Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]At that but time heard Herodus the Tetrarch the fame of Ieshu [No book]
[2]And he said to his servants This is Yokhanan the Baptizer he has arisen from house of the dead because of this miracles are done by Him [No book]
[3]That for Herodus seized had Yokhanan and bound him and cast him into the house of prisoners because of Herodia wife of Phillipus his brother [No book]
[4]Said had to him for Yokhanan that not it is lawful that she should be to you the wife [No book]
[5]And he wanted had to kill him and afraid he was of the people who as prophetic they holding they were him [No book]
[6]When it was but at the house of the birth of Herodus danced the daughter of Herodia before the dinner guests and she pleased himself Herodus [No book]
[7]Because of this in an oath he swore to her that he would give her anything that she would ask [No book]
[8]She but because instructed she had been by her mother she had said give me here in a dish the head of Yokhanan the Baptizer [No book]
[9]And it saddened him the king because of but the oath and the guests he commanded that it be given to her [No book]
[10]And he sent cutting off the head of Yokhanan in the house of prisoners [No book]
[11]And was brought his head in a dish and it was given to the girl and she brought it to her mother [No book]
[12]And they came his disciples they took his corpse they performed a burial and they came they informed Ieshu [No book]
[13]Ieshu but when heard He departed from there by ship to a region desert alone and when heard the crowds they went after him by land from the cities [No book]
[14]And came down Ieshu seeing the crowds great and He was moved with pity for them and He healed their sick [No book]
[15]When it was but evening they came to join Him His disciples and they said to Him place a desert this is and the time has passed it dismiss the crowds of people so they will go to the villages and they will buy for themselves food [No book]
[16]He but said to them not it is necessary for them to go give them you to eat [No book]
[17]They but they said to Him there is nothing with us here but five loaves and two fish [No book]
[18]Said to them Ieshu bring them to Me here [No book]
[19]And He commanded the crowds to recline on the ground and He took those five loaves and two fish and gazed in Heaven and He blessed and He broke and He gave to His disciples and those things the disciples placed before the crowds [No book]
[20]And they ate all of them and were satisfied and they collected the remainder of the fragments twelve baskets after they were filled [No book]
[21]Those but men who ate being were thousand five apart from the women and children [No book]
[22]And at once He compelled His disciples to embark the ship and they would go before Him to the other side while sent away He the crowds [No book]
[23]And when He had sent away the crowds He went up to a mountain alone to pray and when it was dark alone He was there [No book]
[24]And the ship distant it was from land furlongs many while it was tossed greatly from the waves the wind for against it was [No book]
[25]In the watch but fourth of the night came unto them Ieshu while He was walking on the water [No book]
[26]And they saw Him His disciples that He was walking on the water and they were alarmed and saying they were that a vision it is false and from their fear they cried out [No book]
[27]He but Ieshu immediately spoke with them and He said take heart I I not you shall be afraid [No book]
[28]And answered Kaypha and he said to Him my Lord if You are He command me to come unto You on the water [No book]
[29]Ieshu but said to him come and went down Kaypha from the ship and he walked on the water to come to Ieshu [No book]
[30]And when he saw the wind was violent he was afraid and he began to sink and he raised his voice and he said my Lord save me [No book]
[31]And son of a moment stretched out His hand our Lord and He held him and He said to him O' small of faith why? did you doubt [No book]
[32]And when they came up into the ship stopped the wind [No book]
[33]And they came they who were in the ship they worshipped Him and they said truly The Son You are of Alaha [No book]
[34]And they traveled and they came to the land of Genessar [No book]
[35]And recognized Him the men of place that and they sent to all villages around them and they brought to Him all of them those who sick very were [No book]
[36]And beseeching they were from Him to touch even the edge only of His garment and those who touched were healed [No book]