The Bishops' Bible (1568)
Byzantine GNT Majority Text (2000)
[1]At that tyme Herode the Tetrarch, hearde of the fame of Iesu [1]εν εκεινω τω καιρω ηκουσεν ηρωδης ο τετραρχης την ακοην ιησου
[2]And sayde vnto his seruauntes: this is Iohn the Baptist, he is risen from the dead, and therfore great workes do shewe foorth them selues in hym [2]και ειπεν τοις παισιν αυτου ουτος εστιν ιωαννης ο βαπτιστης αυτος ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και δια τουτο αι δυναμεις ενεργουσιν εν αυτω
[3]For Herode had taken Iohn, and bounde hym, and put hym in prison, for Herodias sake, his brother Philips wyfe [3]ο γαρ ηρωδης κρατησας τον ιωαννην εδησεν αυτον και εθετο εν φυλακη δια ηρωδιαδα την γυναικα φιλιππου του αδελφου αυτου
[4]For Iohn sayde vnto hym: it is not lawfull for thee to haue her [4]ελεγεν γαρ αυτω ο ιωαννης ουκ εξεστιν σοι εχειν αυτην
[5]And when he woulde haue put hym to death, he feared the people: because they counted hym as a prophete [5]και θελων αυτον αποκτειναι εφοβηθη τον οχλον οτι ως προφητην αυτον ειχον
[6]But when Herodes birth day was kept, the daughter of Herodias daunsed before them, and pleased Herode [6]γενεσιων δε αγομενων του ηρωδου ωρχησατο η θυγατηρ της ηρωδιαδος εν τω μεσω και ηρεσεν τω ηρωδη
[7]Wherfore he promised with an othe, that he woulde geue her whatsoeuer she woulde aske [7]οθεν μεθ ορκου ωμολογησεν αυτη δουναι ο εαν αιτησηται
[8]And she, beyng instruct of her mother before, sayde: geue me here Iohn Baptistes head in a platter [8]η δε προβιβασθεισα υπο της μητρος αυτης δος μοι φησιν ωδε επι πινακι την κεφαλην ιωαννου του βαπτιστου
[9]And the kyng was sory: Neuerthelesse, for the othes sake, and them which sate also at the table, he commaunded it to be geuen her [9]και ελυπηθη ο βασιλευς δια δε τους ορκους και τους συνανακειμενους εκελευσεν δοθηναι
[10]And sent, and beheaded Iohn in the pryson [10]και πεμψας απεκεφαλισεν τον ιωαννην εν τη φυλακη
[11]And his head was brought in a platter, and geuen to the damsell: and [she] brought it to her mother [11]και ηνεχθη η κεφαλη αυτου επι πινακι και εδοθη τω κορασιω και ηνεγκεν τη μητρι αυτης
[12]And his disciples came, and toke vp his body, and buryed it: and went, and tolde Iesus [12]και προσελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου ηραν το σωμα και εθαψαν αυτο και ελθοντες απηγγειλαν τω ιησου
[13]When Iesus hearde of it, he departed thence in a shyp, vnto a desert place, out of the way: And when the people had hearde therof, they folowed hym on foote out of the cities [13]και ακουσας ο ιησους ανεχωρησεν εκειθεν εν πλοιω εις ερημον τοπον κατ ιδιαν και ακουσαντες οι οχλοι ηκολουθησαν αυτω πεζη απο των πολεων
[14]And Iesus went foorth, and sawe much people: and was moued with mercye towarde them, and he healed their sicke [14]και εξελθων ο ιησους ειδεν πολυν οχλον και εσπλαγχνισθη επ αυτοις και εθεραπευσεν τους αρρωστους αυτων
[15]And when the euen drewe on, his disciples came to hym, saying: this is a desert place, and the hour is nowe past, let the people depart, that they may go into the townes, and bye them vittels [15]οψιας δε γενομενης προσηλθον αυτω οι μαθηται αυτου λεγοντες ερημος εστιν ο τοπος και η ωρα ηδη παρηλθεν απολυσον τους οχλους ινα απελθοντες εις τας κωμας αγορασωσιν εαυτοις βρωματα
[16]But Iesus sayde vnto them: They haue no nede to go away, geue ye them to eate [16]ο δε ιησους ειπεν αυτοις ου χρειαν εχουσιν απελθειν δοτε αυτοις υμεις φαγειν
[17]They saye vnto hym: we haue here but fyue loaues, and two fisshes [17]οι δε λεγουσιν αυτω ουκ εχομεν ωδε ει μη πεντε αρτους και δυο ιχθυας
[18]He sayde: bryng them hyther to me [18]ο δε ειπεν φερετε μοι αυτους ωδε
[19]And he commaunded the people to sit downe on the grasse, and he toke the fyue loaues, and the two fisshes, and lift vp his eyes towarde heauen, & blessed: And when he had broken [them], he gaue the loaues to his disciples, and his disciples to the people [19]και κελευσας τους οχλους ανακλιθηναι επι τους χορτους λαβων τους πεντε αρτους και τους δυο ιχθυας αναβλεψας εις τον ουρανον ευλογησεν και κλασας εδωκεν τοις μαθηταις τους αρτους οι δε μαθηται τοις οχλοις
[20]And they dyd all eate, and were suffised. And they gathered vp (of the fragmentes that remayned) twelue baskets full [20]και εφαγον παντες και εχορτασθησαν και ηραν το περισσευον των κλασματων δωδεκα κοφινους πληρεις
[21]And they that had eaten, were about fyue thousande men, besyde women and chyldren [21]οι δε εσθιοντες ησαν ανδρες ωσει πεντακισχιλιοι χωρις γυναικων και παιδιων
[22]And strayghtway Iesus constrayned his disciples to get vp into a shippe, and to go before hym vnto the other syde, whyle he sent the people away [22]και ευθεως ηναγκασεν ο ιησους τους μαθητας εμβηναι εις το πλοιον και προαγειν αυτον εις το περαν εως ου απολυση τους οχλους
[23]And when the people were sent away, he went vp into a mountayne alone to pray: And when nyght was come, he was there hym selfe alone [23]και απολυσας τους οχλους ανεβη εις το ορος κατ ιδιαν προσευξασθαι οψιας δε γενομενης μονος ην εκει
[24]But the shippe was nowe in the middes of the sea, & was tost with waues: for it was a contrary wynde [24]το δε πλοιον ηδη μεσον της θαλασσης ην βασανιζομενον υπο των κυματων ην γαρ εναντιος ο ανεμος
[25]And in the fourth watch of the nyght, Iesus went vnto them, walkyng on the sea [25]τεταρτη δε φυλακη της νυκτος απηλθεν προς αυτους ο ιησους περιπατων επι της θαλασσης
[26]And when the disciples sawe hym walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, it is a spirite: and they cryed out for feare [26]και ιδοντες αυτον οι μαθηται επι την θαλασσαν περιπατουντα εταραχθησαν λεγοντες οτι φαντασμα εστιν και απο του φοβου εκραξαν
[27]But strayght way, Iesus spake vnto them, saying: be of good cheare, it is I, be not afrayde [27]ευθεως δε ελαλησεν αυτοις ο ιησους λεγων θαρσειτε εγω ειμι μη φοβεισθε
[28]Peter aunswered hym, and sayde: Lorde, yf it be thou, byd me come vnto thee, on the water [28]αποκριθεις δε αυτω ο πετρος ειπεν κυριε ει συ ει κελευσον με προς σε ελθειν επι τα υδατα
[29]And he sayde: come. And when Peter was come downe out of the shippe, he walked on the water, to go to Iesus [29]ο δε ειπεν ελθε και καταβας απο του πλοιου ο πετρος περιεπατησεν επι τα υδατα ελθειν προς τον ιησουν
[30]But when he sawe a myghty wynde, he was afrayde: And when he began to sincke, he cryed, saying, Lorde saue me [30]βλεπων δε τον ανεμον ισχυρον εφοβηθη και αρξαμενος καταποντιζεσθαι εκραξεν λεγων κυριε σωσον με
[31]And immediatly Iesus stretched foorth his hande, and caught hym, and sayde vnto hym: O thou of litle fayth, wherefore diddest thou doubt [31]ευθεως δε ο ιησους εκτεινας την χειρα επελαβετο αυτου και λεγει αυτω ολιγοπιστε εις τι εδιστασας
[32]And when they were come into the shippe, the wynde ceasse [32]και εμβαντων αυτων εις το πλοιον εκοπασεν ο ανεμος
[33]Then they that were in the shippe, came and worshypped hym, saying: of a trueth thou art the sonne of God [33]οι δε εν τω πλοιω ελθοντες προσεκυνησαν αυτω λεγοντες αληθως θεου υιος ει
[34]And when they were gone ouer, they came into the lande of Gennezaret [34]και διαπερασαντες ηλθον εις την γην γεννησαρετ
[35]And when the men of that place, had knowledge of hym, they sent out into all that countrey rounde about: and brought vnto hym all that were sicke [35]και επιγνοντες αυτον οι ανδρες του τοπου εκεινου απεστειλαν εις ολην την περιχωρον εκεινην και προσηνεγκαν αυτω παντας τους κακως εχοντας
[36]And besought hym, that they myght touche the hemme of his garment only: And as many as touched [it] were made whole [36]και παρεκαλουν αυτον ινα μονον αψωνται του κρασπεδου του ιματιου αυτου και οσοι ηψαντο διεσωθησαν
Source: studybible.org
Author: Maurice A. Robinson, William G. Pierpont
Source: unboundbible.org

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