[1]Through desireH8378 a man, having separatedH6504[H8737] himself, seekethH1245[H8762] and intermeddlethH1566[H8691] with all wisdomH8454. |
[1]For the desire thereof he will separate himself to seek it, and occupy himself in all wisdom. |
[2]A foolH3684 hath no delightH2654[H8799] in understandingH8394, but that his heartH3820 may discoverH1540 itselfH8692. |
[2]A fool hath no delight in understanding: but that his heart may be discovered. |
[3]When the wickedH7563 comethH935[H8800], then comethH935[H8804] also contemptH937, and with ignominyH7036 reproachH2781. |
[3]When the wicked cometh, then cometh contempt, and with the vile man reproach. |
[4]The wordsH1697 of a man'sH376 mouthH6310 are as deepH6013 watersH4325, and the wellspringH4726 of wisdomH2451 as a flowingH5042[H8802] brookH5158. |
[4]The words of a man's mouth are like deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom is like a flowing river. |
[5]It is not goodH2896 to acceptH5375[H8800] the personH6440 of the wickedH7563, to overthrowH5186[H8687] the righteousH6662 in judgmentH4941. |
[5]It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to cause the righteous to fall in judgment. |
[6]A fool'sH3684 lipsH8193 enterH935[H8799] into contentionH7379, and his mouthH6310 callethH7121[H8799] for strokesH4112. |
[6]A fool's lips come with strife, and his mouth calleth for stripes. |
[7]A fool'sH3684 mouthH6310 is his destructionH4288, and his lipsH8193 are the snareH4170 of his soulH5315. |
[7]A fool's mouth is his own destruction, and his lips are a snare for his soul. |
[8]The wordsH1697 of a talebearerH5372 are as woundsH3859[H8693], and they go downH3381[H8804] into the innermost partsH2315 of the bellyH990. |
[8]The words of a tale bearer are as flatterings, and they go down into the bowels of the belly. |
[9]He also that is slothfulH7503[H8693] in his workH4399 is brotherH251 to him that is a greatH1167 wasterH7843.[H8688] |
[9]He also that is slothful in his work, is even the brother of him that is a great waster. |
[10]The nameH8034 of the LORDH3068 is a strongH5797 towerH4026: the righteousH6662 runnethH7323[H8799] into it, and is safeH7682.[H8738] |
[10]The Name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth unto it, and is exalted. |
[11]The rich man'sH6223 wealthH1952 is his strongH5797 cityH7151, and as an highH7682[H8737] wallH2346 in his own conceitH4906. |
[11]The rich man's riches are his strong city: and as an high wall in his imagination. |
[12]BeforeH6440 destructionH7667 the heartH3820 of manH376 is haughtyH1361[H8799], and beforeH6440 honourH3519 is humilityH6038. |
[12]Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, and before glory goeth lowliness. |
[13]He that answerethH7725[H8688] a matterH1697 before he hearethH8085[H8799] it, it is follyH200 and shame unto himH3639. |
[13]He that answereth a matter before he hear it, it is folly and shame unto him. |
[14]The spiritH7307 of a manH376 will sustainH3557[H8770] his infirmityH4245; but a woundedH5218 spiritH7307 who can bearH5375?[H8799] |
[14]The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity: but a wounded spirit, who can bear it? |
[15]The heartH3820 of the prudentH995[H8737] gettethH7069[H8799] knowledgeH1847; and the earH241 of the wiseH2450 seekethH1245[H8762] knowledgeH1847. |
[15]A wise heart getteth knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeketh learning. |
[16]A man'sH120 giftH4976 maketh roomH7337[H8686] for him, and bringethH5148[H8686] him beforeH6440 great menH1419. |
[16]A man's gift enlargeth him, and leadeth him before great men. |
[17]He that is firstH7223 in his own causeH7379 seemeth justH6662; but his neighbourH7453 comethH935[H8804][H8675][H935][H8799] and searchethH2713 himH8804. |
[17]He that is first in his own cause, is just: then cometh his neighbor, and maketh inquiry of him. |
[18]The lotH1486 causeth contentionsH4079 to ceaseH7673[H8686], and partethH6504[H8686] between the mightyH6099. |
[18]The lot causeth contentions to cease, and maketh a partition among the mighty. |
[19]A brotherH251 offendedH6586[H8737] is harder to be won than a strongH5797 cityH7151: and their contentionsH4079[H8675][H4066] are like the barsH1280 of a castleH759. |
[19]A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and their contentions are like the bar of a palace. |
[20]A man'sH376 bellyH990 shall be satisfiedH7646[H8799] with the fruitH6529 of his mouthH6310; and with the increaseH8393 of his lipsH8193 shall he be filledH7646.[H8799] |
[20]With the fruit of a man's mouth shall his belly be satisfied, and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. |
[21]DeathH4194 and lifeH2416 are in the powerH3027 of the tongueH3956: and they that loveH157[H8802] it shall eatH398[H8799] the fruit thereofH6529. |
[21]Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it, shall eat the fruit thereof. |
[22]Whoso findethH4672[H8804] a wifeH802 findethH4672[H8804] a goodH2896 thing, and obtainethH6329[H8686] favourH7522 of the LORDH3068. |
[22]He that findeth a wife, findeth a good thing, and receiveth favor of the Lord. |
[23]The poorH7326[H8802] usethH1696[H8762] intreatiesH8469; but the richH6223 answerethH6030[H8799] roughlyH5794. |
[23]The poor speaketh with prayers: but the rich answereth roughly. |
[24]A manH376 that hath friendsH7453 must shew himself friendlyH7489[H8710]: and there isH3426 a friendH157[H8802] that sticketh closerH1695 than a brotherH251. |
[24]A man that hath friends, ought to show himself friendly: for a friend is nearer than a brother. |