[1]If there is to you therefore comfort in The Messiah or if filling up of hearts with love or if communion of The Spirit or if tender care and mercy |
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[2]Fulfill my joy that one conscience shall be to you and one love and one soul and one intellect |
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[3]And anything in contention or in glory empty not you shall do but in humility of mind every person his neighbor as more than himself will esteem |
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[4]Neither a man that of himself let be concerned for but every person also that of his neighbor |
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[5]And this reason in yourselves that which also Ieshu The Messiah |
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[6]He Who while He was in the form of Alaha not did spoil consider it this that He was The Equal of Alaha |
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[7]But Himself stripped and the form of a servant He took and was in the form of children of men and in fashion was found as a man |
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[8]And He humbled Himself and He was obedient unto death the death but of being crucified |
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[9]Because of this also Alaha greatly has exalted Him and He has given to Him The Name Which is greater than all names |
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[10]That in The Name of Ieshu every knee shall bow which is in Heaven and in the earth and which is under from the earth |
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[11]And every tongue shall confess that the Lord is Ieshu The Messiah to the glory of Alaha His Father |
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[12]Therefore beloved just as at all times you have obeyed not when nearby I am to you only but now when far I am from you all the more in fear and in trembling do the service of your Life |
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[13]Alaha is for carefully working in you both to desire also to do that thing that desiring you are |
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[14]Everything be you doing without complaining and without division |
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[15]That you would be perfect and without blemish as children purified of Alaha who dwell in a generation hard and crooked and appear among them as lights in the world |
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[16]For you are to them in the place of Life for my boasting my in the day of The Messiah that not it was for nothing I have run neither worthlessly I have labored |
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[17]But even if am offered I on the sacrifice and service of your faith rejoice I and exult I with all of you |
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[18]In this way also you rejoice and exult with me |
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[19]Hope I but in our Lord Ieshu to send to you Timotheos soon that also to me it shall be to me refreshing when I learn about you |
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[20]There is not to me for another here who as myself is one who earnestly is concerned for what is yours |
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[21]All of them for what is of themselves are seeking and not what is of Ieshu The Messiah |
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[22]The proof but of this one you know that as a son with his father in this way has worked with me in The Gospel |
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[23]This one hope I to send to you soon whenever I shall have seen whatever is with me |
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[24]And trust I upon My Lord that also I soon coming am to you |
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[25]Now but urged me a matter to send to you Epaphroditus a brother who is a helper and worker who is with me your but apostle and a minister of my needs |
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[26]Because he longing he was to see you all and grieved he was to know that you heard that he was ill |
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[27]Also he was ill for unto death but Alaha had compassion upon him not it was but upon him only but also upon me lest would be to me sorrow upon sorrow |
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[28]Diligently therefore I sent to you that when you will see him again you will rejoice and to me a little shall be rest |
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[29]Receive him therefore in the Lord in all joy and those who such are with honor hold them |
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[30]Because of the work for of The Messiah unto death he approached and scorned his life to fulfill what you lacked you had in the ministry that was for me |
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