Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]Went out Ieshu from the temple to depart and approached His disciples showing they were to Him the buildings of the temple [No book]
[2]He but said to them not behold see you these things all amen say I to you that not will be left here a stone on a stone that not will be pulled down [No book]
[3]Also when sat Ieshu on The Mount of Olives came His disciples and they were saying among themselves and to Him tell us when these things will be and what? is the sign of Your advent and of the end of the world [No book]
[4]Answered Ieshu and said to them beware no man will deceive you [No book]
[5]Many for will come in My Name and they will say I I the Messiah and many they will deceive [No book]
[6]Are going you but to hear battles and reports of wars take heed not you will be troubled it is necessary for that all these things should happen but not quite it is the end [No book]
[7]Will arise for nation against nation and kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines and plagues and earthquakes in places of places [No book]
[8]These things but all the beginning are of sorrows [No book]
[9]Then they will deliver you to suffering and they will kill you and you will be hated by all the nations because of My Name [No book]
[10]Then will be subverted many and they will hate one another and will betray one another [No book]
[11]And many prophets false will arise and will deceive many [No book]
[12]And because of the abundance of evil will grow cold the love of many [No book]
[13]Whoever will persevere but until the end that one will have life [No book]
[14]And will be preached this gospel of the Kingdom in all the world for the testimony of all nations and then will come the end [No book]
[15]Whenever but you see the sign desecrated of desolation that was spoken by Daniel the prophet that stands in the place of Holiness that one who reads should consider [No book]
[16]Then those who in Judea are should flee to the mountains [No book]
[17]And the one on the roof he not should come down to take what is in his house [No book]
[18]And he who in the field is not should return back to take his clothes [No book]
[19]Woe but to the pregnant women and to those who are nursing in those days [No book]
[20]Pray but that not will be your escape in winter neither on the Sabbath [No book]
[21]Will be for then suffering great that which not was from the origin of the world even until now neither will be [No book]
[22]And if not are cut short days those not live would every body because of the chosen ones but will be cut short days those [No book]
[23]Then if a man will say to you behold here is The Messiah or there not you should believe [No book]
[24]There will arise for Messiahs false and prophets of lies and they will give signs great so as to deceive if it is possible even the elect [No book]
[25]Behold beforehand I have told you [No book]
[26]If therefore they will say to you behold in the desert He is not you shall go out or behold in an inner room He is not you shall believe [No book]
[27]Just as for lightning goes out from the East and appears unto the West so will be the advent of the Son of Man [No book]
[28]Where ever will be the body there will be gathered the eagles [No book]
[29]At once but after the suffering of days those the sun will darken and the moon not will show its light and the stars will fall from the heavens and the powers of the heavens will be disturbed [No book]
[30]And then will appear the sign of The Son of Man in Heaven and then will mourn all the families of the earth and they will see The Son of Man Who comes on the clouds of Heaven with miracles and praises many [No book]
[31]And He will send His angels with trumpets great and they will gather elect His own from four the winds from the ends of the heavens and unto the ends [No book]
[32]From the fig tree but learn a parable that at once its branches bow low and bud forth its leaves know you that has arrived summer [No book]
[33]Thus also you whenever you see these things all know that He has approached at the door [No book]
[34]Amen say I to you that not will pass away generation this until these things all will occur [No book]
[35]Heaven and the earth will pass away and My words not will pass away [No book]
[36]About day but that and about hour that not knows a man neither the angels of Heaven but The Father alone [No book]
[37]Just as but the days of Noah thus will be the advent of The Son of Man [No book]
[38]Just as for they were before the flood they were eating and they were drinking and they were taking wives and they were taking husbands until the day that entered Noah the ark [No book]
[39]And not they perceived until came the flood and took away all of them thus will be the advent of The Son of Man [No book]
[40]Then two will be in the field one will be taken captive and one will be left [No book]
[41]And two women will be grinding at the mill one will be taken captive and one will be left [No book]
[42]Wake up therefore for not know you in what hour comes your Lord [No book]
[43]This but know that if known had the owner of the house in what watch would come the robber been awake he would have and not allowed he would have to be broken into his house [No book]
[44]Because of this also you be ready because the hour in which not are expecting you will come The Son of Man [No book]
[45]Who? then is the servant faithful and wise whom has appointed his lord over the children of his household to give to them food in his time [No book]
[46]Blessed servant is that whom when will come his master will find him that he is doing this [No book]
[47]Amen say I to you he will set him over everything that is to him [No book]
[48]If but will say servant that evil in his heart my lord delays to come [No book]
[49]And will start to beat his associates and will eat and drink with drunkards [No book]
[50]Will come the lord of servant that in the day that not he expects and in the hour in which not he is aware [No book]
[51]And he will cut him in half and he will set his portion with accepters of faces there will be weeping and gnashing teeth [No book]