The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]The wordsH1697 of kingH4428 LemuelH3927, the prophecyH4853 that his motherH517 taughtH3256 himH8765. [1]The words of king Lemuel: The prophecy which his mother taught him.
[2]What, my sonH1248? and what, the sonH1248 of my wombH990? and what, the sonH1248 of my vowsH5088? [2]What my son! And what the son of my womb! And what, O son of my desires!
[3]GiveH5414[H8799] not thy strengthH2428 unto womenH802, nor thy waysH1870 to that which destroyethH4229[H8687] kingsH4428. [3]Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways, which is to destroy kings.
[4]It is not for kingsH4428, O LemuelH3927, it is not for kingsH4428 to drinkH8354[H8800] wineH3196; nor forH335[H8675][H176] princesH7336[H8802] strong drinkH7941: [4]It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes strong drink,
[5]Lest they drinkH8354[H8799], and forgetH7911[H8799] the lawH2710[H8794], and pervertH8138[H8762] the judgmentH1779 of any of the afflictedH1121.[H6040] [5]Lest he drink, and forget the decree, and change the judgment of all the children of affliction.
[6]GiveH5414[H8798] strong drinkH7941 unto him that is ready to perishH6[H8802], and wineH3196 unto those that be of heavyH4751 heartsH5315. [6]Give ye strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto them that have grief of heart.
[7]Let him drinkH8354[H8799], and forgetH7911[H8799] his povertyH7389, and rememberH2142[H8799] his misery no moreH5999. [7]Let him drink, that he may forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.
[8]OpenH6605[H8798] thy mouthH6310 for the dumbH483 in the causeH1779 of all such as are appointedH1121 to destructionH2475. [8]Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all the children of destruction.
[9]OpenH6605[H8798] thy mouthH6310, judgeH8199[H8798] righteouslyH6664, and pleadH1777[H8798] the cause of the poorH6041 and needyH34. [9]Open thy mouth: judge righteously, and judge the afflicted, and the poor.
[10]Who can findH4672[H8799] a virtuousH2428 womanH802? for her priceH4377 is farH7350 above rubiesH6443. [10]Who shall find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above the pearls.
[11]The heartH3820 of her husbandH1167 doth safely trustH982[H8804] in her, so that he shall have no needH2637[H8799] of spoilH7998. [11]The heart of her husband trusteth in her, and he shall have no need of spoil.
[12]She will doH1580[H8804] him goodH2896 and not evilH7451 all the daysH3117 of her lifeH2416. [12]She will do him good, and not evil all the days of her life.
[13]She seekethH1875[H8804] woolH6785, and flaxH6593, and workethH6213[H8799] willinglyH2656 with her handsH3709. [13]She seeketh wool and flax, and laboreth cheerfully with her hands.
[14]She is like the merchantsH5503'H8802 shipsH591; she bringethH935[H8686] her foodH3899 from afarH4801. [14]She is like the ships of merchants: she bringeth her food from afar.
[15]She risethH6965[H8799] also while it is yet nightH3915, and givethH5414[H8799] meatH2964 to her householdH1004, and a portionH2706 to her maidensH5291. [15]And she riseth, whiles it is yet night: and giveth the portion to her household, and the ordinary to her maids.
[16]She considerethH2161[H8804] a fieldH7704, and buyethH3947[H8799] it: with the fruitH6529 of her handsH3709 she plantethH5193[H8804] a vineyardH3754. [16]She considereth a field, and getteth it: and with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
[17]She girdethH2296[H8804] her loinsH4975 with strengthH5797, and strengthenethH553[H8762] her armsH2220. [17]She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
[18]She perceivethH2938[H8804] that her merchandiseH5504 is goodH2896: her candleH5216 goeth not outH3518[H8799] by nightH3915. [18]She feeleth that her merchandise is good: her candle is not put out by night.
[19]She layethH7971[H8765] her handsH3027 to the spindleH3601, and her handsH3709 holdH8551[H8804] the distaffH6418. [19]She putteth her hands to the wheel, and her hands handle the spindle.
[20]She stretcheth outH6566[H8804] her handH3709 to the poorH6041; yea, she reacheth forthH7971[H8765] her handsH3027 to the needyH34. [20]She stretcheth out her hand to the poor, and putteth forth her hands to the needy.
[21]She is not afraidH3372[H8799] of the snowH7950 for her householdH1004: for all her householdH1004 are clothedH3847[H8803] with scarletH8144. [21]She feareth not the snow for her family: for all her family is clothed with scarlet.
[22]She makethH6213[H8804] herself coverings of tapestryH4765; her clothingH3830 is silkH8336 and purpleH713. [22]She maketh herself carpets: fine linen and purple is her garment.
[23]Her husbandH1167 is knownH3045[H8737] in the gatesH8179, when he sittethH3427[H8800] among the eldersH2205 of the landH776. [23]Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth with the elders of the land.
[24]She makethH6213[H8804] fine linenH5466, and sellethH4376[H8799] it; and deliverethH5414[H8804] girdlesH2289 unto the merchantH3669. [24]She maketh sheets, and selleth them, and giveth girdles unto the merchant.
[25]StrengthH5797 and honourH1926 are her clothingH3830; and she shall rejoiceH7832[H8799] in timeH3117 to comeH314. [25]Strength and honor is her clothing, and in the latter day she shall rejoice.
[26]She openethH6605[H8804] her mouthH6310 with wisdomH2451; and in her tongueH3956 is the lawH8451 of kindnessH2617. [26]She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and the law of grace is in her tongue.
[27]She looketh wellH6822[H8802] to the waysH1979[H8675][H1979] of her householdH1004, and eatethH398[H8799] not the breadH3899 of idlenessH6104. [27]She overseeth the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
[28]Her childrenH1121 arise upH6965[H8804], and call her blessedH833[H8762]; her husbandH1167 also, and he praisethH1984 herH8762. [28]Her children rise up, and call her blessed: her husband also shall praise her, saying,
[29]ManyH7227 daughtersH1323 have doneH6213[H8804] virtuouslyH2428, but thou excellestH5927 them allH8804. [29]Many daughters have done virtuously: but thou surmountest them all.
[30]FavourH2580 is deceitfulH8267, and beautyH3308 is vainH1892: but a womanH802 that fearethH3373 the LORDH3068, she shall be praisedH1984.[H8691] [30]Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vanity: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
[31]GiveH5414[H8798] her of the fruitH6529 of her handsH3027; and let her own worksH4639 praiseH1984[H8762] her in the gatesH8179. [31]Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org