of Him much that not He would send him outside of the region |
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[11]There was but there near the mountain a herd great of swine that were feeding |
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[12]And begging were from him those evil spirits and they were saying send us unto those swine that in them we may enter |
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[13]And He allowed them and went out the spirits these foul ones and entered into the swine and ran that herd to a precipice and fell into the sea about two thousand and they drowned in the sea |
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[14]And they who herding were them fled and told it in the city also in the villages and they went out to see the thing that had occurred |
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[15]And they came to Ieshu and they saw Him with him whom the evil spirits had possessed as he was clothed and reverent and sitting him who had been in him Legion and they were afraid |
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[16]And they related to them those who had seen how it had been with him whom the evil spirits had possessed and also about those swine |
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[17]And they began asking of Him that he would depart Himself from their coast |
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[18]And after He embarked the ship requesting was of Him he whom the evil spirits had possessed that with Him he would remain |
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[19]And not He allowed him but said to him go to your house to your people and relate to them the thing that has done for you The Lord the Lord and that He has had compassion upon you |
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[20]And He departed and began preaching in the ten cities the thing that had done for him Ieshu and all of them astounded were |
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[21]And after crossed over Ieshu in the ship to that other side again were assembled unto Him the crowds great while He was on the side of the sea |
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[22]And came one of the name Yoaresh from the rulers of the synagogue and when he had seen Him he fell at His feet |
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[23]And begging he was from Him greatly and he said to Him my daughter very sick has been made come lay Your hand upon her and she will be healed and she will live |
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[24]And went on with him Ieshu and close was to Him a crowd great and pressing they were upon Him |
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[25]A woman but a certain who there was with a flow of blood years twelve |
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[26]Who greatly had suffered from physicians many and had spent every thing that was to her and a thing not had been helped but even more she had been afflicted |
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[27]When she heard about Ieshu she came in the press of the crowd from behind Him she touched His garment |
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[28]Said she had for even if His garment touch I shall live I |
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[29]And at once dried up the fount of blood and she sensed in her body that she was healed from her plague |
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[30]Ieshu but at once knew in Himself that power had gone out from Him and He turned to the crowds and said who? has touched My garment |
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[31]And were saying to Him His disciples see you the crowd that is pressing against You and say? you who? has touched Me Me |
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[32]And gazing He was that He might see who this had done |
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[33]That but woman when because afraid and trembling for she knew what had happened to her she came she fell down before Him and told Him all the truth |
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[34]He but said to her My daughter your faith has given you life go in peace and be whole from your disease |
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[35]And while He was speaking they came who were of the house of the ruler of the assembly and they were saying your daughter has died why? now should trouble you the teacher |
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[36]Ieshu but heard the words which they spoke and He said to him the ruler of the assembly not you will fear only believe |
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[37]And not allowed a man that he should go with Him but Shimeon Kaypha and Yaqob and Yohanan the brother of Yaqob |
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[38]And they came to the house of him who was chief of the assembly and He saw those who were disturbed and weeping and wailing |
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[39]And He entered and He said to them why? disturbed are you and weeping the girl not has died but sleeping she is |
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[40]And laughing they were at Him He but put out all of them and He took the father of the girl and her mother and those who were with Him and entered the place where lying was the girl |
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[41]And He took by her hand of the girl and He said to her little girl arise |
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[42]And son of the moment arose the young girl and walking she was she was for a daughter of years twelve and astounded they were with astonishment great |
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[43]And He commanded them strictly that not a man should relate this and He said that they should give her food |
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