Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And said He to them amen say I to you that there are men who are standing here who not shall taste death until they will behold the kingdom of Alaha that is coming with powerful works [No book]
[2]And after six days led Ieshu Kaypha and Yaqob and Yokhanan and took up them to a mountain high by themselves and He was transfigured to their eyes [No book]
[3]And shining was His garment and became white very like snow in a manner the sons of men to whiten in the earth not are not able [No book]
[4]And appeared to them Elia and Moshe while they were speaking with Ieshu [No book]
[5]And said to him Kaypha Rabbi beautiful it is to us that here we should be and let us make three tabernacles for You one and for Moshe one and for Elia one [No book]
[6]Not but knew he what he said they were for in awe [No book]
[7]And there was a cloud and a shelter it was about them and a voice from the cloud that said This is My Son The Beloved Him hear [No book]
[8]And from the stillness afterward gazed up the disciples a man not they saw except Ieshu alone with them [No book]
[9]And when they descended from the mountain commanded He to them that a man not they shall tell anything that they saw but only when rises the Son of Man from the dead [No book]
[10]And they seized the statement in themselves and inquiring they were what? is this statement that when He rises from among the dead [No book]
[11]And asking they were Him and they were saying why? therefore are saying the Scribes that Elia must come first [No book]
[12]He said to them Elia comes first that all things he may restore and just as it is written about the Son of Man much he will suffer and he will be rejected [No book]
[13]But say I to you that also Elia has come and they did to him everything whatever they wanted Just as it is written about him [No book]
[14]And when He came to the disciples He saw among them the crowds great and the Scribes when debating with them [No book]
[15]And son of a moment all the crowds saw Him and they were astounded and they ran they invoked peace [No book]
[16]And asking He was the scribes what? debating are you with them [No book]
[17]Answered one from the crowds and said Teacher I brought my son unto You who is to him a spirit that not is speaking [No book]
[18]And whenever it comes upon him it throws him and beats him and he gnashes his teeth and he wastes away and I spoke to Your disciples that they might cast it out and not they were able [No book]
[19]Answered Ieshu and said to him Oh! generation without faith until when? shall I be with you until when? shall I endure you bring him to Me [No book]
[20]And they brought him to Him and when saw Him the spirit son of a moment he threw him and he fell on the ground and was convulsed he and he foamed [No book]
[21]Asked Ieshu his father how long? to him a time now from that thus it is he said to Him now from his childhood [No book]
[22]And times many it has thrown him into fire and into water that it may destroy him but anything can do you help me and have mercy on me [No book]
[23]Said to him Ieshu if able you are that you shall believe every thing can happen to the one who believes [No book]
[24]And son of a moment cried out his father of the boy while he wept and said believe I my lord help the lack of my faith [No book]
[25]When saw but Ieshu that ran the people and gathered near Him He rebuked that spirit unclean and He said to it spirit deaf that not does speak I commanding am you go out from him and again not you shall enter him [No book]
[26]And screamed demon that greatly and pounded him and went out and he was like a dead person so many were saying that was dead he [No book]
[27]Did but Ieshu take him by his hand and raised him up [No book]
[28]When entered but the house Ieshu they asked Him His disciples among themselves Why? we not we were able to cast it out [No book]
[29]He said to them this sort in anything not can come out except by a fast and by prayer [No book]
[30]And when He went out from there passing through they were Galila and not wanted He that a man would recognize Him [No book]
[31]Teaching He was for His disciples and He said to them The Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of men and they will kill Him and when He has been killed on day three He shall rise [No book]
[32]Those but not understanding were that saying and afraid they were that they should ask Him [No book]
[33]And they came to Kapernakhum and when they entered to the house asked He them What? reasoning were you in the road among yourselves [No book]
[34]They but silent they were arguing they had been for on the road one with another who is? greatest among them [No book]
[35]And sat down Ieshu and He called the twelve and said to them He who wants to be first shall be last and a servant of every person [No book]
[36]And He took a boy a certain and stood him in the midst and took him on His shoulders and He said to them [No book]
[37]Everyone whoever shall receive such as this boy in My Name Me he is receiving and whoever Me receives not has Me received if not Him Who has sent Me [No book]
[38]Said to him Yokhanan Rabbi we saw a man who was casting out demons in your name and we forbade him on the account that not he went out with us [No book]
[39]Said to them Ieshu do not forbid him there is not for a man who does a powerful work in My Name and can soon speak about Me badly [No book]
[40]Whoever not is therefore against you for you is [No book]
[41]Everyone but who will give you to drink a cup of water only in the name that one who belongs to The Messiah you are amen say I to you that not he shall lose his reward [No book]
[42]And everyone who shall stumble one from these little ones who are believing in Me better it were for him if set were a millstone of a donkey around his neck and he were cast in the sea [No book]
[43]If but stumbles you your hand cut it off better it is for you maimed that you enter The Life than when there are to you two hands that you go to Gehenna [No book]
[44]Where their worm not dies and their fire not is quenched [No book]
[45]And if your foot stumbles you cut it off better it is for you that you enter The Life crippled than when there are to you two feet that you fall into Gehenna [No book]
[46]Where their worm not dies and their fire not is quenched [No book]
[47]And if your eye stumbles you pluck it out better it is for you that with one of your eyes you enter the kingdom of Alaha than when there are to you two eyes you fall in the Gehenna of fire [No book]
[48]Where their worm not dies and their fire not is quenched [No book]
[49]Everything for with fire will be seasoned and every sacrifice with salt will be seasoned [No book]
[50]Excellent is salt if but salt becomes tasteless with what? shall it be seasoned there shall be in you salt and at peace be one with another [No book]