Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]And going up into the ship and crossing over He came to His city [1]And he ascended [into] the ship, and went over, and came to his city.
[2]And they brought Him a paralytic as he lay in a pallet and saw Ieshu their faith and He said to that paralytic take heart My son are forgiven to you your sins [2]And they brought to him a paralytic lying on a bed; and Jeshu saw their faith, and said to the paralytic, Be comforted, my son, thy sins are forgiven thee.
[3]Men but from the Scribes said in themselves This One blasphemes [3]But men from among the scribes said within themselves, This blasphemeth.
[4]Ieshu but knew their thinking and He said to them why? plot you evil things in your heart [4]But Jeshu knew their reasonings, and said to them, Why reason ye evil in your hearts?
[5]Which? for is easier to say are forgiven to you your sins or to say arise walk [5]For which is easier, to say, Forgiven are thy sins, or to say, Arise, walk?
[6]That you may know but that authority is to The Son of Man in the earth to forgive sins I say to this paralytic stand up take your pallet and go to your house [6]But that ye may know that authority hath the Son of man in the earth to remit sins, he saith to him—the paralytic,—Arise, lift up thy bed, and go to thy house:
[7]And he stood up and he went to his house [7]And he arose [and] went to his house.
[8]When saw but crowds those they feared and they glorified to Alaha Who gave authority like this to the children of men [8]When the assembly saw this, they feared, and glorified Aloha who had given such power as this unto men.
[9]And when passed by Ieshu from there He saw a man who was sitting at a booth tax collection whose name was Matti and He said to him come after Me and rising he went after Him [9]AND when Jeshu had passed thence, he saw a man who was sitting at the place of the tribute-takers, whose name was Mathai; and he said to him, Come after me; and he arose and went after him.
[10]And when they reclined to eat in the house came tax gatherers and sinners many they reclined to eat with Ieshu and with His disciples [10]And while he reclined in the house, there came to him many tribute-gatherers and sinners, and reclined with Jeshu and with his disciples.
[11]And when saw The Pharisees they were saying to His disciples why? with tax gatherers and sinners eats your Master [11]And when the Pharishee saw [it], they say to his disciples, Why doth your master eat with tribute-takers and sinners?
[12]Ieshu but when heard He said to them do not have need the healthy for a doctor but those who ill have become [12]But Jeshu, when he heard [it], said to them, The healthful have no need for the physician, but they who are diseased.
[13]Go learn what this is mercy require I and not a sacrifice not for I have come to call the righteous but sinners [13]Go, learn what that is: "I require mercy, and not sacrifice;" for I am not come to call the righteous, but the sinners.
[14]Then approached Him the disciples of Yohanan and they were saying why? are we and the Pharisees fasting are much and Your disciples not fast [14]Then drew nigh to him the disciples of Juchanon, and said, Why do we and the Pharishee fast much, and thy disciples fast not?
[15]Said to them Ieshu How? can the children of the bridal chamber fast as long as the groom is with them are coming but the days when will be taken from them the groom and then they will fast [15]Jeshu said to them, Neither can the sons of the marriage-chamber fast while the bridegroom is with them: but the days are coming when the bridegroom shall be taken up from them, and then shall they fast.
[16]No man places a patch of cloth new on a coat old lest tears its fullness from that coat and would be the rip greater [16]No man inserteth a piece of new cloth upon an old garment, lest he should take away its fulness from that garment, and the rent be greater.
[17]Neither they put wine new in wineskins old lest burst the wineskins and the wine is spilled and the wineskins are destroyed but they put wine new in wineskins new and both are preserved [17]Neither do they pour new wine into old bottles, that the bottles may not be broken, and the wine be spilled, and the bottles perish. But they pour new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
[18]When but these things speaking He was with them came ruler a certain approached bowing to Him and he said my daughter this hour has died but come lay Your hand on her and she will live [18]WHILE he spake these words with them, a certain chief came, drew near, worshipped him, and said, My daughter is now dead; but come, lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live!
[19]And arose Ieshu and His disciples and they went after Him [19]And Jeshu arose, with his disciples, and went after him.
[20]And behold a woman of whom flowed had her blood years twelve she came from behind Him and she touched the hem of His garment [20]And, behold, a woman whose blood had flowed twelve years, came behind him, and touched the edge of his vestment.
[21]Saying she was for in herself even if only His clothes may touch I shall be healed I [21]For she was saying within herself, If I touch but his garment, I shall be healed.
[22]Ieshu but turned seeing her and He said to her take heart My daughter your faith has saved you and was healed woman that from that moment [22]But Jeshu turned and seeth her, and said to her, Be comforted, my daughter, thy faith hath saved thee. And the woman was healed from that very hour.
[23]And came Ieshu to the house of the ruler and He saw chanters and a crowd that was upset [23]And Jeshu came to the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the crowds which were making a tumult.
[24]And He said to them leave you the girl for not has died but is asleep she laughing they were at Him [24]And he said to them, Retire; for the damsel is not dead, but asleep. And they laughed at him.
[25]And when He had sent out the crowd He entered He took her by her hand and arose the girl [25]And when he had put forth the crowds, he entered, and took her by the hand; and the damsel arose.
[26]And went out report this in all land that [26]And the rumour of this went forth through all that land.
[27]And when passed through Ieshu from there followed Him blind men two who cried out and they were saying have pity on us Son of David [27]AND when Jeshu had passed thence, two blind men clave to him, and besought him, and said, Have compassion on us, Son of David!
[28]And when He had come to the house came near to Him those blind men said to them Ieshu are believing? you that able I am this to do they were saying to Him Yes our Lord [28]And when he had come into the house, these blind men were brought to him. Jeshu saith to them, Believe you that I am able to do this? They say to him, Yes, our Lord!
[29]Then He touched their eyes and He said Just as you have believed let it be done to you [29]Then he touched their eyes, and said, As you believe be it to you.
[30]And at once were opened their eyes and admonished them Ieshu and He said see that no man will know it [30]And immediately their eyes were opened. And Jeshu forbad them and said, Beware lest any man know.
[31]They but went forth they announced it in all area that [31]But they went forth and spread the report of it through all that land.
[32]And when went out Ieshu they brought to Him a deaf mute who is upon him a demon [32]And when Jeshu went forth, they brought to him a dumb person in whom was a demon.
[33]And when went out the demon spoke that deaf mute and were astonished the crowds and they were saying not ever has it been seen thus in Israel [33]And when the demon had gone out, the dumb spake; and the multitudes were astonished, and said, Never was it thus seen in Isroel.
[34]The Pharisees but saying were by the prince of demons He casts out demons [34]But the Pharishee said, By the chief of the devils he casteth out devils.
[35]And traveling about was Ieshu in the cities all and in the villages and teaching He was in their assemblies and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all diseases and all ailments [35]And Jeshu itinerated in all their cities and villages, and taught in their assemblies, and preached the gospel of the kingdom, and healed all diseases and all pains.
[36]When saw but Ieshu the crowds He felt pity for them for weary they were and wandering nomads like sheep without for them a shepherd [36]BUT when Jeshu saw the multitudes, he had compassion upon them, because they fainted and were dispersed as sheep that had no shepherd;
[37]And He said to His disciples the harvest is great and the laborers are few [37]And said to his disciples, The harvest is great, and the labourers few.
[38]Beseech therefore of The Lord of the harvest to send out laborers to His harvest [38]Ask, therefore, from the Lord of the harvest, that he would thrust forth labourers into his harvest.
[9:12] Grievously affected.
[9:17] Sacks.
[9:22] Given thee life.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info