[1]And they gathered around him The Pharisees and the Scribes who had come from Jerusalem |
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[2]And they saw some of His disciples who were eating bread when not having washed their hands and they found fault |
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[3]All of them for the Judeans and The Pharisees if are who carefully not wash their hands not eat because they keep the tradition of the elders |
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[4]And from the marketplace unless they bathe not do eat and many other things are those that they had received that they may keep the washings of cups and of pots and of vessels copper and of beds |
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[5]And they asked Him the Scribes and Pharisees Why? your disciples not do walk according to the tradition of the elders but while not having washed their hands they are eating bread |
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[6]He but said to them beautifully prophesied of you Eshaia the prophet receivers of faces just as it is written people this with its lips is honoring me their heart is but very far from Me |
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[7]And in vain they pay reverence to Me as they teach doctrines of the commandments of the children of men |
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[8]You forsake for the commandments of Alaha and keep you the traditions of the sons of men washings of cups and pots and many such things these like |
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[9]He said to them well reject you the commandment of Alaha that you may establish your traditions |
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[10]Moshe for said to honor your father and your mother and whoever reviles father and mother the death he shall die |
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[11]You but saying are if shall say a man to his father or to his mother my offering is anything that from me you shall gain |
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[12]And not allow you him that he should do anything for his father or his mother |
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[13]And rejecting you are the word of Alaha because of the traditions that you deliver and that are like these things many things doing you are |
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[14]And called Ieshu to the crowds all and He said to them hear Me all of you and understand |
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[15]There is not anything outside of a son of man that also enters him that can defile him except the thing that proceeds from him that is defiling a son of man |
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[16]Whoever ? has an ear that hears let him hear |
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[17]When but entered Ieshu the house from the crowds they asked Him His disciples about parable that |
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[18]He said to them so even you stupid are? not? knowing you that every thing that from outside entering a son of man not can defile him |
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[19]Because not it his heart enters but his belly and is discharged in excretion which purifies all foods |
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[20]The thing but that proceeds from a son of man that is defiling a son of man |
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[21]From within for from the heart of the children of men proceed ideas evil adultery fornication theft murder |
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[22]Greed wickedness deceit harlotry an eye evil blasphemy boasting senselessness |
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[23]These all evils from within are proceeding and are defiling him a son of man |
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[24]From there arose Ieshu and came to the coast of Tsur and of Tsidon and He entered house a certain and not He wanted had that a man would know Him and not He was able to be hidden |
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[25]At once for heard a woman certain about Him whose had daughter a spirit unclean and she came falling before His feet |
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[26]She but a woman ? was a pagan from Phuniqa of Surya and begging she was of Him that He would cast out the demon from her daughter |
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[27]And said to her Ieshu Let first be filled the children not it is for right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the dogs |
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[28]She but answered and she said to Him Yes my lord even the dogs from under the table eat the crumbs from the children |
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[29]Said to her Ieshu Go because of this saying has gone out it the demon from your daughter |
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[30]And she went to her house and she found her daughter while lying in bed and had been cast out from her the demon |
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[31]Again went out Ieshu from the coast of Tsur and Tsidon and He came to the sea of Galila in the coast of Ten Cities |
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[32]And they brought to Him a deaf man a certain who was dumb and begged they Him that He would lay upon him hands |
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[33]And He drew him aside from the crowd alone and put His fingers in his ears and spat and He touched his tongue |
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[34]And He gazed into heaven and He groaned and He said to him Be opened |
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[35]? and in that moment were opened his ears and was released a bond of his tongue and he spoke distinctly |
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[36]And He warned them that a man not they should tell and as much as that which warned He them they the more proclaiming it were |
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[37]And exceedingly astonished they were and they were saying that every thing beautifully He has done the deaf He has made to hear and him who not was speaking to speak |
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