The Geneva Bible (1560)
Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
[1]Then Jesus answered, and spake unto them again in parables, saying, [1]And Jhesus answeride, and spak eftsoone in parablis to hem,
[2]The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain King which married his son, [2]and seide, The kyngdom of heuenes is maad lijk to a kyng that made weddyngis to his sone.
[3]And sent forth his servants, to call them that were bid to the wedding, but they would not come. [3]And he sente hise seruauntis for to clepe men that weren bode to the weddyngis, and thei wolden not come.
[4]Again he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: mine oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage. [4]Eftsoone he sente othere seruauntis, and seide, Seie ye to the men that ben bode to the feeste, Lo! Y haue maad redi my meete, my bolis and my volatilis ben slayn, and alle thingis ben redy; come ye to the weddyngis.
[5]But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, and another about his merchandise. [5]But thei dispisiden, and wenten forth, oon in to his toun, anothir to his marchaundise.
[6]And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them sharply, and slew them. [6]othere helden his seruauntis, and turmentiden hem, and slowen.
[7]But when the King heard it, he was wroth, and sent forth his warriors, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. [7]But the kyng, whanne he hadde herd, was wroth; and he sente hise oostis, and he distruyede tho manquelleris, and brente her citee.
[8]Then said he to his servants, Truly the wedding is prepared but they which were bidden, were not worthy. [8]Thanne he seide to hise seruauntis, The weddyngis ben redi, but thei that weren clepid to the feeste, weren not worthi.
[9]Go ye therefore out into the highways, and as many as ye find, bid them to the marriage. [9]Therfor go ye to the endis of weies, and whom euere ye fynden, clepe ye to the weddyngis.
[10]So those servants went out into the high ways and gathered together all that ever they found, both good and bad: so the wedding was furnished with guests. [10]And hise seruauntis yeden out in to weies, and gadriden togider alle that thei founden, good and yuele; and the bridale was fulfillid with men sittynge at the mete.
[11]Then the King came in, to see the guests, and saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment. [11]And the kyng entride, to se men sittynge at the mete; and he siye there a man not clothid with bride cloth.
[12]And he said unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither, and hast not on a wedding garment? And he was speechless. [12]And he seide to hym, Freend, hou entridist thou hidir with out bride clothis? And he was doumbe.
[13]Then said the King to the servants, Bind him hand and foot: take him away, and cast him into utter darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [13]Thanne the kyng bad hise mynystris, Bynde hym bothe hondis and feet, and sende ye him in to vtmer derknessis; there schal be wepyng and grentyng of teeth.
[14]For many are called, but few chosen. [14]For many ben clepid, but fewe ben chosun.
[15]Then went the Pharisees and took counsel how they might tangle him in talk. [15]Thanne Farisees yeden awei, and token a counsel to take Jhesu in word.
[16]And they sent unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God truly, neither carest for any man: for thou considerest not the person of men. [16]And thei senden to hym her disciplis, with Erodians, and seien, Maister, we witen, that thou art sothefast, and thou techist in treuthe the weie of God, and thou chargist not of ony man, for thou biholdist not the persoone of men.
[17]Tell us therefore, how thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? [17]Therfor seie to vs, what it seemeth to thee. Is it leueful that tribute be youun to the emperoure, ether nay?
[18]But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? [18]And whanne Jhesus hadde knowe the wickidnesse of hem, he seide, Ypocritis, what tempten ye me?
[19]Show me the tribute money. And they brought him a penny. [19]Schewe ye to me the prynte of the money. And thei brouyten to hym a peny.
[20]And he said unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? [20]And Jhesus seide to hem, Whos is this ymage, and the writyng aboue?
[21]They said unto him, Caesar's. Then said he unto them, Give therefore to Caesar, the things which are Caesar's, and give unto God, those things which are Gods. [21]Thei seien to hym, The emperouris. Thanne he seide to hem, Therfor yelde ye to the emperoure tho thingis that ben the emperouris, and to God tho thingis that ben of God.
[22]And when they heard it, they marveled, and left him, and went their way. [22]And thei herden, and wondriden; and thei leften hym, and wenten awey.
[23]The same day the Sadducees came to him (which say that there is no resurrection) and asked him, [23]In that dai Saduceis, that seien there is no risyng ayen to lijf, camen to hym, and axiden him,
[24]Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, let his brother marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. [24]and seiden, Mayster, Moises seide, if ony man is deed, not hauynge a sone, that his brother wedde his wijf, and reise seed to his brothir.
[25]Now there were with us seven brethren, and the first married a wife, and deceased: and having none issue, left his wife unto his brother. [25]And seuen britheren weren at vs; and the firste weddide a wijf, and is deed. And he hadde no seed, and lefte his wijf to his brother;
[26]Likewise also the second, and the third, unto the seventh. [26]also the secounde, and the thridde, til to the seuenthe.
[27]And last of all the woman died also. [27]But the laste of alle, the woman is deed.
[28]Therefore in the resurrection, whose wife shall she be of the seven? for all had her. [28]Also in the risyng ayen to lijf, whos wijf of the seuene schal sche be? for alle hadden hir.
[29]Then Jesus answered, and said unto them, Ye are deceived, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. [29]Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Ye erren, `and ye knowen not scripturis, ne the vertu of God.
[30]For in the resurrection they neither marry wives, nor wives are bestowed in marriage, but are as the Angels of God in heaven. [30]For in the rysyng ayen to lijf, nether thei schulen wedde, nethir schulen be weddid; but thei ben as the aungels of God in heuene.
[31]And concerning the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read what is spoken unto you of God, saying, [31]And of the risyng ayen of deed men, `han ye not red, that is seid of the Lord, that seith to you,
[32]I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. [32]Y am God of Abraham, and God of Ysaac, and God of Jacob? he is not God of deede men, but of lyuynge men.
[33]And when the people heard it, they were astonished at his doctrine. [33]And the puple herynge, wondriden in his techynge.
[34]But when the Pharisees had heard, that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they assembled together. [34]And Fariseis herden that he hadde put silence to Saduceis, and camen togidere.
[35]And one of them, which was an expounder of the Law, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, [35]And oon of hem, a techere of the lawe, axide Jhesu, and temptide him,
[36]Master, which is the great commandment in the Law? [36]Maistir, which is a greet maundement in the lawe?
[37]Jesus said to him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. [37]Jhesus seide to him, Thou schalt loue thi Lord God, of al thin herte, and in al thi soule, and in al thi mynde.
[38]This is the first and the great commandment. [38]This is the firste and the moste maundement.
[39]And the second is like unto this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. [39]And the secounde is lijk to this; Thou schalt loue thi neiyebore as thi silf.
[40]On these two commandments hangeth the whole Law, and the Prophets. [40]In these twey maundementis hangith al the lawe and the profetis.
[41]While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, [41]And whanne the Farisees weren gederid togidere, Jhesus axide hem,
[42]Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They said unto him, Davids. [42]and seide, What semeth to you of Crist, whos sone is he? Thei seien to hym, Of Dauid.
[43]He said unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying, [43]He seith to hem, Hou thanne Dauid in spirit clepith hym Lord,
[44]The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool? [44]and seith, The Lord seide to my Lord, Sitte on my riythalf, til Y putte thin enemyes a stool of thi feet?
[45]If then David call him Lord, how is he his son? [45]Thanne if Dauid clepith hym Lord, hou is he his sone?
[46]And none could answer him a word, neither durst any from that day forth ask him any more questions. [46]And no man miyte answere a word to hym, nethir ony man was hardi fro that day, to axe hym more.
Source: archive.org
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)