[1]At that time walking was Ieshu on the Sabbath in the place of grain and His disciples were hungry and they began plucking the ears of grain and they were eating |
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[2]The Pharisees but when they saw them they were saying to Him behold Your disciples are doing something that not is legal to do on The Sabbath |
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[3]He but said to them not? have you read what? did David when he was hungry and those with him |
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[4]How? he entered the house of Alaha and the bread of the table of the Lord he ate that which not legal was for him to eat neither for those who were with him but rather for the priests only |
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[5]Or not have you read? in The Torah that the priests in the temple profane it the Sabbath and without blame are |
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[6]Say I to you but One greater than the temple is here |
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[7]If but known you had what this is? mercy want I and not a sacrifice not condemned you would have those who without blame are |
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[8]The Lord for of the Sabbath is The Son of Man |
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[9]And departed from there Ieshu and He came to their synagogue |
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[10]Man one there was there whose was withered his hand and asking they were Him and they were saying Is it legal on the Sabbath to heal so that ? they might accuse Him |
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[11]He ? said to them who is? among you the man who is to him sheep one and if it falls into a pit on the day of The Sabbath not he will take hold and lift out it |
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[12]How much? but greater is a son of man than a sheep therefore legal it is on the Sabbath to do what is good |
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[13]Then He said to that man stretch out your hand and he stretched out his hand and it was restored like his other |
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[14]And went out The Pharisees and counsel they took against Him so that they might destroy Him |
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[15]Ieshu but knew and moved He from there and went after him crowds great and He healed all of them |
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[16]And He warned them that not they should reveal Him |
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[17]That it should be fulfilled the thing that was spoken by Isaiah the prophet which says |
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[18]Behold My Servant in Whom I delight in Him My Beloved for Whom has longed for Him My Soul My Spirit I shall put upon Him and judgment to the nations He will preach |
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[19]Not He will dispute neither will he cry out nor a man will hear His voice in the streets |
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[20]A reed fractured not He will break off and the lamp that flickers not He will extinguish until He will bring the verdict of innocence |
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[21]And in His Name the nations will hope |
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[22]Then they brought to Him demoniac a certain mute and blinded and He healed him so that the mute and blind man could speak and could see |
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[23]And astounded they were all of them the crowds and they were saying not? this is the Son of David |
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[24]The Pharisees but when they heard they were saying This One not casts out demons except by Beelzebub the prince of demons |
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[25]Ieshu but knew their designs and He said to them every kingdom that is divided against itself will be destroyed and every house and city that is divided against itself not will stand |
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[26]And if Satan Satan casts out against himself he has been divided how? therefore will stand his kingdom |
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[27]And if I by Beelzebub casting out am demons your sons by whom? do they cast out them because of this they will be to you judges |
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[28]And if by The Spirit of Alaha I casting out am demons has come near it unto you the Kingdom of Alaha |
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[29]Or How? a man is able that he should enter the house of a mighty man and his goods should plunder unless only first he would bind him the mighty man and then his house he may plunder |
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[30]Whoever not is with Me against Me is and whoever not gathers with Me to scatter is scattering |
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[31]Because of this say I to you that all sins and blasphemies they will be forgiven to the children of men the blasphemy but that is against The Spirit not will be forgiven to the children of men |
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[32]Everyone who will say a word against The Son of Man it will be forgiven to him everyone but who against The Spirit of Holiness will talk not it will be forgiven to him not in world this and not in the world that is being prepared |
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[33]Either make the tree good and its fruit good or make the tree bad and its fruit bad from its fruit is for known a tree |
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[34]Offspring of vipers how? are able you good things to speak who evil are from the fullness of the heart for speaks the mouth |
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[35]A man good from a treasure good brings good things and a man evil from treasure evil brings evil things |
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[36]Say I to you for that every word idle that will say ? children of men they will give an answer for it in the day of judgment |
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[37]By your words for you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned |
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[38]Then responded some of the Scribes and of the Pharisees and they were saying to Him Teacher wish we to see from you a sign |
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[39]He but answered and said to them a generation evil and adulterous a sign seeks and a sign not will be given to it except the sign of Yonan the prophet |
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[40]Just as for was Yonan in the belly of the fish three days and three nights thus will be The Son of Man in the heart of the earth three days and three nights |
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[41]The men Ninevite will arise in the judgment with generation this and will condemn it for they repented at the preaching of Yonan and behold One greater than Yonan is here |
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[42]The queen of the South will arise in the judgment with generation this and will condemn it for she came from the ends of the earth that she might hear the wisdom of Solomon and behold One greater than Solomon is here |
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[43]Whenever but a spirit vile goes out from a son of man it wanders about in places where water there is no in them and it seeks rest and not it does find |
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[44]Then it says I shall return to my house from where I came out and it goes finding that it is empty and swept and decorated |
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[45]Then it goes bringing with it seven spirits other than it worse and they enter and they dwell in it and becomes the end of man that worse than his beginning thus it will be done to it to generation this evil |
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[46]When He but was speaking to the crowds they came his mother and his brothers standing outside and seeking to speak with Him |
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[47]Said to Him but a man behold Your mother and brothers are standing outside and want to speak with You |
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[48]He but answered and said to him who told Him who? is My mother and who? are My brothers |
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[49]And He stretched His hand to His disciples and said behold My mother and behold My brothers |
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[50]Everyone for who does the will of My Father Who is in Heaven the same is My brother and My sister and My mother |
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