Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]And after six days took Ieshu Kaypha and Yaqob and Yokhanan his brother and brought up them to a mountain high by themselves [1]And after six days, Jeshu took Kipha, and Jakub, and Juchanon his brother, and led them to a high mountain by themselves.
[2]And was transformed Ieshu before them and shone His face like the sun His garments but became white like light [2]And Jeshu was changed before them; and his countenance shone like the sun, and his vestments were resplendent as the light.
[3]And appeared to them Moshe and Elia as they were speaking with Him [3]And there were seen with them Musha and Elia talking with him.
[4]Answered but Kaypha and said to Ieshu my Lord beautiful it is for us that here we should be and if want You we will make here three booths one for You and one for Moshe and one for Elia [4]Then answered Kipha, and said to Jeshu, My Lord, it is good for us to be here; and if thou art willing, we will make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Musha, and one for Elia.
[5]And while he was speaking behold a cloud bright overshadowed them and a voice there was from the cloud that said This is My Son The Beloved in Whom I am well pleased Him hear [5]But while he spake, behold, a bright cloud overspread them, and the voice was from the cloud, saying, This is my Son, the Beloved, in whom I have delighted: to him attend.
[6]And when heard the disciples they fell on their faces and they were afraid very [6]And when the disciples heard, they fell upon their faces and feared greatly.
[7]And came near to them Ieshu and He touched them and He said Arise not you shall be afraid [7]And Jeshu approached them and touched them, and said, Arise, fear not.
[8]And they lifted their eyes and a man not they saw except only Ieshu Himself alone [8]And they lifted up their eyes and saw no man, except Jeshu by himself.
[9]And as they descended from the mountain ordered them Ieshu and He said to them in the presence of a man not you will tell vision this until will arise the Son of Man from the dead [9]And while they were descending from the mountain, Jeshu charged them, and said to them, Before no man declare this vision, until the Son of man be risen from the dead.
[10]And they asked Him His disciples and they were saying to Him why? therefore the Scribes are they saying that Elia must come first [10]And the disciples asked and said to him, Why therefore say the scribes that Elia must come first?
[11]Answered Ieshu and said Elia comes first that every thing may end [11]Jeshu answered and said to them, Elia cometh first that he may fulfil every thing;
[12]Say I to you but behold Elia has come and not they have known him and they did to him everything whatever they wished likewise also The Son of Man is going to suffer of them [12]But I say to you, that, behold, Elia hath come, but they knew him not, and have done to him as they would. So also is the Son of man to suffer from them.
[13]Then understood the disciples that about Yokhanan The Baptizer He spoke to them [13]Then understood the disciples that concerning Juchanon the Baptizer he spake to them.
[14]And when they came to the multitude came to him a man and knelt on his knees [14]AND when they came to the multitude, a man approached him and kneeled upon his knees,
[15]And said to Him my Lord have mercy on me my son who is to him son of a housetop and ill has become many for times in fire has fallen and many times in water [15]And said to him, My Lord, have mercy on me! my son is lunatic and grievously afflicted; for often he falleth into the fire and often into the water.
[16]And I brought him to Your disciples and not they were able to heal him [16]And I brought him to thy disciples, but they could not heal him.
[17]Answered Ieshu and He said Oh! generation without faithfulness and twisted until when? shall I be with you and until when shall I endure you bring him to Me to here [17]Jeshu answered and said, O unbelieving and perverse generation! how long shall I be with you, how long shall I bear with you? Bring him hither to me.
[18]And rebuked it Ieshu and went out from him the demon and was healed the boy from that moment [18]And Jeshu rebuked him, and the demon went forth from him, and the youth was healed from that hour.
[19]Then came near the disciples to Ieshu Himself alone and they said to Him why? were we not able to heal him [19]Then came the disciples to Jeshu by himself, and said to him, Why were we not able to heal him?
[20]Said to them Ieshu because of ? your unfaithfulness amen for say I to you that if would be in you faithfulness like a grain of mustard seed you may say to mountain this move from here and it will move and thing no will be difficult for you [20]Jeshu saith to them, Because of your unbelief; for assuredly I tell you, if there were in you faith as a grain of mustard, you should say to this mountain, Pass hence, and it would pass away; and nothing should overcome you.
[21]This but kind not goes out except by fasting and by prayer [21]But this kind goeth not forth but by fasting and by prayer.
[22]When they were traveling but in Galila said to them Ieshu going is the Son of Man to be betrayed to the hands of the sons of men [22]WHEN they had returned into Galila, Jeshu said to them, It is coming that the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men,
[23]And they will murder Him and the day third He will arise and it grieved them greatly [23]And they shall kill him; and in the third day he shall arise. And it grieved them exceedingly.
[24]And when they came to Kapernakhum came those who take the two two one quarter of a shekel of tax money head to Kaypha and they said to him your master not He gave the two one quarter of a shekel? [24]And when they came to Kapher-nachum, they who took the two zuzis, the head-silver, approached Kipha and said to him, Your master, doth he not give his two zuzeen?
[25]He said to them yes and when entered Kaypha the house anticipated him Ieshu and He said to him how? does it appear to you Shimeon the kings of the earth from whom? do they take taxes and money head from their children or from strangers [25]He saith to them, Yes. And when Kipha entered the house, Jeshu anticipated him, and said to him, How doth it appear to thee, Shemun? the kings of the earth, from whom do they take custom and headsilver, from their children, or from aliens?
[26]Said to Him Shimeon from strangers said to him Ieshu then sons of freedom are the children [26]Shemun saith to him, From aliens: Jeshu saith to him, Then the children are free.
[27]Lest but we give offense them go to the sea and cast a fish hook and the fish first that comes up open its mouth and you will find a shekel that take and give for Me and for you [27]But that we may not offend them, go to the sea, and cast the hook; and the fish that first cometh up, open his mouth; and thou shalt find a stater, that take and present for me and thee.
[17:9] To the eye of man tell not this vision.
[17:9] [From [among] the dead: plural.]
[17:24] The zuz, or zuza, was a silver coin, value one drachm.
[17:26] Sons of the free.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info