Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]In that hour approached the disciples to join Ieshu and they were saying who is? truly greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven [No book]
[2]And called Ieshu a boy and stood him in their midst [No book]
[3]And He said truly I say to you that unless you will be converted and you will become like children not you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven [No book]
[4]Whoever therefore humbles himself like this boy he will be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven [No book]
[5]And whoever will receive such as boy this in my Name Me receives [No book]
[6]And everyone who commits an offense against one of these little ones who are believing in Me profitable it were for him that would be hung a millstone of a donkey on his neck and he be sunk into the depths of the sea [No book]
[7]Woe to the world because of offenses it is necessary for that will come offenses woe but to the man by whose hand will come the offenses [No book]
[8]If but your hand or your foot commits an offense against you cut it off and cast it from you better it is for you that you enter life as lame you or as maimed and not while are to you two hands or two feet you would fall into fire eternal [No book]
[9]And if it is that your eye commits an offense against you pull it out and throw it from you better it is for you that with one eye you would enter life and not while there are to you two eyes you would fall into Gehenna of fire [No book]
[10]Take heed not you will despise ? one of these little ones say I to you for that their angels in Heaven at all times are seeing the face of My Father Who is in Heaven [No book]
[11]Has come for The Son of Man to save whatever lost has been [No book]
[12]How? does it appear to you if there are to a man a hundred sheep and will go astray one of them not? does he leave the ninety and nine in the mountain and go on searching for that lost one [No book]
[13]And if he should find it certainly I say to you that he rejoices in it more than in the ninety and nine that not strayed [No book]
[14]Just so it is not the will before your Father Who is in Heaven that should perish one of little ones these [No book]
[15]If but wrongs you your brother go reprove him between you and him only if he hears you you have gained your brother [No book]
[16]And if not he hears you take with you one or two that in the mouth of two or three witnesses will be established every word [No book]
[17]If but also not those he will hear tell the assembly if but also not the assembly he will hear let him be to you as a tax gatherer and as a heathen [No book]
[18]And truly say I to you everything whatever you will bind in the earth will be have been bound in Heaven and anything that you will release in the earth will be have been released in Heaven [No book]
[19]Again I say to you that if two of you will agree in the earth about every matter they will ask it will be done for them from The Presence of My Father Who is in heaven [No book]
[20]Where for two or three are assembled in My Name there I am in the midst of them [No book]
[21]Then approached near him Kaypha and he said my Lord how many? times if will commit an offense against me my brother shall I forgive him up to? seven times [No book]
[22]Said to him Ieshu not say I to you until seven but until seventy times seven seven [No book]
[23]Because of this is compared the Kingdom of Heaven to a man a king who wanted take an accounting of his servants [No book]
[24]And when he began to take it they brought to him one who owed ten thousand talents [No book]
[25]And when there was nothing with him to pay commanded his lord that be sold he and his wife and his children and every thing that was his and he would pay [No book]
[26]And falling down that servant worshiped him and he said my lord prolong concerning me your spirit and every thing shall pay I you [No book]
[27]And was moved with pity his lord of servant that and he released him and his debt forgiving him [No book]
[28]Went out but servant that and he found one of his associates who owed had him denarii a hundred and he seized him and choked he him and he said to him give to me that which owe you to me [No book]
[29]And he fell that associate before his feet begging of him and saying to him prolong concerning me your spirit and shall pay I you [No book]
[30]He but not was willing but went and he cast him into the house of prisoners until he would give to him whatever he owed to him [No book]
[31]When they saw but their associates what had happened it was grievous to them very and they came they revealed to their lord everything that had happened [No book]
[32]Then called him his lord and he said to him servant wicked that entire debt I forgave you because you begged of me [No book]
[33]Not? incumbant was it upon you also for you to have mercy on your associate Just as I had mercy on you [No book]
[34]And was angry his lord and delivered him to the scourgers until he would pay every thing that he owed him [No book]
[35]Thus will do to you My Father Who is in Heaven unless you forgive each his brother from your heart his offenses [No book]