The Bishops' Bible (1568)
Peshitta NT (1905)
[1]My soule blesse thou God: O God my Lord thou art become exceeding great, thou hast put on glory and maiestie [No book]
[2]Who is decked with light as it were with a garment: spreadyng out the heauens like a curtayne [No book]
[3]Who seeleth his vpper chaumbers with waters: and maketh the cloudes his charriot, and walketh vpon the wynges of the wynde [No book]
[4]He maketh his angels spirites: and his ministers a flaming fire [No book]
[5]He hath layde the earth sure vpon her foundations: that it can neuer moue at any tyme [No book]
[6]Thou coueredst it with the deepe, lyke as with a garment: the waters stande vpon the hilles [No book]
[7]At thy rebuke they flee: at the noyse of thy thunder they bluster downe apace [No book]
[8]The hilles mount aloft: and the valleys settle downe beneath vnto the place where thou hast layde a foundation for them [No book]
[9]Thou hast set them their boundes which they shall not passe: neither shall they returne agayne to couer the earth [No book]
[10]Who also causeth the springes which runne betweene the hilles: to flowe into the riuers [No book]
[11]All beastes of the fielde drinke therof: and the wylde asses quench their thirst [No book]
[12]The foules of the ayre haue their habitation nigh vnto them: singing out of the midst of the bowes [of trees. [No book]
[13]He watereth the hilles from aboue: the earth is replenished with the fruite of thy workes [No book]
[14]He causeth grasse to growe for cattell: and hearbes for the vse of man [No book]
[15]That he may bryng foorth foode out of the earth: both wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oyle to make hym haue a chearefull countenaunce, & also bread to strengthen mans heart [No book]
[16]The trees of God be satisfied: euen the Cedars of Libanus which he hath planted [No book]
[17]Wherin the birdes make their nestes: in the fyrre trees the storke buyldeth [No book]
[18]The high hilles are a refuge for goates: and so are the stonie rockes for conies [No book]
[19]He hath made the moone for certayne seasons: and the sunne knoweth his goyng downe [No book]
[20]Thou makest darknes and it is night: wherein all the beastes of the forrest do go abrode [No book]
[21]The Lions do roare after a pray: and in seeking their meate of God [No book]
[22]When the sunne ariseth, they recoyle backe: and lay them downe to rest in their dennes [No book]
[23]Man goeth foorth to his worke: and to do his seruice vntyll the euening [No book]
[24]O God howe manyfolde are thy workes? thou hast made them al in wisdome, the earth is ful of thy ryches [No book]
[25]So is the sea it selfe large and wyde in compasse: wherein are thinges creeping innumerable, both small and great beastes [No book]
[26]There go the shippes, and there is that Leuiathan: whom thou hast made to take his pastime therin [No book]
[27]These wayte all vpon thee: that thou mayest geue them meate in due season [No book]
[28]When thou geuest it them, they gather it: and when thou openest thyne hand, they are filled with that which is good [No book]
[29]When thou hydest thy face, they are troubled: when thou takest away their spirite, they dye, and are turned agayne to their dust [No book]
[30]When thou sendest out thy spirite, they be recreated: and thou reuiuest the face of the earth [No book]
[31]The glorious maiestie of God shal endure for euer: God wyll reioyce in his workes [No book]
[32]He beholdeth the earth, & it trembleth: he toucheth the hilles, and they smoke [No book]
[33]I wyll syng vnto God as long as I liue: I will sing psalmes vnto my Lord so long as I shall be [No book]
[34]My meditations of hym shalbe very pleasaunt: for all my ioy shalbe in God [No book]
[35]As for sinners they shalbe consumed out of the earth: and the vngodly shall come to an ende, blesse thou God O my soule, [and] prayse you the Lorde [No book]
Source: studybible.org