[1]SEE that in your almsgiving you do it not before men, so as that you may be observed by them; otherwise no reward is for you with your Father who is in heaven. |
[1]Take heedG4337[G5720] that ye doG4160[G5721] notG3361 yourG5216 almsG1654 beforeG1715 menG444, to be seenG4314[G2300][G5683] of themG846: otherwiseG1490 ye haveG2192[G5719] noG3756 rewardG3408 ofG3844 yourG5216 FatherG3962 whichG3588 is inG1722 heavenG3772. |
[2]When, therefore, thou art doing alms, sound not a trumpet before thee, as do the assumers of faces in the assemblies and streets, so that they may be praised from men; and, Amen I say to you, they receive their reward. |
[2]ThereforeG3767 whenG3752 thou doestG4160[G5725] thine almsG1654, doG4537 notG3361 sound a trumpetG4537[G5661] beforeG1715 theeG4675, asG5618 the hypocritesG5273 doG4160[G5719] inG1722 the synagoguesG4864 andG2532 inG1722 the streetsG4505, thatG3704 they may have gloryG1392[G5686] ofG5259 menG444. VerilyG281 I sayG3004[G5719] unto youG5213, They haveG568[G5719] theirG846 rewardG3408. |
[3]But thou, when thou art doing thy alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, |
[3]ButG1161 when thouG4675 doestG4160[G5723] almsG1654, letG1097 notG3361 thyG4675 left handG710 knowG1097[G5628] whatG5101 thyG4675 right handG1188 doethG4160:[G5719] |
[4]That thine alms may be in secret; and thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall recompense thee in openness. |
[4]ThatG3704 thineG4675 almsG1654 may beG5600[G5753] inG1722 secretG2927: andG2532 thyG4675 FatherG3962 whichG3588 seethG991[G5723] inG1722 secretG2927 himselfG846 shall rewardG591[G5692] theeG4671 openlyG1722.[G5318] |
[5]And when thou prayest, be not as the face-takers, who love to stand in the assemblies and at the corners of the streets to pray, that they may be seen of men;ⓘ and truly I say to you that they receive their reward. |
[5]AndG2532 whenG3752 thou prayestG4336[G5741], thou shaltG2071 notG3756 beG2071[G5704] asG5618 the hypocritesG5273 are: forG3754 they loveG5368[G5719] to prayG4336[G5738] standingG2476[G5761] inG1722 the synagoguesG4864 andG2532 inG1722 the cornersG1137 of the streetsG4113, thatG3704 they mayG302 be seenG5316[G5652] of menG444. VerilyG281 I sayG3004[G5719] unto youG5213,[G3754] They haveG568[G5719] theirG846 rewardG3408. |
[6]But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy secret chamber, and shut thy door, and pray to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall reward thee in openness. |
[6]ButG1161 thouG4771, whenG3752 thou prayestG4336[G5741], enterG1525[G5628] intoG1519 thyG4675 closetG5009, andG2532 when thou hast shutG2808[G5660] thyG4675 doorG2374, prayG4336[G5663] to thyG4675 FatherG3962 whichG3588 is inG1722 secretG2927; andG2532 thyG4675 FatherG3962 whichG3588 seethG991[G5723] inG1722 secretG2927 shall rewardG591[G5692] theeG4671 openlyG1722.[G5318] |
[7]And when thou art praying, be not wordy, like the profane; for they think that in much speaking they are heard. |
[7]ButG1161 when ye prayG4336[G5740], useG945 notG3361 vain repetitionsG945[G5661], asG5618 the heathenG1482 do: forG1063 they thinkG1380[G5719] thatG3754 they shall be heardG1522[G5701] forG1722 theirG846 much speakingG4180. |
[8]Be you not like them, for your Father knoweth what is needful for you before that you ask him. |
[8]BeG3666 notG3361 yeG3666 thereforeG3767 likeG3666[G5686] unto themG846: forG1063 yourG5216 FatherG3962 knowethG1492[G5758] what thingsG3739 ye haveG2192[G5719] need ofG5532, beforeG4253 yeG5209 askG154[G5658] himG846. |
[9]Thus pray: Our Father who art in the heavens! be sanctified thy Name. |
[9]After this mannerG3779 thereforeG3767 prayG4336[G5737] yeG5210: OurG2257 FatherG3962 whichG3588 art inG1722 heavenG3772, Hallowed beG37[G5682] thyG4675 nameG3686. |
[10]Come thy kingdom. Be done thy will, as in heaven, also in earth. |
[10]ThyG4675 kingdomG932 comeG2064[G5628]. ThyG4675 willG2307 be doneG1096[G5676] inG1909 earthG1093, asG2532[G5613] it is inG1722 heavenG3772. |
[11]Give to us the bread of our need to-day; |
[11]GiveG1325[G5628] usG2254 this dayG4594 ourG2257 dailyG1967 breadG740. |
[12]And forgive us our debts, as also we forgive our debtors; |
[12]AndG2532 forgiveG863[G5628] usG2254 ourG2257 debtsG3783, asG2532[G5613] weG2249 forgiveG863[G5719] ourG2257 debtorsG3781. |
[13]And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory to the age of ages. |
[13]AndG2532 leadG1533[G5661] usG2248 notG3361 intoG1519 temptationG3986, butG235 deliverG4506[G5663] usG2248 fromG575 evilG4190: ForG3754 thineG4675 isG2076[G5748] the kingdomG932, andG2532 the powerG1411, andG2532 the gloryG1391, forG1519 everG165. AmenG281. |
[14]For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Father who is in heaven will forgive you also. |
[14]ForG1063 ifG1437 ye forgiveG863[G5632] menG444 theirG846 trespassesG3900, yourG5216 heavenlyG3770 FatherG3962 will alsoG2532 forgiveG863[G5692] youG5213: |
[15]But if you will not forgive men, your Father also forgiveth not your trespasses unto you. |
[15]ButG1161 ifG3362 ye forgiveG863[G5632] notG3362 menG444 theirG846 trespassesG3900, neitherG3761 will yourG5216 FatherG3962 forgiveG863[G5692] yourG5216 trespassesG3900. |
[16]WHEN, too, you fast, be not morosely sad as the assumers of faces, for they defile their countenances so as that they may appear unto men to fast: and, Amen I say unto you, they receive their reward. |
[16]MoreoverG1161 whenG3752 ye fastG3522[G5725], beG1096[G5737] notG3361, asG5618 the hypocritesG5273, of a sad countenanceG4659: forG1063 they disfigureG853[G5719] theirG846 facesG4383, thatG3704 they may appearG5316[G5652] unto menG444 to fastG3522[G5723]. VerilyG281 I sayG3004[G5719] unto youG5213,[G3754] They haveG568[G5719] theirG846 rewardG3408. |
[17]But thou, when thou art fasting, wash thy face and anoint thine head, |
[17]ButG1161 thouG4771, when thou fastestG3522[G5723], anointG218[G5669] thineG4675 headG2776, andG2532 washG3538[G5669] thyG4675 faceG4383; |
[18]That it may not appear to men that thou art fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father who seeth in secret, he shall reward thee. |
[18]ThatG3704 thou appearG5316[G5652] notG3361 unto menG444 to fastG3522[G5723], butG235 unto thyG4675 FatherG3962 whichG3588 is inG1722 secretG2927: andG2532 thyG4675 FatherG3962, whichG3588 seethG991[G5723] inG1722 secretG2927, shall rewardG591[G5692] theeG4671 openlyG1722.[G5318] |
[19]Lay not up for yourselves treasures in the earth, a place where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves dig through and steal: |
[19]LayG2343 notG3361 upG2343[G5720] for yourselvesG5213 treasuresG2344 uponG1909 earthG1093, whereG3699 mothG4597 andG2532 rustG1035 doth corruptG853[G5719], andG2532 whereG3699 thievesG2812 break throughG1358[G5719] andG2532 stealG2813:[G5719] |
[20]But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where no moth and no rust corrupt, and where thieves do not dig through and steal. |
[20]ButG1161 lay upG2343[G5720] for yourselvesG5213 treasuresG2344 inG1722 heavenG3772, whereG3699 neitherG3777 mothG4597 norG3777 rustG1035 doth corruptG853[G5719], andG2532 whereG3699 thievesG2812 doG1358 notG3756 break throughG1358[G5719] norG3761 stealG2813:[G5719] |
[21]For where your treasure is, there also your hearts are. |
[21]ForG1063 whereG3699 yourG5216 treasureG2344 isG2076[G5748], thereG1563 willG2071 yourG5216 heartG2588 beG2071[G5704] alsoG2532. |
[22]The lamp of the body is the eye: if thine eye therefore be perfect, thy whole body will be illuminated; |
[22]The lightG3088 of the bodyG4983 isG2076[G5748] the eyeG3788: ifG1437 thereforeG3767 thineG4675 eyeG3788 beG5600[G5753] singleG573, thyG4675 wholeG3650 bodyG4983 shall beG2071[G5704] full of lightG5460. |
[23]But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body will be dark. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, what will thy darkness be? |
[23]ButG1161 ifG1437 thineG4675 eyeG3788 beG5600[G5753] evilG4190, thyG4675 wholeG3650 bodyG4983 shall beG2071[G5704] full of darknessG4652. IfG1487 thereforeG3767 the lightG5457 that isG2076[G5748] inG1722 theeG4671 be darknessG4655, how greatG4214 is that darknessG4655! |
[24]No man can serve two lords; for the one he will hate, and the other he will love, or the one he will honour, and the other he will neglect: you cannot serve Aloha and riches. |
[24]No manG3762 canG1410[G5736] serveG1398[G5721] twoG1417 mastersG2962: forG1063 eitherG2228 he will hateG3404[G5692] the oneG1520, andG2532 loveG25[G5692] the otherG2087; or elseG2228 he will holdG472[G5695] to the oneG1520, andG2532 despiseG2706[G5692] the otherG2087. Ye cannotG3756[G1410][G5736] serveG1398[G5721] GodG2316 andG2532 mammonG3126. |
[25]WHEREFORE I say unto you, Let not your souls be anxious what you shall eat and what you shall drink, and for your bodies what you shall wear. Is not the life more excellent than food, and the body than raiment? |
[25]ThereforeG1223[G5124] I sayG3004[G5719] unto youG5213, Take noG3361 thoughtG3309[G5720] for yourG5216 lifeG5590, whatG5101 ye shall eatG5315[G5632], orG2532 whatG5101 ye shall drinkG4095[G5632]; nor yet forG3366 yourG5216 bodyG4983, whatG5101 ye shall put onG1746[G5672]. IsG2076[G5748] notG3780 the lifeG5590 more thanG4119 meatG5160, andG2532 the bodyG4983 than raimentG1742? |
[26]Behold the fowls of the heaven; they sow not, neither do they reap, nor collect into granaries; yet your Father who is in heaven nourisheth them: are you not far more considerable than they? |
[26]BeholdG1689[G5657][G1519] the fowlsG4071 of the airG3772: forG3754 they sowG4687[G5719] notG3756, neitherG3761 do they reapG2325[G5719], norG3761 gatherG4863[G5719] intoG1519 barnsG596; yetG2532 yourG5216 heavenlyG3770 FatherG3962 feedethG5142[G5719] themG846. AreG1308 yeG5210 notG3756 muchG3123 better thanG1308[G5719] theyG846? |
[27]But who among you by being anxious can add to his stature one cubit? |
[27][G1161]WhichG1537[G5101] of youG5216 by taking thoughtG3309[G5723] canG1410[G5736] addG4369[G5629] oneG1520 cubitG4083 untoG1909 hisG846 statureG2244? |
[28]And concerning raiment why are you anxious? Look upon the lilies of the wilderness how they increase; they toil not, neither do they spin. |
[28]AndG2532 whyG5101 take ye thoughtG3309[G5720] forG4012 raimentG1742? ConsiderG2648[G5628] the liliesG2918 of the fieldG68, howG4459 they growG837[G5719]; they toilG2872[G5719] notG3756, neitherG3761 do they spinG3514:[G5719] |
[29]Yet I say to you, Not even Shelemun in all his glory was covered like one from among these. |
[29]And yetG1161 I sayG3004[G5719] unto youG5213, ThatG3754 evenG3761 SolomonG4672 inG1722 allG3956 hisG846 gloryG1391 wasG4016 notG3761 arrayedG4016[G5639] likeG5613 oneG1520 of theseG5130. |
[30]But if the herb of the field, which to-day exists, and tomorrow falleth into the oven, Aloha thus clotheth, how much more you, little of faith? |
[30]WhereforeG1161, ifG1487 GodG2316 soG3779 clotheG294[G5719] the grassG5528 of the fieldG68, which to dayG4594 isG5607[G5752], andG2532 to morrowG839 is castG906[G5746] intoG1519 the ovenG2823, shall he notG3756 muchG4183 moreG3123 clothe youG5209, O ye of little faithG3640? |
[31]Be not anxious, therefore, nor say, What shall we eat, or, What shall we drink, or, How shall we be covered? |
[31]ThereforeG3767 take noG3361 thoughtG3309[G5661], sayingG3004[G5723], WhatG5101 shall we eatG5315[G5632]? orG2228, WhatG5101 shall we drinkG4095[G5632]? orG2228, WherewithalG5101 shall we be clothedG4016?[G5643] |
[32]For after all these things do the people of the world inquire: but your Father who is in heaven knoweth that also by you are required these all. |
[32](ForG1063 afterG1934 allG3956 these thingsG5023 do the GentilesG1484 seekG1934[G5719]:) forG1063 yourG5216 heavenlyG3770 FatherG3962 knowethG1492[G5758] thatG3754 ye have needG5535[G5719] of allG537 these thingsG5130. |
[33]But seek first the kingdom of Aloha and his righteousness, and all these shall be added unto you. |
[33]ButG1161 seek yeG2212[G5720] firstG4412 the kingdomG932 of GodG2316, andG2532 hisG846 righteousnessG1343; andG2532 allG3956 these thingsG5023 shall be addedG4369[G5701] unto youG5213. |
[34]Be not therefore anxious for to-morrow; the morrow shall care for its own: the evil of to-day is enough for it. |
[34]TakeG3309 thereforeG3767 noG3361 thoughtG3309[G5661] forG1519 the morrowG839: forG1063 the morrowG839 shall take thoughtG3309[G5692] for the thingsG3588 of itselfG1438. SufficientG713 unto the dayG2250 is the evilG2549 thereofG846. |