The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696[H8762] unto MosesH4872, sayingH559,[H8800] [1]And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
[2]CommandH6680[H8761] the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, and sayH559[H8804] unto them, When ye comeH935[H8802] into the landH776 of CanaanH3667; (this is the landH776 that shall fallH5307[H8799] unto you for an inheritanceH5159, even the landH776 of CanaanH3667 with the coasts thereofH1367:) [2]Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land of Canaan, this is the land that shall fall unto your inheritance: that is, the land of Canaan with the coasts thereof.
[3]Then your southH5045 quarterH6285 shall be from the wildernessH4057 of ZinH6790 along by the coastH3027 of EdomH123, and your southH5045 borderH1366 shall be the outmost coastH7097 of the saltH4417 seaH3220 eastwardH6924: [3]And your south quarter shall be from the wilderness of Zin to the borders of Edom: so that your south quarter shall be from the salt sea coast eastward:
[4]And your borderH1366 shall turnH5437[H8738] from the southH5045 to the ascentH4608 of AkrabbimH4610, and pass onH5674[H8804] to ZinH6790: and the going forthH8444 thereof shall be from the southH5045 to KadeshbarneaH6947, and shall go onH3318[H8804] to HazaraddarH2692, and pass onH5674[H8804] to AzmonH6111: [4]And the border shall compass you from the south to Maaleh-akrabbim, and reach to Zin, and go out from the south to Kadesh-barnea: thence it shall stretch to Hazar-addar, and go along to Azmon.
[5]And the borderH1366 shall fetch a compassH5437[H8738] from AzmonH6111 unto the riverH5158 of EgyptH4714, and the goings outH8444 of it shall be at the seaH3220. [5]And the border shall compass from Azmon unto the river of Egypt, and shall go out to the sea.
[6]And as for the westernH3220 borderH1366, ye shall even have the greatH1419 seaH3220 for a borderH1366: this shall be your westH3220 borderH1366. [6]And your west quarter shall be the great sea: even that border shall be your west coast.
[7]And this shall be your northH6828 borderH1366: from the greatH1419 seaH3220 ye shall point outH8376[H8762] for you mountH2022 HorH2023: [7]And this shall be your north quarter: ye shall mark out your border from the great sea unto mount Hor.
[8]From mountH2022 HorH2023 ye shall point outH8376[H8762] your border unto the entranceH935[H8800] of HamathH2574; and the goings forthH8444 of the borderH1366 shall be to ZedadH6657: [8]From mount Hor ye shall point out till it come unto Hamath, and the end of the coast shall be at Zedad.
[9]And the borderH1366 shall go onH3318[H8804] to ZiphronH2202, and the goings outH8444 of it shall be at HazarenanH2704: this shall be your northH6828 borderH1366. [9]And the coast shall reach out to Ziphron, and go out at Hazar-enan. this shall be your north quarter.
[10]And ye shall point outH184[H8694] your eastH6924 borderH1366 from HazarenanH2704 to ShephamH8221: [10]And ye shall mark out your east quarter from Hazar-enan to Shepham.
[11]And the coastH1366 shall go downH3381[H8804] from ShephamH8221 to RiblahH7247, on the east sideH6924 of AinH5871; and the borderH1366 shall descendH3381[H8804], and shall reachH4229[H8804] unto the sideH3802 of the seaH3220 of ChinnerethH3672 eastwardH6924: [11]And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, and from the east side of Ain: and the same border shall descend and go out at the side of the sea of Chinneereth eastward.
[12]And the borderH1366 shall go downH3381[H8804] to JordanH3383, and the goings outH8444 of it shall be at the saltH4417 seaH3220: this shall be your landH776 with the coastsH1367 thereof round aboutH5439. [12]Also that border shall go down to Jordan, and leave at the salt sea. This shall be your land with the coasts thereof round about.
[13]And MosesH4872 commandedH6680[H8762] the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, sayingH559[H8800], This is the landH776 which ye shall inheritH5157[H8691] by lotH1486, which the LORDH3068 commandedH6680[H8765] to giveH5414[H8800] unto the nineH8672 tribesH4294, and to the halfH2677 tribeH4294: [13]Then Moses commanded the children of Israel, saying, This is the land which ye shall inherit by lot, which the Lord commanded to give unto nine tribes and half the tribe.
[14]For the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of ReubenH7206 according to the houseH1004 of their fathersH1, and the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of GadH1425 according to the houseH1004 of their fathersH1, have receivedH3947[H8804] their inheritance; and halfH2677 the tribeH4294 of ManassehH4519 have receivedH3947[H8804] their inheritanceH5159: [14]For the tribe of the children of Reuben, according to the households of their fathers, and the tribe of the children of Gad, according to their fathers' households, and half the tribe of Manasseh, have received their inheritance.
[15]The twoH8147 tribesH4294 and the halfH2677 tribeH4294 have receivedH3947[H8804] their inheritanceH5159 on this sideH5676 JordanH3383 near JerichoH3405 eastwardH6924, toward the sunrisingH4217. [15]Two tribes and an half tribe have received their inheritance on this side of Jordan toward Jericho full east.
[16]And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696[H8762] unto MosesH4872, sayingH559,[H8800] [16]Again the Lord spake to Moses, saying,
[17]These are the namesH8034 of the menH582 which shall divideH5157[H8799] the landH776 unto you: EleazarH499 the priestH3548, and JoshuaH3091 the sonH1121 of NunH5126. [17]These are the names of the men which shall divide the land unto you: Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun.
[18]And ye shall takeH3947[H8799] oneH259 princeH5387 of every tribeH4294, to divideH5157 the landH776 by inheritanceH5157.[H8800] [18]And ye shall take also a prince of every tribe to divide the land.
[19]And the namesH8034 of the menH582 are these: Of the tribeH4294 of JudahH3063, CalebH3612 the sonH1121 of JephunnehH3312. [19]The names also of the men are these: Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneh.
[20]And of the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of SimeonH8095, ShemuelH8050 the sonH1121 of AmmihudH5989. [20]And of the tribe of the sons of Simeon, Shemuel the son of Ammihud.
[21]Of the tribeH4294 of BenjaminH1144, ElidadH449 the sonH1121 of ChislonH3692. [21]Of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad the son of Chislon.
[22]And the princeH5387 of the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of DanH1835, BukkiH1231 the sonH1121 of JogliH3020. [22]Also of the tribe of the sons of Dan, the prince Bukki, the son of Jogli.
[23]The princeH5387 of the childrenH1121 of JosephH3130, for the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of ManassehH4519, HannielH2592 the sonH1121 of EphodH641. [23]Of the sons of Joseph: of the tribe of the sons of Manasseh, the prince Hanniel the son of Ephod.
[24]And the princeH5387 of the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of EphraimH669, KemuelH7055 the sonH1121 of ShiphtanH8204. [24]And of the tribe of the sons of Ephraim, the prince Kemuel, the son of Shiphtan.
[25]And the princeH5387 of the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of ZebulunH2074, ElizaphanH469 the sonH1121 of ParnachH6535. [25]Of the tribe also of the sons of Zebulun, the prince Elizaphan, the son of Parnach.
[26]And the princeH5387 of the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of IssacharH3485, PaltielH6409 the sonH1121 of AzzanH5821. [26]So of the tribe of the sons of Issachar, the prince Paltiel the son of Azzan.
[27]And the princeH5387 of the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of AsherH836, AhihudH282 the sonH1121 of ShelomiH8015. [27]Of the tribe also of the sons of Asher, the prince Ahihud, the son of Shelomi.
[28]And the princeH5387 of the tribeH4294 of the childrenH1121 of NaphtaliH5321, PedahelH6300 the sonH1121 of AmmihudH5989. [28]And of the tribe of the sons of Naphtali, the prince Pedahel, the son of Ammihud.
[29]These are they whom the LORDH3068 commandedH6680[H8765] to divide the inheritanceH5157[H8763] unto the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 in the landH776 of CanaanH3667. [29]These are they, whom the Lord commanded to divide the inheritance unto the children of Israel, in the land of Canaan.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org