[1]When but it was dawn counsel they took against Ieshu all of them chief the priests and the elders of the people how they would put Him to death |
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[2]And they bound Him and they led Him and delivered Him to Pilatus the governor |
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[3]Then Yehuda the traitor when he saw that was condemned Ieshu he was moved with regret and went on he brought those thirty pieces of silver to Chief the Priests and to the Elders |
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[4]And he said I have sinned for I have betrayed blood innocent those but they said to him to us what? to us you aware are |
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[5]And he cast it the silver in the temple and he departed and he went he hanged himself |
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[6]Chief the Priests but took it the silver and they said not it is legal to put it in the house of gifts because the price of blood it is |
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[7]And they took counsel and they bought with it the field of a potter for a house of burial of strangers |
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[8]Because of this it has been called field that the field of blood until this day |
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[9]Then was fulfilled the thing that was spoken by the hand of the prophet who said I took thirty of silver coins the price of The Precious One on which they had agreed from the children of Israel |
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[10]And I gave them for the field of the potter as commanded me the Lord |
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[11]Himself but Ieshu stood before the Governor and asked Him the Governor and said to Him You are? the King of the Judeans said to him Ieshu you have said |
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[12]And when made they had accusation Chief the Priests and The Elders any answer He not returned |
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[13]Then said to Him Pilatus not have heard? you how much they testify against You |
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[14]And not He gave to him a response not even in one word and at this he marvelled greatly |
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[15]At every feast but accustomed was the Governor to release prisoner one to the people whomever they chosen had |
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[16]Imprisoned there was to them but a prisoner notable who was called Bar-Abba |
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[17]And when they had been assembled said to them Pilatus whom? desire you that I shall release to you Bar-Abba? or Ieshu? Who is called The Messiah |
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[18]Known had for Pilatus that from jealousy they had delivered Him |
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[19]When sat down but the Governor on judgment seat his own sent to him his wife and she said to him not to you and that Righteous One greatly for I have suffered in my dream today for His sake |
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[20]Chief the Priests but and the Elders had persuaded the crowds to ask for Bar-Abba Ieshu but to destroy |
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[21]And answered the Governor and said to them whom? want you me to release to you of the two they but said Bar-Abba |
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[22]Said to them Pilatus and Ieshu Who is called the Messiah what? shall I do to Him they were saying all of them let Him be crucified |
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[23]Said to them the Governor what? for that is evil has He done those but increasingly they cried out and they said let Him be crucified! |
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[24]Pilatus but when saw that a thing not availed but increasingly a clamor there was he took water he washed his hands before the eyes of the crowds and he said am free I from the blood of This Righteous One you will know it |
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[25]And answered all the people and they said His blood on us and upon our children |
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[26]Then he released to them Bar-Abba and scourged with whips Ieshu and delivered Him to be crucified |
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[27]Then the soldiers of the Governor led Him Ieshu to the Praetorium and they gathered around Him the whole regiment |
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[28]They stripped Him and they clothed Him with a robe of scarlet |
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[29]And they wove a garland of thorns and they placed on His head and a reed in His right hand and bowed on their knees before Him and mocking they were him and they were saying hail King of The Judeans |
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[30]And they spat in His face and they took the reed and hitting they were Him on His head |
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[31]And when they had mocked at Him they stripped Him of the robe and they clothed Him in His garments and led Him to be crucified |
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[32]And when they went out they found a man Cyrenian whose name Shimeon this one they compelled to carry His cross |
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[33]And they came to the place that was called Gagultha that which is interpreted a skull |
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[34]And they gave to Him to drink vinegar that was mixed with gall and He tasted and not He wanted to drink |
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[35]And when they had crucified Him they divided His garments by lots |
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[36]And sitting they were and keeping watch for Him there |
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[37]And they placed over at His head the cause of His death in writing This is Ieshu the King of the Judeans |
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[38]And were crucified with Him two robbers one at His right hand one at His left |
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[39]Those but who passing by were reviling were against him and shaking their heads |
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[40]And they were saying he who destroys of the temple and builds it in three days save yourself if The Son you are of Alaha and come down from the cross |
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[41]Thus also Chief the Priests mocking were with the Scribes and the Elders and the Pharisees |
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[42]And they were saying others He saved Himself not He can save if King He is of Israel let Him descend now from the cross and we will trust in Him |
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[43]He trusted on Alaha let Him save Him now if He delights in Him He has said for The Son I am of Alaha |
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[44]Thus also robbers those who were crucified with Him taunting they were Him |
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[45]From six hours but there was darkness over the whole earth until the hour nine |
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[46]And toward nine hours cried Ieshu with a voice loud and He said O Alaha O Alaha Why? have You forsaken Me |
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[47]The people but from those who standing were there when they had heard saying they were This One Elia has called |
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[48]And in it in the moment ran one of them and took a sponge and filled it with vinegar and placed it on a reed and gave a drink he to Him |
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[49]The rest but saying they were let Him alone we shall see if comes Elia to save Him |
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[50]He but Ieshu again cried with a voice loud and departed His Spirit |
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[51]And at once the curtain entrance of the temple was ripped in two from top unto bottom the earth was shaken and the rocks were split |
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[52]And houses of burial were opened and bodies many of the saints which sleeping were arose |
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[53]And they came out and after His resurrection they entered the city holy and they appeared to many |
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[54]The centurion but and those with him who guarding were Ieshu when they saw the quake and those things that happened they were afraid very and they said truly This The Son was of Alaha |
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[55]There were but also there women many who seen had from a distance these who come had after Him of Ieshu from Galila and ministered had to Him |
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[56]Of one of them Maryam Magdalitha and Maryam the mother of Yaqob and of Yose and the mother of those of the sons of Zebedee |
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[57]When it was but evening came a man rich from Ramtha of the name Yoseph who also he a disciple had been to Ieshu |
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[58]This one came to Pilatus and requested the body of Ieshu and commanded Pilatus that would be given to him the body |
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[59]And took it Yoseph the body and wound it in a sheet of linen pure |
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[60]And he placed it in a house of burial new his own that was cut in stone and they rolled a stone great they set it against the doorway of the house of burial and they departed |
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[61]There were but there Maryam Magdalitha and Maryam the other who sitting were opposite the tomb |
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[62]Day but that next which is after Friday sunset were gathered Chief the Priests and the Pharisees unto Pilatus |
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[63]And they were saying to him our lord we recall that He the deceiver said he while alive that from after three days shall arise I |
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[64]Command therefore to guard the tomb until three days lest should come His disciples and steal it in the night and they will say to the people that from among the dead He has risen and will be the deception the last worse than the first |
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[65]Said to them Pilatus there are to you guards go guard it just as that know you |
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[66]They but they went to guard the tomb and they sealed stone that together with the guards |
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