Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]Poul, the boundun of Crist Jhesu, and Timothe, brother, to Filemon, bilouyd, and oure helpere, and to Appia, [1]PAULOS, the bondman of Jeshu Meshiha, and the brother Timotheos, to the beloved Philemon, our fellow-labourer,
[2]most dere sister, and to Archip, oure euene kniyt, and to the chirche that is in thin hous, [2]And to our beloved Aphia, and to Arkipos our fellowlabourer, and to the church which is in thy house.
[3]grace be to you, and pees of God oure fader, and of the Lord Jhesu Crist. [3]Grace be with thee, and peace, from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
[4]I do thankingis to my God, euere more makinge mynde of thee in my preieris, [4]I give thanks to Aloha at all time, and remember thee in my prayers.
[5]heringe thi charite and feith, that thou hast in the Lord Jhesu, and to alle hooli men, [5]Behold, from [the time] when I heard of thy faith, and the love which thou hast to our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and to all the saints,
[6]that the comynyng of thi feith be maad opyn, in knowing of al good thing in Crist Jhesu. [6](I have prayed) that there may be communication of thy faith [in] yielding fruits, in works and in the [manifestation of the] knowledge of all good which thou hast in Jeshu Meshiha.
[7]And Y hadde greet ioye and coumfort in thi charite, for the entrailis of hooli men restiden bi thee, brother. [7]For we have great joy and consolation, that by thy love the bowels of the saints are refreshed.
[8]For which thing Y hauynge myche trist in Crist Jhesu, to comaunde to thee that that perteyneth to profit; [8]Wherefore I have great confidence in the Meshiha to command thee those acts which are righteous,
[9]but Y biseche more for charite, sithen thou art siche as the elde Poul, and now the boundun of Jhesu Crist. [9]But for love's sake entreating I entreat of thee, I, Paulos, who am the aged as thou knowest, but now also the bondman of Jeshu Meshiha.
[10]Y biseche thee for my sone Onesyme, whom Y in boondis bigat, [10]And I entreat of thee for my son, whom I have begotten in my bonds, Onesimos,
[11]which sumtyme was vnprofitable to thee, but now profitable bothe to thee and to me; whom Y sente ayen to thee. [11]Who once was of no use to thee, but [who will] now to thee, as also to me, be greatly useful; and I have sent him to thee.
[12]And resseyue thou hym as myn entrailis; [12]But thou, as [one] who is my offspring, so receive him.
[13]whom Y wolde withholde with me, that he schulde serue for thee to me in boondis of the gospel; [13]For I would have retained him with me, that he might have served me for thy sake in the bonds of the gospel;
[14]but with out thi counseil Y wolde not do ony thing, that thi good schulde not be as of nede, but wilful. [14]But without thy counsel I was not willing to do any thing, that thy goodness might not be as by constraint, but of thy will.
[15]For perauenture therfor he departide fro thee for a tyme, that thou schuldist resseyue hym with outen ende; [15]But, perhaps, for this he passed away for an hour, that thou mayest hold him for ever;
[16]now not as a seruaunt, but for a seruaunt a most dere brother, most to me; and how myche more to thee, bothe in fleisch and in the Lord? [16]Not henceforth as a servant, but as more than a servant, a beloved brother of mine, and how much more of thine, both in the flesh and in our Lord!
[17]Therfor if thou hast me a felowe, resseyue hym as me; for if he hath ony thing anoied thee, [17]If then thou art with me a partaker, receive him as mine.
[18]ethir owith, arette thou this thing to me. [18]And if of any thing he hath deprived thee, or oweth, that reckon unto me.
[19]Y Poul wroot with myn hoond, Y schal yelde; that Y seie not to thee, that also thou owist to me thi silf. [19]I, Paulos, have written with my hands, I will repay thee; for I will not tell thee that thou owest thyself to me.
[20]So, brothir, Y schal vse thee in the Lord; fille thou myn entrails in Crist. [20]Yes, my brother, I will be refreshed by thee in our Lord; refresh my bowels in the Meshiha.
[21]Y tristnynge of thin obedience wroot to thee, witynge that thou schalt do ouer that that Y seie. [21]Because I am confident of thy hearing me, I have written to thee, and I know that more than I have asked thou wilt do.
[22]Also make thou redi to me an hous to dwelle in; for Y hope that bi youre preyeris Y schal be youun to you. [22]But at once also prepare me a house of lodging, for I hope through your prayers I shall be given to you.
[23]Epafras, prisoner with me in Crist Jhesu, [23]Epaphra, a captive with me in Jeshu Meshiha,
[24]greetith thee wel, and Mark, Aristark, Demas, Lucas, myn helperis. [24]And Markos, and Aristarkos, and Dema, and Luka, my helpers, ask for your peace.
[25]The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with youre spirit. Amen. [25]The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with your spirit, my brethren. Amen. Finished is the Epistle to Philemon, which was written from Ruma, and sent by the hand of Onesimos
[1:1] Or, the labourer who is with us.
[1:2] Or, the labourer who is with us.
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info