Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]Therefore my brethren rejoice in our Lord those things while these I write to you not are tedious to me because you they protect [No book]
[2]Beware of dogs beware of doers evil beware of cutters of flesh [No book]
[3]The circumcision for we we are those we who serve to Alaha in The Spirit and we glory in Ieshu The Messiah and not we trust upon the flesh [No book]
[4]When to me there it was to me trust also on the flesh if for a man hopes in his trust in the flesh do more than he I [No book]
[5]Circumcised son of eight days from the family of Israel from the tribe of Benyamin a Hebrew son of a Hebrew in The Written Law a Pharisee [No book]
[6]In zeal a persecutor of the church and in righteousness of The Written Law without indictment I was [No book]
[7]But these that advantages were to me losses I accounted them because of The Messiah [No book]
[8]Also consider I these things all a loss for the majesty of the knowledge of Ieshu The Messiah My Lord Him for Whose sake everything I have lost and as a dung heap I consider it that The Messiah I may gain [No book]
[9]And I may be found in Him while there is not to me righteousness my own which is that from The Written Law but that which is from the faith of The Messiah which is the righteousness that is from Alaha [No book]
[10]That by it I may know Ieshu and the power of His resurrection and I may share in His sufferings and I may be conformed with His death [No book]
[11]That perhaps I shall be able to come to the resurrection that from the place of the dead [No book]
[12]Not it has been from now I have received it or from now I am perfect but run I that perhaps I may obtain the thing for which apprehended me Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[13]My brethren I of myself not think I that I have obtained it one thing but know I that which is behind me have forgotten I and before me reach out I [No book]
[14]And run I toward the goal to take the victory of the calling from on high of Alaha in Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[15]Those who are perfected therefore by these things let be governed and if by anything otherwise are governed you also this Alaha will reveal to you [No book]
[16]However at this that we may arrive in one path let us follow and in one accord [No book]
[17]Imitate me my brothers and be you observing those who in this way are walking according to the pattern that in us you have seen [No book]
[18]Are for many who differently are walking those times many I have said to you about whom now but as weep I say I those enemies are of the cross of The Messiah [No book]
[19]For their end destruction is those whose god their belly and their glory in their shame these whose minds in the earth are [No book]
[20]Our but our business in Heaven is and from there we look for The Life Giver our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[21]For He will transform the body of our humiliation to be in the image of the body of His glory according to His power great that by which everything is made subject to Him [No book]