Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And He went out from there and came to the city and staying close were to Him His disciples [No book]
[2]And when it was the Sabbath He began to teach in the synagogue and many who heard were amazed and saying they were from where? to Him these things to this one and what? is this wisdom that is given to Him that mighty works like these by His hands should be done [No book]
[3]Not? was this the carpenter the son of Mary and brother of Yaqob and of Yose and of Yehuda and of Shimeon and not? are His sisters here with us and suspicious they were of Him [No book]
[4]And said to them Ieshu there is not a prophet who is despised except if in his city and among his kindred and in his house [No book]
[5]And not able He was that He should do there even not one powerful work except only upon sick ones a few He laid His hand and healed [No book]
[6]And astonished He was at the lack of their faith and going around He was in the villages as He taught [No book]
[7]And He called His twelve and He began that He would send them two by two and He gave to them authority over spirits filthy that they may cast out [No book]
[8]And He commanded them that not they may take anything on the road except perhaps a staff only no bag and no bread and no copper in their purses [No book]
[9]But they would wear sandals and not they should wear two tunics [No book]
[10]And He said to them into whatever house that entering you are there stay until departing you are from there [No book]
[11]And all whoever not shall receive you and not shall hear you when leave you from there shake off the dust that is on the soles of your feet for their testimony and amen say I to you that it shall be tranquil for Sodom and for Emora in the day of judgment rather than for city that [No book]
[12]And went out they and they preached that they should be converted [No book]
[13]And evil spirits many casting out they were and anointing they were with oil the sick many and healing they were [No book]
[14]And heard Herodus the king about Ieshu known was to him for His name and he said He was Yokhanan the baptizer he has risen from among the dead because of this mighty works are performed by him [No book]
[15]Others saying were that Elia He is and others that a prophet He is like one from the prophets [No book]
[16]When heard but Herodus he said Yokhanan He is whose I cut off His head he has arisen from among the dead [No book]
[17]He for Herodus sent had he seized Yokhanan and bound him in the house of prisoners for the sake of Herodia the wife of Phillip his brother her whom he had taken [No book]
[18]Said had for Yokhanan to Herodus that not it is lawful for you that you take the wife of your brother [No book]
[19]She but Herodia threatening was him and willing she was to kill him and not was able she was [No book]
[20]Herodus for afraid had been of Yokhanan because known he had that a man he was a righteous one and a holy one and protected he him and many things heard he had from him and did service and pleasantly heard he him [No book]
[21]And it was a day notable when Herodus in the house of his birth a supper made he for his nobles and for the captains and the leaders of Galila [No book]
[22]And entered the daughter of Herodia she danced and she pleased him Herodus and those who were reclining with him and said the king to the girl Ask of me anything that desire you and I shall give it to you [No book]
[23]And he swore to her anything that you shall ask I shall give to you up to the half of my kingdom [No book]
[24]She but went out and she said to her mother what? shall I ask him she said to her the head of Yokhanan the baptizer [No book]
[25]And at once she entered with diligence to the king and she said to him want I in this hour that you shall give to me on a dish the head of Yokhanan the baptizer [No book]
[26]And it grieved him much the king because of but the oath and because of the dinner guests not he was willing that he should deprive her [No book]
[27]But at once sent the king the executioner and commanded that he shall bring the head of Yokhanan and he went he cut off his head of Yokhanan in the house of prisoners [No book]
[28]And he brought on a plate and he gave to the girl and that girl gave to her mother [No book]
[29]And heard his disciples and they came they took his corpse and they placed in a house of burial [No book]
[30]And were gathered the apostles in the presence of Ieshu and they told Him everything whatever they had done and everything whatever they had taught [No book]
[31]And He said to them come you we shall go to the country alone and rest yourselves a little ? there were for many who were going and coming and there not was for them a place even not to eat [No book]
[32]And they went to a place desolate in a ship by themselves [No book]
[33]And saw them many as they were going and they recognized them and on land they ran from all the cities before Him to that place [No book]
[34]And went forth Ieshu seeing the crowds great and He was moved with pity on them for like they were sheep without for them a shepherd and began He to teach them many things [No book]
[35]And when was the time advanced came near to Him His disciples and they were saying to Him that this a place desolate is and the time is advanced [No book]
[36]Dismiss them that they may go to the market that they may go around also to the villages and they shall buy for themselves bread there is not to them for anything to eat [No book]
[37]He but said to them give them you food they were saying to Him shall we go? shall we buy? of two hundred denarii bread and give to them to eat [No book]
[38]He but said to them go see how many loaves are to you here and when they looked they were saying to Him five loaves and two fish [No book]
[39]And He commanded them that they seat everyone those sitting would be sitting on the grass [No book]
[40]And they were seated those sitting were sitting by hundred hundred and by fifty fifty [No book]
[41]And He took those five loaves and two fish and gazed into heaven and He blessed and He broke the bread and He gave to His disciples that they may set before them and those two fish they divided for all of them [No book]
[42]And they ate all of them and they were filled [No book]
[43]And they took the fragments twelve baskets when they were filled and from the fish [No book]
[44]They were but who ate the bread five thousand men [No book]
[45]And at once He urged His disciples that they board the ship and go before Him to the other side to Bayth-Tsayda while sent away He the multitude [No book]
[46]And when He had sent away them He went to a mountain to pray [No book]
[47]When it had but become evening the boat ? was in the middle of the sea and He alone on land [No book]
[48]And He saw them that thay were laboring as they were rowing the wind for against them it was in the watch fourth of the night came to join them Ieshu as He was walking on the sea and wanted He to pass by them [No book]
[49]They but they saw Him that He was walking on the water and they thought to themselves that a vision He was false or public and they cried out [No book]
[50]All of them for saw Him and were afraid and son of a moment He spoke with them and said to them take heart I I not be afraid [No book]
[51]And He came up to join them in the ship and ceased the wind and greatly astonished they were and wondered in their souls [No book]
[52]Not for they recognized had from the bread Him because their heart hardened was [No book]
[53]And when they had crossed to the other side they came to the land of Genesar [No book]
[54]And when they went out from the boat son of a moment recognized Him the men of the place [No book]
[55]And they ran in all land that and they began to bring those who sick had become as they were carrying them in litters to the place where hearing they were that He was [No book]
[56]And wherever He entered had a village or a city in the streets laying they were the sick and begging were from Him even if the fringe of His garment they might touch and all those who touching were it healed were [No book]