The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]O give thanksH3034[H8685] unto the LORDH3068; callH7121[H8798] upon his nameH8034: make knownH3045[H8685] his deedsH5949 among the peopleH5971. [1]Praise the Lord, and call upon his name: declare his works among the people.
[2]SingH7891[H8798] unto him, sing psalmsH2167[H8761] unto him: talkH7878[H8798] ye of all his wondrous worksH6381.[H8737] [2]Sing unto him, sing praise unto him , and talk of all his wondrous works.
[3]GloryH1984[H8690] ye in his holyH6944 nameH8034: let the heartH3820 of them rejoiceH8055[H8799] that seekH1245[H8764] the LORDH3068. [3]Rejoice in his holy name: let the heart of them that seek the Lord, rejoice.
[4]SeekH1875[H8798] the LORDH3068, and his strengthH5797: seekH1245[H8761] his faceH6440 evermoreH8548. [4]Seek the Lord and his strength: seek his face continually.
[5]RememberH2142[H8798] his marvellous worksH6381[H8737] that he hath doneH6213[H8804]; his wondersH4159, and the judgmentsH4941 of his mouthH6310; [5]Remember his marvelous works, that he hath done, his wonders and the judgments of his mouth,
[6]O ye seedH2233 of AbrahamH85 his servantH5650, ye childrenH1121 of JacobH3290 his chosenH972. [6]Ye seed of Abraham his servant, ye children of Jacob, which are his elect.
[7]He is the LORDH3068 our GodH430: his judgmentsH4941 are in all the earthH776. [7]He is the Lord our God: his judgments are through all the earth.
[8]He hath rememberedH2142[H8804] his covenantH1285 for everH5769, the wordH1697 which he commandedH6680[H8765] to a thousandH505 generationsH1755. [8]He hath alway remembered his covenant and promise, that he made to a thousand generations,
[9]Which covenant he madeH3772[H8804] with AbrahamH85, and his oathH7621 unto IsaacH3446; [9]Even that which he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac:
[10]And confirmedH5975[H8686] the same unto JacobH3290 for a lawH2706, and to IsraelH3478 for an everlastingH5769 covenantH1285: [10]And since hath confirmed it to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant,
[11]SayingH559[H8800], Unto thee will I giveH5414[H8799] the landH776 of CanaanH3667, the lotH2256 of your inheritanceH5159: [11]Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.
[12]When they were but a few menH4962 in numberH4557; yea, very fewH4592, and strangersH1481 in itH8802. [12]Albeit they were few in number, yea, very few, and strangers in the land,
[13]When they wentH1980[H8691] from one nationH1471 to another, from one kingdomH4467 to anotherH312 peopleH5971; [13]And walked about from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people,
[14]He sufferedH3240[H8689] no manH120 to do them wrongH6231[H8800]: yea, he reprovedH3198[H8686] kings for their sakesH4428; [14]Yet suffered he no man to do them wrong, but reproved kings for their sakes, saying,
[15]Saying, TouchH5060[H8799] not mine anointedH4899, and do my prophetsH5030 no harmH7489.[H8686] [15]Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
[16]Moreover he calledH7121[H8799] for a famineH7458 upon the landH776: he brakeH7665[H8804] the whole staffH4294 of breadH3899. [16]Moreover he called a famine upon the land , and utterly brake the staff of bread.
[17]He sentH7971[H8804] a manH376 beforeH6440 them, even JosephH3130, who was soldH4376[H8738] for a servantH5650: [17]But he sent a man before them: Joseph was sold for a slave.
[18]Whose feetH7272 they hurtH6031[H8765] with fettersH3525: heH5315 was laidH935[H8804] in ironH1270: [18]They held his feet in the stocks , and he was laid in irons,
[19]Until the timeH6256 that his wordH1697 cameH935[H8800]: the wordH565 of the LORDH3068 triedH6884 himH8804. [19]Until his appointed time came, and the counsel of the Lord had tried him.
[20]The kingH4428 sentH7971[H8804] and loosedH5425[H8686] him; even the rulerH4910[H8802] of the peopleH5971, and let him go freeH6605.[H8762] [20]The King sent and loosed him: even the ruler of the people delivered him.
[21]He madeH7760[H8804] him lordH113 of his houseH1004, and rulerH4910[H8802] of all his substanceH7075: [21]He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance,
[22]To bindH631[H8800] his princesH8269 at his pleasureH5315; and teach his senatorsH2205 wisdomH2449.[H8762] [22]That he should bind his princes unto his will, and teach his ancients wisdom.
[23]IsraelH3478 also cameH935[H8799] into EgyptH4714; and JacobH3290 sojournedH1481[H8804] in the landH776 of HamH2526. [23]Then Israel came to Egypt, and Jacob was a stranger in the land of Ham.
[24]And he increasedH6509[H8686] his peopleH5971 greatlyH3966; and made them strongerH6105[H8686] than their enemiesH6862. [24]And he increased his people exceedingly, and made them stronger then their oppressors.
[25]He turnedH2015[H8804] their heartH3820 to hateH8130[H8800] his peopleH5971, to deal subtillyH5230[H8692] with his servantsH5650. [25]He turned their heart to hate his people, and to deal craftily with his servants.
[26]He sentH7971[H8804] MosesH4872 his servantH5650; and AaronH175 whom he had chosenH977.[H8804] [26]Then sent he Moses his servant, and Aaron whom he had chosen.
[27]They shewedH7760[H8804] his signsH226[H1697] among them, and wondersH4159 in the landH776 of HamH2526. [27]They showed among them the message of his signs, and wonders in the land of Ham.
[28]He sentH7971[H8804] darknessH2822, and made it darkH2821[H8686]; and they rebelledH4784[H8804] not against his wordH1697. [28]He sent darkness, and made it dark: and they were not disobedient unto his commission.
[29]He turnedH2015[H8804] their watersH4325 into bloodH1818, and slewH4191[H8686] their fishH1710. [29]He turned their waters into blood, and slew their fish.
[30]Their landH776 brought forthH8317 frogsH6854 in abundanceH8317[H8804], in the chambersH2315 of their kingsH4428. [30]Their land brought forth frogs, even in their king's chambers.
[31]He spakeH559[H8804], and there cameH935[H8799] divers sorts of fliesH6157, and liceH3654 in all their coastsH1366. [31]He spake, and there came swarms of flies and lice in all their quarters.
[32]He gaveH5414[H8804] them hailH1259 for rainH1653, and flamingH3852 fireH784 in their landH776. [32]He gave them hail for rain, and flames of fire in their land.
[33]He smoteH5221[H8686] their vinesH1612 also and their fig treesH8384; and brakeH7665[H8762] the treesH6086 of their coastsH1366. [33]He smote their vines also and their fig trees, and brake down the trees in their coasts.
[34]He spakeH559[H8804], and the locustsH697 cameH935[H8799], and caterpillersH3218, and that without numberH4557, [34]He spake, and the grasshoppers came, and caterpillars innumerable,
[35]And did eat upH398[H8799] all the herbsH6212 in their landH776, and devouredH398[H8799] the fruitH6529 of their groundH127. [35]And did eat up all the grass in their land, and devoured the fruit of their ground.
[36]He smoteH5221[H8686] also all the firstbornH1060 in their landH776, the chiefH7225 of all their strengthH202. [36]He smote also all the first born in their land, even the beginning of all their strength.
[37]He brought them forthH3318[H8686] also with silverH3701 and goldH2091: and there was not one feebleH3782[H8802] person among their tribesH7626. [37]He brought them forth also with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among their tribes.
[38]EgyptH4714 was gladH8055[H8804] when they departedH3318[H8800]: for the fearH6343 of them fellH5307 upon themH8804. [38]Egypt was glad at their departing: for the fear of them had fallen upon them.
[39]He spreadH6566[H8804] a cloudH6051 for a coveringH4539; and fireH784 to give lightH215[H8687] in the nightH3915. [39]He spread a cloud to be a covering, and fire to give light in the night.
[40]The people askedH7592[H8804], and he broughtH935[H8686] quailsH7958, and satisfiedH7646[H8686] them with the breadH3899 of heavenH8064. [40]They asked, and he brought quails, and he filled them with the bread of heaven.
[41]He openedH6605[H8804] the rockH6697, and the watersH4325 gushed outH2100[H8799]; they ranH1980[H8804] in the dry placesH6723 like a riverH5104. [41]He opened the rock, and the waters flowed out, and ran in the dry places like a river.
[42]For he rememberedH2142[H8804] his holyH6944 promiseH1697, and AbrahamH85 his servantH5650. [42]For he remembered his holy promise to Abraham his servant,
[43]And he brought forthH3318[H8686] his peopleH5971 with joyH8342, and his chosenH972 with gladnessH7440: [43]And he brought forth his people with joy, and his chosen with gladness,
[44]And gaveH5414[H8799] them the landsH776 of the heathenH1471: and they inheritedH3423[H8799] the labourH5999 of the peopleH3816; [44]And gave them the lands of the heathen, and they took the labors of the people in possession,
[45]That they might observeH8104[H8799] his statutesH2706, and keepH5341[H8799] his lawsH8451. PraiseH1984[H8761] ye the LORDH3050. [45]That they might keep his statutes, and observe his laws. Praise ye the Lord.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org