[1]Then came unto Ieshu the Pharisees and the Scribes who were from Jerusalem and they were saying |
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[2]Why? Your disciples transgress against the tradition of the elders and not they wash their hands whenever they eat bread |
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[3]Answered Ieshu and said to them why? also you are transgressing you against the commandment of Alaha for the sake of your traditions |
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[4]Alaha for said honor your father and your mother and whoever reviles his father and his mother to die let him die |
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[5]You but saying are everyone who will say to father or to mother my offering is anything that you may profit from me and not he will honor his father or his mother |
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[6]And you nullify the word of Alaha because of traditions your |
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[7]Accepters of persons well prophesied against you Isaiah and said |
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[8]People this with its lips is honoring Me their heart but very is far from Me |
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[9]And in vain they revere Me while they teach doctrines of the commandments of the sons of men |
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[10]And He called the crowds and said to them hear and understand |
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[11]Not it is the thing that enters the mouth defiling a man but the thing that proceeds from the mouth that is defiling a man |
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[12]Then approached His disciples and they were saying to Him know? You that The Pharisees who heard saying this were indignant |
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[13]He but answered and said to them every plant which that not has planted My Father Who is in Heaven will be destroyed |
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[14]Let alone them blind they are guides of the blind a blind man but a blind man if leads both into a pit will fall |
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[15]And he answered Shimeon Kaypha and said to Him my Lord explain to us parable this |
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[16]He but said to them until now also you not? understanding are |
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[17]Not? knowing you that anything that enters the mouth to the belly it goes and from there in excretion is cast out |
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[18]Anything but that from the mouth proceeds from the heart proceeds and it is defiling him the man |
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[19]From the heart that for proceed thoughts evil adulteries murders fornications thefts testimonies lying blasphemies |
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[20]These things are they that defile a son of man if a man but will eat after not washing his hands not he is defiled |
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[21]Went out from there Ieshu and came to the borders of Tsur and of Tsidon |
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[22]And behold a woman Canaanitess from borders those came forth while crying out and she said have pity on me my Lord Son of David my daughter badly driven by a demon |
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[23]He but not returned her an answer and came His disciples they asked from Him and were saying send her away for she cries after us |
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[24]He but answered and said to them not I am sent but to the sheep that have strayed from the house of Israel |
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[25]She but coming worshipped Him and she said my Lord help me |
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[26]He said to her not it is good to take the bread of the children and to cast it to the dogs |
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[27]She but said yes my Lord even the dogs eat from the crumbs that fall from the table of their master and they live |
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[28]Then said to her Ieshu Oh! woman great is your faith it will be done to you as will you and was healed her daughter from that moment |
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[29]And departed from there Ieshu and He came by the side of the Sea of Galila and He went up a mountain and He sat down there |
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[30]And they came near to Him the crowds many that were with them the lame and blind and dumb and crippled and others many and they laid them at His feet of Ieshu and He healed them |
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[31]So that would be amazed the crowds those who saw the mutes who were speaking and the crippled who were healed and the lame who were walking and the blind who were seeing and they glorified the Alaha of Israel |
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[32]He then Ieshu called His disciples and said to them am moved with pity I for multitude this behold three days they have remained with Me and there is not for them anything that they may eat and to send away them while they are fasting not willing I am lest they should faint in the road |
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[33]They were saying to Him His disciples where is? for us in the desert the bread that will satisfy crowd this entire |
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[34]Said to them Ieshu how many? loaves are to you they were saying to Him seven and a few fish small |
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[35]And He ordered the crowd that they sit for a meal on the ground |
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[36]And He took up those seven loaves and the fish and He gave praise and He broke and He gave to His disciples and the disciples gave to the crowd |
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[37]And they ate all of them and were satisfied and they took up the remnants of fragments filling seven baskets |
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[38]They but that they ate been they had four thousand men apart from women and children |
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[39]And when He sent away the crowds He embarked the ship and He came to the border of Magdo |
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