[1]Then Ieshu spoke with the crowds and with His disciples |
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[2]And He said to them on the throne of Moshe have sat the Scribes and The Pharisees |
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[3]Every thing therefore they will tell you to observe observe and do according to their works but not you should do they are saying for and not they are doing |
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[4]And they bind burdens heavy and they place them on the shoulders of children of men they but with their fingers not are willing to touch them |
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[5]And all their works they do that they may be seen by the children of men they enlarge for their phylacteries and they extend the blue fringes of their robes |
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[6]And they love the first class places at feasts and first class seats in synagogues |
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[7]And greetings in the market places and to be called by people Rabbi |
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[8]You but not you shall not be called Rabbi one is for your Rabbi you but you all brethren are |
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[9]And Father not you should call yourselves in the earth one is for your Father Who is in Heaven |
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[10]And not you will be called leaders because one is your leader the Messiah |
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[11]He but who is great among you will be to you a servant |
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[12]Whoever for will exalt himself will be humbled and whoever will humble himself will be exalted |
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[13]Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees accepters of faces who consume you the houses of widows with an offering for chanting long you your prayers because of this you will receive judgment greater |
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[14]Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees accepters of faces for shut you the Kingdom of Heaven before the children of men you for not entering are and those who are entering not allow you to enter |
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[15]Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees accepters of faces for travel around you sea and land to make one convert and when it has occurred make you him the son of Gehenna double that of yourselves |
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[16]Woe to you guides blind for say you that whoever swears by the temple not it is anything whoever but swears by the gold in the temple is liable |
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[17]Fools and blind men which? for is greater gold or the temple which is sanctifying it the gold |
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[18]And whoever swears by the altar not it is anything whoever but swears by the offering upon it he is liable |
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[19]Fools and blind men which? is greater the gift or the altar that hallows the gift |
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[20]Whoever swears therefore by the altar swears by it and by every thing that is upon it |
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[21]And whoever swears by the temple swears by it and by Whomever dwells in it |
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[22]And whoever swears by Heaven swears by the throne of Alaha and by Whomever sits upon it |
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[23]Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees accepters of faces who tithe you mint and dill and cummin and you forsake the weighty things of the law judgment and mercy and faith these things but necessary it is for you to do and these things not for you to forsake |
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[24]Guides blind who strain out gnats and swallow camels |
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[25]Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees accepters of faces who wash you the outside of the cup and of the dish within but are full of plunder and iniquity |
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[26]Pharisees blind wash first inside the cup and dish that may be also their outside clean |
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[27]Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees accepters of faces who are like you tombs white that from the outside appear lovely from within but are full of bones of the dead and all corruption |
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[28]Thus also you from outside appearing are to children of men as righteous and from within are filled you with evil and acceptance of faces |
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[29]Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees accepters of faces who build you the tombs of the prophets and adorn you the houses of burial of the righteous |
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[30]And say you if we had been in the days of our forefathers not we would have been with them partakers in the blood of the prophets |
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[31]Therefore testify you against yourselves that children you are of those who murdered the prophets |
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[32]Also you fulfill the standard of your forefathers |
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[33]Snakes offspring of vipers how? will you escape from the judgment of Gehenna |
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[34]Because of this behold I sending am to you prophets and wise men and scribes some of them will murder you and will crucify you and some of them will scourge you in your synagogues and you will persecute them from city to city |
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[35]So that may come upon you all the blood of the righteous that has been shed on the earth from the blood of Abel righteous and unto the blood of Zechariah son of Barachiah him whom you murdered between the temple and the altar |
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[36]Amen say I to you will come these things all on generation this |
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[37]Jerusalem Jerusalem you that murdered the prophets and stoned those who were sent to it how many? times I desired to gather your children as gathers a hen her chicks under her wings and not you were willing |
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[38]Behold is left to you your house desolate |
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[39]I say to you for that not you will see Me from now until you will say blessed is He Who has come in the Name of the Lord |
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