Peshitta NT (literal)
The Gospel of Barnabas
[1]Book of The Genealogy of Ieshu The Messiah The Son of David The Son of Abraham [No book]
[2]Abraham begot Isaaq Isaaq begot Yaqob Yaqob begot Yehuda and his brothers [No book]
[3]Yehuda begot Phares and Zarah from Tamar Phares begot Hetsron Hetsron begot Aram [No book]
[4]Aram begot Aminadab Aminadab begot Nahshon Nahshon begot Salmon [No book]
[5]Salmon begot Boaz from Rakhab Boaz begot Obayd from Ruth Obayd begot Jesse [No book]
[6]Jesse begot David The King David begot Solomon from the wife of Uria [No book]
[7]Solomon begot Rehoboam Rehoboam begot Abia Abia begot Asa [No book]
[8]Asa begot Yehoshaphat Yehoshaphat begot Yoram Yoram begot Uzzia [No book]
[9]Uzzia begot Yotham Yotham begot Akhaz Akhaz begot Hezekiah [No book]
[10]Hezekiah begot Menashe Menashe begot Amon Amon begot Yoshiah [No book]
[11]Yoshiah begot Yokania and his brothers in the captivity Of Babel [No book]
[12]From after the captivity but of Babel Yokania begot Shelathiel Shelathiel begot Zorubabel [No book]
[13]Zorubabel begot Abiud Abiud begot Eliakim Eliakim begot Azor [No book]
[14]Azor begot Zadoq Zadoq begot Akin Akin begot Eliud [No book]
[15]Eliud begot Eliazer Eliazer begot Matthan Matthan begot Yaqob [No book]
[16]Yaqob begot Yoseph the guardian of Maryam her from whom was begotten Ieshu Who is called The Messiah [No book]
[17]All therefore generations from Abraham until David generations fourteen and from David until the captivity of Babel generations fourteen and from the captivity of Babel until The Messiah generations fourteen [No book]
[18]The birth but of Ieshu The Messiah thus was when engaged she was Maryam His mother to Yoseph before they would have a conjugal relation she was found pregnant from The Spirit of Holiness [No book]
[19]Yoseph but her lord righteous was and not he wanted to expose her and considering was that secretly he would divorce her [No book]
[20]As these things but he considered appeared to him The Angel of the Lord in a dream and said to him Yoseph son of David do not be afraid to take Maryam your woman He for Who is begotten in her from The Spirit is of Holiness [No book]
[21]She shall bear but a Son and she will call His name Ieshu He for will save His people from their sins [No book]
[22]This but all happened that should be fulfilled the thing that was spoken from the Lord by the prophet [No book]
[23]Behold the virgin shall conceive and she shall bear a Son and they will call His Name Emmanuail which is translated is with us our Alaha [No book]
[24]When arose but Yoseph from his sleep he did according to that which commanded him The Angel of the Lord and he took his wife [No book]
[25]And not he knew her sexually until she delivered Him her Son the firstborn and she called His name Ieshu [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com