Aleppo Codex (~920)
Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
[No book] [1]Poul, the boundun of Crist Jhesu, and Timothe, brother, to Filemon, bilouyd, and oure helpere, and to Appia,
[No book] [2]most dere sister, and to Archip, oure euene kniyt, and to the chirche that is in thin hous,
[No book] [3]grace be to you, and pees of God oure fader, and of the Lord Jhesu Crist.
[No book] [4]I do thankingis to my God, euere more makinge mynde of thee in my preieris,
[No book] [5]heringe thi charite and feith, that thou hast in the Lord Jhesu, and to alle hooli men,
[No book] [6]that the comynyng of thi feith be maad opyn, in knowing of al good thing in Crist Jhesu.
[No book] [7]And Y hadde greet ioye and coumfort in thi charite, for the entrailis of hooli men restiden bi thee, brother.
[No book] [8]For which thing Y hauynge myche trist in Crist Jhesu, to comaunde to thee that that perteyneth to profit;
[No book] [9]but Y biseche more for charite, sithen thou art siche as the elde Poul, and now the boundun of Jhesu Crist.
[No book] [10]Y biseche thee for my sone Onesyme, whom Y in boondis bigat,
[No book] [11]which sumtyme was vnprofitable to thee, but now profitable bothe to thee and to me; whom Y sente ayen to thee.
[No book] [12]And resseyue thou hym as myn entrailis;
[No book] [13]whom Y wolde withholde with me, that he schulde serue for thee to me in boondis of the gospel;
[No book] [14]but with out thi counseil Y wolde not do ony thing, that thi good schulde not be as of nede, but wilful.
[No book] [15]For perauenture therfor he departide fro thee for a tyme, that thou schuldist resseyue hym with outen ende;
[No book] [16]now not as a seruaunt, but for a seruaunt a most dere brother, most to me; and how myche more to thee, bothe in fleisch and in the Lord?
[No book] [17]Therfor if thou hast me a felowe, resseyue hym as me; for if he hath ony thing anoied thee,
[No book] [18]ethir owith, arette thou this thing to me.
[No book] [19]Y Poul wroot with myn hoond, Y schal yelde; that Y seie not to thee, that also thou owist to me thi silf.
[No book] [20]So, brothir, Y schal vse thee in the Lord; fille thou myn entrails in Crist.
[No book] [21]Y tristnynge of thin obedience wroot to thee, witynge that thou schalt do ouer that that Y seie.
[No book] [22]Also make thou redi to me an hous to dwelle in; for Y hope that bi youre preyeris Y schal be youun to you.
[No book] [23]Epafras, prisoner with me in Crist Jhesu,
[No book] [24]greetith thee wel, and Mark, Aristark, Demas, Lucas, myn helperis.
[No book] [25]The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with youre spirit. Amen.
Source: unbound.biola.edu
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)