The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]A wiseH2450 sonH1121 heareth his father'sH1 instructionH4148: but a scornerH3887[H8801] hearethH8085[H8804] not rebukeH1606. [1]A wise son will obey the instruction of his father: but a scorner will hear no rebuke.
[2]A manH376 shall eatH398[H8799] goodH2896 by the fruitH6529 of his mouthH6310: but the soulH5315 of the transgressorsH898[H8802] shall eat violenceH2555. [2]A man shall eat good things by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the trespassers shall suffer violence.
[3]He that keepethH5341[H8802] his mouthH6310 keepethH8104[H8802] his lifeH5315: but he that openeth wideH6589[H8802] his lipsH8193 shall have destructionH4288. [3]He that keepeth his mouth, keepeth his life: but he that openeth his lips, destruction shall be to him.
[4]The soulH5315 of the sluggardH6102 desirethH183[H8693], and hath nothing: but the soulH5315 of the diligentH2742 shall be made fatH1878.[H8792] [4]The sluggard lusteth, but his soul hath nought: but the soul of the diligent shall have plenty.
[5]A righteousH6662 man hatethH8130[H8799] lyingH1697[H8267]: but a wickedH7563 man is loathsomeH887[H8686], and cometh to shameH2659.[H8686] [5]A righteous man hateth lying words: but the wicked causeth slander and shame.
[6]RighteousnessH6666 keepethH5341[H8799] him that is uprightH8537 in the wayH1870: but wickednessH7564 overthrowethH5557[H8762] the sinnerH2403. [6]Righteousness preserveth the upright of life: but wickedness overthroweth the sinner.
[7]There isH3426 that maketh himself richH6238[H8693], yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poorH7326[H8711], yetH3605 hath greatH7227 richesH1952. [7]There is that maketh himself rich, and hath nothing, and that maketh himself poor, having great riches.
[8]The ransomH3724 of a man'sH376 lifeH5315 are his richesH6239: but the poorH7326[H8802] hearethH8085[H8804] not rebukeH1606. [8]A man will give his riches for the ransom of his life: but the poor cannot hear the reproach.
[9]The lightH216 of the righteousH6662 rejoicethH8055[H8799]: but the lampH5216 of the wickedH7563 shall be put outH1846.[H8799] [9]The light of the righteous rejoiceth: but the candle of the wicked shall be put out.
[10]Only by prideH2087 comethH5414[H8799] contentionH4683: but with the well advisedH3289[H8737] is wisdomH2451. [10]Only by pride doth man make contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.
[11]WealthH1952 gotten by vanityH1892 shall be diminishedH4591[H8799]: but he that gatherethH6908[H8802] by labourH3027 shall increaseH7235.[H8686] [11]The riches of vanity shall diminish: but he that gathereth with the hand, shall increase them.
[12]HopeH8431 deferredH4900[H8794] maketh the heartH3820 sickH2470[H8688]: but when the desireH8378 comethH935[H8802], it is a treeH6086 of lifeH2416. [12]The hope that is deferred , is the fainting of the heart: but when the desire cometh, it is as a tree of life.
[13]Whoso despisethH936[H8802] the wordH1697 shall be destroyedH2254[H8735]: but he that fearethH3373 the commandmentH4687 shall be rewardedH7999.[H8792] [13]He that despiseth the word, he shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment, he shall be rewarded.
[14]The lawH8451 of the wiseH2450 is a fountainH4726 of lifeH2416, to departH5493[H8800] from the snaresH4170 of deathH4194. [14]The instruction of a wise man is as the wellspring of life, to turn away from the snares of death.
[15]GoodH2896 understandingH7922 givethH5414[H8799] favourH2580: but the wayH1870 of transgressorsH898[H8802] is hardH386. [15]Good understanding maketh acceptable: but the way of the disobedient is hated.
[16]Every prudentH6175 man dealethH6213[H8799] with knowledgeH1847: but a foolH3684 layeth openH6566[H8799] his follyH200. [16]Every wise man will work by knowledge: but a fool will spread abroad folly.
[17]A wickedH7563 messengerH4397 fallethH5307[H8799] into mischiefH7451: but a faithfulH529 ambassadorH6735 is healthH4832. [17]A wicked messenger falleth into evil: but a faithful ambassador is preservation.
[18]PovertyH7389 and shameH7036 shall be to him that refusethH6544[H8802] instructionH4148: but he that regardethH8104[H8802] reproofH8433 shall be honouredH3513.[H8792] [18]Poverty and shame is to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth correction, shall be honored.
[19]The desireH8378 accomplishedH1961[H8738] is sweetH6149[H8799] to the soulH5315: but it is abominationH8441 to foolsH3684 to departH5493[H8800] from evilH7451. [19]A desire accomplished delighteth the soul: but it is an abomination to fools to depart from evil.
[20]He that walkethH1980[H8802] with wiseH2450 men shall be wiseH2449[H8799]: but a companionH7462[H8802] of foolsH3684 shall be destroyedH7321.[H8735] [20]He that walketh with the wise, shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be afflicted.
[21]EvilH7451 pursuethH7291[H8762] sinnersH2400: but to the righteousH6662 goodH2896 shall be repayedH7999.[H8762] [21]Affliction followeth sinners: but unto the righteous God will recompense good.
[22]A goodH2896 man leaveth an inheritanceH5157[H8686] to his children'sH1121 childrenH1121: and the wealthH2428 of the sinnerH2398[H8802] is laid upH6845[H8803] for the justH6662. [22]The good man shall give inheritance unto his children's children: and the riches of the sinner is laid up for the just.
[23]MuchH7230 foodH400 is in the tillageH5215 of the poorH7218[H8676][H7326][H8802]: but there isH3426 that is destroyedH5595[H8737] for wantH3808 of judgmentH4941. [23]Much food is in the field of the poor: but the field is destroyed without discretion.
[24]He that sparethH2820[H8802] his rodH7626 hatethH8130[H8802] his sonH1121: but he that lovethH157[H8802] him chastenethH4148 him betimesH7836.[H8765] [24]He that spareth his rod, hateth his son: but he that loveth him, chasteneth him betime.
[25]The righteousH6662 eatethH398[H8802] to the satisfyingH7648 of his soulH5315: but the bellyH990 of the wickedH7563 shall wantH2637.[H8799] [25]The righteous eateth to the contentation of his mind: but the belly of the wicked shall want.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org