[1] Blessed are those that be perfect in the way: walkyng in the lawe of God |
[1][Aleph.] O the happiness of those perfect in the way, They are walking in the law of Jehovah, |
[2]Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies: they seke hym with their whole heart |
[2]O the happiness of those keeping His testimonies, With the whole heart they seek Him. |
[3]Truely they walke in his wayes: who do no wickednesse |
[3]Yea, they have not done iniquity, In His ways they have walked. |
[4]Thou hast geuen charge: that we shoulde diligently kepe thy commaundementes |
[4]Thou hast commanded us Thy precepts to keep diligently, |
[5]I wishe that my wayes were directed: for to kepe thy statutes |
[5]O that my ways were prepared to keep Thy statutes, |
[6]I shall take then no shame: when I haue regarde vnto all thy commaundementes |
[6]Then I am not ashamed In my looking unto all Thy commands. |
[7]I wyll confesse [it] vnto thee with an vpryght heart: when I shall haue learned the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnesse |
[7]I confess Thee with uprightness of heart, In my learning the judgments of Thy righteousness. |
[8]I wyll kepe thy statutes: [wherfore] forsake me not for any long tyme |
[8]Thy statutes I keep, leave me not utterly! |
[9] (119:1) Wherby shall a young man refourme his way: euen in guiding it accordyng to thy worde |
[9][Beth.] With what doth a young man purify his path? To observe -- according to Thy word. |
[10](119:2) I haue sought thee with my whole heart: suffer me not to swarue from thy commaundementes |
[10]With all my heart I have sought Thee, Let me not err from Thy commands. |
[11](119:3) I haue hyd thy wordes within my heart: for this ende, that I shoulde not sinne agaynst thee |
[11]In my heart I have hid Thy saying, That I sin not before Thee. |
[12](119:4) Blessed art thou O God: teache me thy statutes |
[12]Blessed [art] Thou, O Jehovah, teach me Thy statutes. |
[13](119:5) I haue declared with my lyppes: all the iudgementes of thy mouth |
[13]With my lips I have recounted All the judgments of Thy mouth. |
[14](119:6) I am delighted in the way of thy testimonies: as in all maner of riches |
[14]In the way of Thy testimonies I have joyed, As over all wealth. |
[15](119:7) I wyll study thy commaundementes: and I wyll consider thy wayes |
[15]In Thy precepts I meditate, And I behold attentively Thy paths. |
[16](119:8) My delyght shalbe in thy statutes: and I wyll not forget thy worde |
[16]In Thy statutes I delight myself, I do not forget Thy word. |
[17] (119:1) Rewarde thy seruaunt, let me lyue: and I wyll kepe thy worde |
[17][Gimel.] Confer benefits on Thy servant, I live, and I keep Thy word. |
[18](119:2) Open thou myne eyes: and I will beholde the wonderous thynges of thy lawe |
[18]Uncover mine eyes, and I behold wonders out of Thy law. |
[19](119:3) I am a straunger vpon earth: hyde not thy commaundementes from me |
[19]A sojourner I [am] on earth, Hide not from me Thy commands. |
[20](119:4) My soule faynteth: for the very feruent desire that it hath alwaye vnto thy iudgementes |
[20]Broken hath my soul for desire Unto Thy judgments at all times. |
[21](119:5) Thou hast rebuked those that be proude and cursed: who do erre from thy commaundementes |
[21]Thou hast rebuked the cursed proud, Who are erring from Thy commands. |
[22](119:6) Withdrawe from me reproche and contempt: for that I haue kept thy testimonies |
[22]Remove from me reproach and contempt, For Thy testimonies I have kept. |
[23](119:7) Yea princes dyd syt and speake agaynst me: but thy seruaunt did geue hym selfe to the meditation of thy statutes |
[23]Princes also sat -- against me they spoke, Thy servant doth meditate in Thy statutes, |
[24](119:8) Yea thy testimonies are my delyght: and my counsaylers |
[24]Thy testimonies also [are] my delight, The men of my counsel! |
[25] (119:1) My soule cleaueth to the dust: reuiue thou me accordyng to thy worde |
[25][Daleth.] Cleaved to the dust hath my soul, Quicken me according to Thy word. |
[26](119:2) I haue made a declaration to thee of my wayes, and thou heardest me: O teache me thy statutes |
[26]My ways I have recounted, And Thou answerest me, teach me Thy statutes, |
[27](119:3) Make me to vnderstande the way of thy commaundementes: and I wyll geue my selfe to the meditation of thy wonderous workes |
[27]The way of Thy precepts cause me to understand, And I meditate in Thy wonders. |
[28](119:4) My soule melteth away for very heauinesse: comfort thou me accordyng to thy worde |
[28]My soul hath dropped from affliction, Establish me according to Thy word. |
[29](119:5) Take from me the way of falshood: & witsafe me worthy to haue thy lawe |
[29]The way of falsehood turn aside from me And with Thy law favour me. |
[30](119:6) I haue chosen the way of trueth: & I haue layde thy iudgementes before me |
[30]The way of faithfulness I have chosen, Thy judgments I have compared, |
[31](119:7) I haue stuck fast vnto thy testimonies: O God confounde me not |
[31]I have adhered to Thy testimonies, O Jehovah, put me not to shame. |
[32](119:8) I wyll runne the way of thy commaundementes: when thou shalt set my heart at libertie |
[32]The way of Thy commands I run, For Thou dost enlarge my heart! |
[33] (119:1) Teache me O God the way of thy statutes: and I wyll kepe it vnto the ende |
[33][He.] Show me, O Jehovah, the way of Thy statutes, And I keep it -- [to] the end. |
[34](119:2) Geue me vnderstanding, & I wil kepe thy law: yea I wyll kepe it with my whole heart |
[34]Cause me to understand, and I keep Thy law, And observe it with the whole heart. |
[35](119:3) Leade me in the path of thy comaundementes: for therin is my delyght |
[35]Cause me to tread in the path of Thy commands, For in it I have delighted. |
[36](119:4) Encline myne heart vnto thy testimonies: and not to couetousnesse |
[36]Incline my heart unto Thy testimonies, And not unto dishonest gain. |
[37](119:5) Turne away myne eyes, lest they beholde vanitie: cause me to lyue in thy way |
[37]Remove mine eyes from seeing vanity, In Thy way quicken Thou me. |
[38](119:6) Make thy worde more euident vnto thy seruaunt: who is [geuen] to thy feare |
[38]Establish to Thy servant Thy saying, That [is] concerning Thy fear. |
[39](119:7) Take away the reproche that I am afraide of: for thy iudgemetes are good |
[39]Remove my reproach that I have feared, For Thy judgments [are] good. |
[40](119:8) Behold I haue coueted after thy commaundementes: cause me to lyue in thy ryghteousnesse |
[40]Lo, I have longed for Thy precepts, In Thy righteousness quicken Thou me, |
[41] (119:1) Let thy louing mercie also come vnto me O God: euen thy saluation, accordyng to thy worde |
[41][Waw.] And meet me doth Thy kindness, O Jehovah, Thy salvation according to Thy saying. |
[42](119:2) And I shall aunswere to hym that layeth [thy] worde to me for a reproche: for in thy worde I haue put my trust |
[42]And I answer him who is reproaching me a word, For I have trusted in Thy word. |
[43](119:3) Take not the worde of trueth vtterly out of my mouth: for my hope is in thy iudgementes |
[43]And Thou takest not utterly away From my mouth the word of truth, Because for Thy judgment I have hoped. |
[44](119:4) And I wyll alway kepe thy lawe: yea for euer and euer |
[44]And I keep Thy law continually, To the age and for ever. |
[45](119:5) And I wyll walke in a large scope: for I seke thy commaundementes |
[45]And I walk habitually in a broad place, For Thy precepts I have sought. |
[46](119:6) I wyll also speake of thy testimonies before kinges: & I will not be ashamed |
[46]And I speak of Thy testimonies before kings, And I am not ashamed. |
[47](119:7) And my delyght shalbe in thy commaundementes: which I haue loued |
[47]And I delight myself in Thy commands, That I have loved, |
[48](119:8) And I wyll lyft vp my handes vnto thy commaundementes which I haue loued: & my study shalbe in thy statutes |
[48]And I lift up my hands unto Thy commands, That I have loved, And I do meditate on Thy statutes! |
[49] (119:1) Be myndfull of thy promise made vnto thy seruaunt: wherin thou hast caused me to put my trust |
[49][Zain.] Remember the word to Thy servant, On which Thou hast caused me to hope. |
[50](119:2) That same is my comfort in my affliction: for thy worde maketh me to lyue |
[50]This [is] my comfort in mine affliction, That Thy saying hath quickened me. |
[51](119:3) The proude haue had me exceedingly in derision: yet I haue not shrinked from thy lawe |
[51]The proud have utterly scorned me, From Thy law I have not turned aside. |
[52](119:4) [For] I called to remembraunce thy iudgementes from the begynnyng of the worlde O God: and so I comforted my selfe |
[52]I remembered Thy judgments of old, O Jehovah, And I comfort myself. |
[53](119:5) An extreme vnnaturall heat hath assayled me, because of the vngodly: who transgresse thy lawe |
[53]Horror hath seized me, Because of the wicked forsaking Thy law. |
[54](119:6) Thy statutes haue ben [my] songes: in the house of my pilgrimages |
[54]Songs have been to me Thy statutes, In the house of my sojournings. |
[55](119:7) I haue thought vpon thy name O God in the nyght season: and I haue kept thy lawe |
[55]I have remembered in the night Thy name, O Jehovah, And I do keep Thy law. |
[56](119:8) This came to passe for me: because I kept thy commaundementes |
[56]This hath been to me, That Thy precepts I have kept! |
[57] (119:1) Thou art my portion O God: I haue purposed to kepe thy lawe |
[57][Cheth.] My portion [is] Jehovah; I have said -- to keep Thy words, |
[58](119:2) I made myne humble petition to thy face with my whole heart: be mercifull vnto me according vnto thy word |
[58]I appeased Thy face with the whole heart, Favour me according to Thy saying. |
[59](119:3) I haue considered mine owne wayes: and I haue turned my feete vnto thy testimonies |
[59]I have reckoned my ways, And turn back my feet unto Thy testimonies. |
[60](119:4) I made haste and I made no delay: for to kepe thy commaundementes |
[60]I have made haste, And delayed not, to keep Thy commands. |
[61](119:5) The vngodly haue tangled me in their snares: but I haue not forgotten thy lawe |
[61]Cords of the wicked have surrounded me, Thy law I have not forgotten. |
[62](119:6) I wyll ryse at midnight to confesse me vnto thee: because of thy ryghteous iudgementes |
[62]At midnight I rise to give thanks to Thee, For the judgments of Thy righteousness. |
[63](119:7) I am a companion of all them that feare thee: and kepe thy commaundementes |
[63]A companion I [am] to all who fear Thee, And to those keeping Thy precepts. |
[64](119:8) The earth O God is replenished with thy louyng kyndnesse: O teache me thy statutes |
[64]Of Thy kindness, O Jehovah, the earth is full, Thy statutes teach Thou me! |
[65] (119:1) O God thou hast dealt gratiouslye with thy seruaunt: according vnto thy worde |
[65][Teth.] Good Thou didst with Thy servant, O Jehovah, According to Thy word. |
[66](119:2) Learne me the good taste & cunning: for I haue beleued thy commaundementes |
[66]The goodness of reason and knowledge teach me, For in Thy commands I have believed. |
[67](119:3) Before I felt affliction I swarued out of the way: but nowe I kepe thy word |
[67]Before I am afflicted, I -- I am erring, And now Thy saying I have kept. |
[68](119:4) Thou art good and beneficiall: teache me thy statutes |
[68]Good Thou [art], and doing good, Teach me Thy statutes. |
[69](119:5) The proude haue forged a false tale agaynst me: but I wyll kepe thy commaundementes with my whole heart |
[69]Forged against me falsehood have the proud, I with the whole heart keep Thy precepts. |
[70](119:6) Their heart is as fat as brawne: but my delyght hath ben in thy lawe |
[70]Insensate as fat hath been their heart, I -- in Thy law I have delighted. |
[71](119:7) It is good for me that I am brought into miserie: by that meanes I shall learne thy statutes |
[71]Good for me that I have been afflicted, That I might learn Thy statutes. |
[72](119:8) The lawe of thy mouth is dearer vnto me: then thousandes of golde & siluer |
[72]Better to me [is] the law of Thy mouth Than thousands of gold and silver! |
[73] (119:1) Thy handes haue made me and fashioned me: geue me vnderstanding, and I will learne thy comaundementes |
[73][Yod.] Thy hands made me and establish me, Cause me to understand, and I learn Thy commands. |
[74](119:2) They that feare thee, shall see me, & reioyce: because I haue geuen earnest attendaunce vnto thy worde |
[74]Those fearing Thee see me and rejoice, Because for Thy word I have hoped. |
[75](119:3) I know O God that thy iudgementes are iustice: and that thou hast caused me ryghtfully to be afflicted |
[75]I have known, O Jehovah, That righteous [are] Thy judgments, And [in] faithfulness Thou hast afflicted me. |
[76](119:4) I beseche thee let thy louing kindnesse be a meanes to comfort me: accordyng to thy worde [spoken] vnto thy seruaunt |
[76]Let, I pray Thee, Thy kindness be to comfort me, According to Thy saying to Thy servant. |
[77](119:5) Let thy pitifull mercies come vnto me, that I may lyue: for thy lawe is my delyght |
[77]Meet me do Thy mercies, and I live, For Thy law [is] my delight. |
[78](119:6) Let the proude be confounded, for they haue falsly reported me: but I wyll study thy commaundementes |
[78]Ashamed are the proud, For [with] falsehood they dealt perversely with me. I meditate in Thy precepts. |
[79](119:7) Let such as feare thee and knowe thy testimonies: returne vnto me |
[79]Those fearing Thee turn back to me, And those knowing Thy testimonies. |
[80](119:8) Let myne heart be perfectly [set] in thy statutes: that I be not ashamed |
[80]My heart is perfect in Thy statutes, So that I am not ashamed. |
[81] (119:1) My soule hath faynted after thy saluation: I geue earnest attedaunce vnto thy worde |
[81][Kaph.] Consumed for Thy salvation hath been my soul, For Thy word I have hoped. |
[82](119:2) Myne eyes haue faynted after thy worde: whylest I say, when wilt thou comfort me |
[82]Consumed have been mine eyes for Thy word, Saying, `When doth it comfort me?' |
[83](119:3) For I am become like a bottel [hanged] in the smoke: yet I do not forget thy statutes |
[83]For I have been as a bottle in smoke, Thy statutes I have not forgotten. |
[84](119:4) Howe many are the dayes of thy seruaunt? when wilt thou geue iudgement agaynst them that persecute me |
[84]How many [are] the days of Thy servant? When dost Thou execute Against my pursuers judgment? |
[85](119:5) The proude haue digged pittes for me: which is [a thing] not [done] accordyng to thy lawe |
[85]The proud have digged for me pits, That [are] not according to Thy law. |
[86](119:6) All thy commaundementes are the trueth it selfe: they wrongfully persecute me, O be thou my ayde |
[86]All Thy commands [are] faithfulness, [With] falsehood they have pursued me, Help Thou me. |
[87](119:7) They had almost made an ende of me vpon the earth: but I forsoke not thy commaundementes |
[87]Almost consumed me on earth have they, And I -- I have not forsaken Thy precepts. |
[88](119:8) Make me to lyue accordyng to thy pietie: and I wyll kepe the testimonies of thy mouth |
[88]According to Thy kindness quicken Thou me, And I keep the testimony of Thy mouth! |
[89] (119:1) O God: thy worde endureth for euer in heauen |
[89][Lamed.] To the age, O Jehovah, Thy word is set up in the heavens. |
[90](119:2) Thy trueth [appeareth] to euery generation: thou hast layde the foundation of the earth, and it shall continue |
[90]To all generations Thy faithfulness, Thou didst establish earth, and it standeth. |
[91](119:3) [All thynges] continue this day accordyng to thine ordinaunce: for all thinges be thy seruauntes |
[91]According to Thine ordinances They have stood this day, for the whole [are] Thy servants. |
[92](119:4) If my delight had not ben in thy lawe: I shoulde haue perished in myne affliction |
[92]Unless Thy law [were] my delights, Then had I perished in mine affliction. |
[93](119:5) I wyll neuer forget thy commaundementes: for through them thou hast reuiued me |
[93]To the age I forget not Thy precepts, For by them Thou hast quickened me. |
[94](119:6) I am thine, saue me: for I haue diligently studied thy commaundementes ouer |
[94]I [am] Thine, save Thou me, For Thy precepts I have sought. |
[95](119:7) When the vngodly layde wayte for me to destroy me: I endeuoured my selfe to vnderstande thy testimonies |
[95]Thy wicked waited for me to destroy me, Thy testimonies I understand. |
[96](119:8) I see an ende of euery thing be it neuer so perfect: but thy commaundement is exceedyng large |
[96]Of all perfection I have seen an end, Broad [is] Thy command -- exceedingly! |
[97] (119:1) Howe greatly do I loue thy lawe? my study is all the day long in it |
[97][Mem.] O how I have loved Thy law! All the day it [is] my meditation. |
[98](119:2) Thou hast made me wyser then myne enemies through thy commaundementes: for they are euer with me |
[98]Than mine enemies Thy command maketh me wiser, For it [is] before me to the age. |
[99](119:3) I am able to geue better instruction then all they that were my teachers: for thy testimonies are my study |
[99]Above all my teachers I have acted wisely. For Thy testimonies [are] my meditation. |
[100](119:4) I am made to vnderstande more then the aged can: because I kept thy commaundementes |
[100]Above elders I understand more, For Thy precepts I have kept. |
[101](119:5) I haue rstrayned my feete from euery euyll way: that I may kepe thy worde |
[101]From every evil path I restrained my feet, So that I keep Thy word. |
[102](119:6) I haue not shrinked from thy iudgementes: for thou didst teache me |
[102]From Thy judgments I turned not aside, For Thou -- Thou hast directed me. |
[103](119:7) Howe sweete are thy wordes vnto my throte: truely [they be sweeter] then hony is to my mouth |
[103]How sweet to my palate hath been Thy saying, Above honey to my mouth. |
[104](119:8) Through thy commaundementes I get vnderstandyng: therfore I hate all wayes of falshood |
[104]From Thy precepts I have understanding, Therefore I have hated every false path! |
[105] (119:1) Thy worde is a candell vnto my feete: and a lyght vnto my pathes |
[105][Nun.] A lamp to my foot [is] Thy word, And a light to my path. |
[106](119:2) I haue made an oth (which I wil ratifie) for to kepe thy iuste iudgementes |
[106]I have sworn, and I confirm [it], To keep the judgments of Thy righteousness. |
[107](119:3) I am troubled aboue measure: quicken me O God accordyng vnto thy worde |
[107]I have been afflicted very much, O Jehovah, quicken me, according to Thy word. |
[108](119:4) Let the freewyll offerynges of my mouth please thee O God: and teache me thy iudgementes |
[108]Free-will-offerings of my mouth, Accept, I pray Thee, O Jehovah, And Thy judgments teach Thou me. |
[109](119:5) My soule is alway in my hande: yet I do not forget thy lawe |
[109]My soul [is] in my hand continually, And Thy law I have not forgotten. |
[110](119:6) The vngodly haue layde a snare for me: but yet I swarued not from thy commaundementes |
[110]The wicked have laid a snare for me, And from thy precepts I wandered not. |
[111](119:7) I haue claymed thy testimonies as myne heritage for euer: for they are the very ioy of myne heart |
[111]I have inherited Thy testimonies to the age, For the joy of my heart [are] they. |
[112](119:8) I haue applyed myne heart for to fulfyll thy statutes: euen to the worldes ende |
[112]I have inclined my heart To do Thy statutes, to the age -- [to] the end! |
[113] (119:1) I hate hygh subtile deuices: and I do loue thy lawe |
[113][Samech.] Doubting ones I have hated, And Thy law I have loved. |
[114](119:2) Thou art my refuge and my shield: I geue earnest attendaunce vnto thy worde |
[114]My hiding place and my shield [art] Thou, For Thy word I have hoped. |
[115](119:3) Auoyde from me ye malicious [persons:] and I wyll kepe the commaundementes of my Lorde |
[115]Turn aside from me, ye evil-doers, And I keep the commands of my God. |
[116](119:4) Strengthen me in thy worde and I shall lyue: and make me not ashamed of my hope |
[116]Sustain me according to Thy saying, And I live, and Thou puttest me not to shame Because of my hope. |
[117](119:5) Holde thou me vp and I shalbe safe: and I will loke gladly vpon thy statutes alwayes |
[117]Support Thou me, and I am saved, And I look on Thy statutes continually. |
[118](119:6) Thou hast troden vnder foote all them that go astray from thy statutes: for their crafty deuice is but falshood |
[118]Thou hast trodden down All going astray from Thy statutes, For falsehood [is] their deceit. |
[119](119:7) Thou hast dispatched out of the way all the vngodly of the earth lyke drosse: therfore I loue thy testimonies |
[119]Dross! Thou hast caused to cease All the wicked of the earth; Therefore I have loved Thy testimonies. |
[120](119:8) My fleshe trembleth for feare of thee: and I am afrayde of thy iudgementes |
[120]Trembled from Thy fear hath my flesh, And from Thy judgments I have been afraid! |
[121] (119:1) I haue executed iudgement and iustice: [wherfore] leaue me not to such as do offer me wrong |
[121][Ain.] I have done judgment and righteousness, Leave me not to mine oppressors. |
[122](119:2) For thy owne goodnesse sake take thy seruaunt vnto thy protection: let not the proude oppresse me with wrong |
[122]Make sure Thy servant for good, Let not the proud oppress me. |
[123](119:3) Myne eyes haue faynted with lokyng for thy saluation: and for the worde of thy [ryghteousnesse. |
[123]Mine eyes have been consumed for Thy salvation. And for the saying of Thy righteousness. |
[124](119:4) Deale with thy seruaunt accordyng vnto thy owne louyng kyndnesse: and teache me thy statutes |
[124]Do with Thy servant according to Thy kindness. And Thy statutes teach Thou me. |
[125](119:5) I am thy seruaunt, graunt me vnderstandyng: that I may knowe thy testimonies |
[125]Thy servant [am] I -- cause me to understand, And I know Thy testimonies. |
[126](119:6) It is tyme for [me] to do for Gods cause: for they haue brought thy lawe almost to nothyng |
[126]Time for Jehovah to work! they have made void Thy law. |
[127](119:7) Therfore I loue thy commaundementes: aboue golde and precious stone |
[127]Therefore I have loved Thy commands Above gold -- even fine gold. |
[128](119:8) Therfore I take all thy commaundementes euery one of them to be ryght: & I vtterly hate all wayes of falshood |
[128]Therefore all my appointments I have declared wholly right, Every path of falsehood I have hated! |
[129] (119:1) Thy testimonies [contayne] wonderfull thinges: therfore doth my soule kepe them |
[129][Pe.] Wonderful [are] Thy testimonies, Therefore hath my soul kept them. |
[130](119:2) The first entering of thy wordes will illuminate: geuyng vnderstanding euen vnto the simple |
[130]The opening of Thy words enlighteneth, Instructing the simple. |
[131](119:3) I opened my mouth and panted: for I bare a great affection to thy commaundementes |
[131]My mouth I have opened, yea, I pant, For, for Thy commands I have longed. |
[132](119:4) Loke thou vpon me and be mercifull vnto me: as thou vsest to do vnto those that loue thy name |
[132]Look unto me, and favour me, As customary to those loving Thy name. |
[133](119:5) Direct my steppes in thy worde: and so shall no wickednesse haue dominion ouer me |
[133]My steps establish by Thy saying, And any iniquity doth not rule over me. |
[134](119:6) Redeeme me from the fraudulent dealyng of men: and I wyll kepe thy commaundementes |
[134]Ransom me from the oppression of man, And I observe Thy precepts, |
[135](119:7) Make the lyght of thy countenaunce shyne vpon thy seruaunt: and teache me thy statutes |
[135]Thy face cause to shine on Thy servant, And teach me Thy statutes. |
[136](119:8) Ryuers of waters gushe out of myne eyes: because men kepe not thy lawe |
[136]Rivulets of waters have come down mine eyes, Because they have not kept Thy law! |
[137] (119:1) O God: thou art iust and vpryght in thy iudgementes |
[137][Tzade.] Righteous [art] Thou, O Jehovah, And upright [are] Thy judgments. |
[138](119:2) Thou hast commaunded the iustice and the veritie of thy testimonies: [to be obserued] very strayghtly |
[138]Thou hast appointed Thy testimonies, Righteous and exceeding faithful, |
[139](119:3) My zeale hath consumed me: because myne aduersaries haue forgotten thy wordes |
[139]Cut me off hath my zeal, For mine adversaries forgot Thy words. |
[140](119:4) Thy worde is purified to the vttermost: and thy seruaunt loueth it |
[140]Tried [is] thy saying exceedingly, And Thy servant hath loved it. |
[141](119:5) I am small and of no reputation: [yet] I do not forget thy comaundementes |
[141]Small I [am], and despised, Thy precepts I have not forgotten. |
[142](119:6) Thy ryghteousnesse is an euerlastyng righteousnesse: & thy lawe is the trueth |
[142]Thy righteousness [is] righteousness to the age, And Thy law [is] truth. |
[143](119:7) Trouble and griefe haue taken holde vpon me: yet thy commaundementes be my delyght |
[143]Adversity and distress have found me, Thy commands [are] my delights. |
[144](119:8) The righteousnesse of thy testimonies is euerlastyng: make me to vnderstande [them] and I shall lyue |
[144]The righteousness of Thy testimonies [is] to Cause me to understand, and I live! |
[145] (119:1) I haue called with my whole heart, heare me O God: I wyll kepe thy statutes |
[145][Koph.] I have called with the whole heart, Answer me, O Jehovah, Thy statutes I keep, |
[146](119:2) I haue called vpon thee, saue me: and I wyll kepe thy testimonies |
[146]I have called Thee, save Thou me, And I do keep Thy testimonies. |
[147](119:3) I haue preuented [other] in the dawnyng of the day, and I cryed vnto thee: for I geue earnest attendaunce vnto thy wordes |
[147]I have gone forward in the dawn, and I cry, For Thy word I have hoped. |
[148](119:4) Myne eyes haue preuented the nyght watches: that my study might be wholy in thy wordes |
[148]Mine eyes have gone before the watches, To meditate in Thy saying. |
[149](119:5) Heare my voyce accordyng to thy louing kindnesse: make me to lyue O God after thy iudgementes |
[149]My voice hear, according to Thy kindness, Jehovah, according to Thy judgment quicken me. |
[150](119:6) They that mynde to do an act of mischiefenesse, do drawe nye vnto me: they are farre from thy lawe |
[150]Near have been my wicked pursuers, From Thy law they have been far off. |
[151](119:7) But thou art nye at hande O God: and all thy comaundementes be trueth |
[151]Near [art] Thou, O Jehovah, And all Thy commands [are] truth. |
[152](119:8) As concernyng thy testimonies: I haue knowen long since that thou hast made them to last for euer |
[152]Of old I have known Thy testimonies, That to the age Thou hast founded them! |
[153] (119:1) Beholde myne affliction & deliuer me: for I haue not forgotten thy lawe |
[153][Resh.] See my affliction, and deliver Thou me, For Thy law I have not forgotten. |
[154](119:2) Defende thou my cause & redeeme me: make me to lyue accordyng vnto thy worde |
[154]Plead my plea, and redeem me, According to Thy saying quicken me. |
[155](119:3) Saluation is farre from the vngodly: for they study not thy statutes |
[155]Far from the wicked [is] salvation, For Thy statutes they have not sought. |
[156](119:4) Thy mercies be manifolde O God: make me to liue accordyng to thy iudgementes |
[156]Thy mercies [are] many, O Jehovah, According to Thy judgments quicken me. |
[157](119:5) There be many that do persecute me and be myne aduersaries: yet I do not swarue from thy testimonies |
[157]Many [are] my pursuers, and adversaries, From Thy testimonies I have not turned aside. |
[158](119:6) I sawe transgressours, and I was greeued at the heart: because they kept not thy lawe |
[158]I have seen treacherous ones, And grieve myself, Because Thy saying they have not kept. |
[159](119:7) Beholde howe I loue thy commaundementes: quicken me O God accordyng to thy louyng kindnesse |
[159]See, for thy precepts I have loved, Jehovah, According to Thy kindness quicken me. |
[160](119:8) The beginning of thy word is trueth: and all the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnesse endure for euermore |
[160]The sum of Thy word [is] truth, And to the age [is] every judgment of Thy righteousness! |
[161] (119:1) Princes haue persecuted me without a cause: but my heart hath stoode in awe of thy wordes |
[161][Shin.] Princes have pursued me without cause, And because of Thy words was my heart afraid. |
[162](119:2) I am as glad of thy worde: as he that fyndeth a great bootie |
[162]I do rejoice concerning Thy saying, As one finding abundant spoil. |
[163](119:3) That which is false I hate and abhorre: but thy lawe I do loue |
[163]Falsehood I have hated, yea I abominate [it], Thy law I have loved. |
[164](119:4) I do prayse thee seuen tymes euery day: for loue of the iudgementes of thy iustice |
[164]Seven [times] in a day I have praised Thee, Because of the judgments of Thy righteousness. |
[165](119:5) They that loue thy lawe shall haue great prosperitie: and nothyng shall offende them |
[165]Abundant peace have those loving Thy law, And they have no stumbling-block. |
[166](119:6) Lorde, I haue wayted after thy saluation: and I haue done thy commaundementes |
[166]I have waited for Thy salvation, O Jehovah, And Thy commands I have done. |
[167](119:7) My soule hath kept thy testimonies: and I haue loued them exceedyngly |
[167]Kept hath my soul Thy testimonies, And I do love them exceedingly. |
[168](119:8) I haue kept thy commaundementes and testimonies: for all my wayes are before thee |
[168]I have kept Thy precepts and Thy testimonies, For all my ways are before Thee! |
[169] (119:1) Let my crye O God approche neare vnto thy face: make me to vnderstande [euery thyng] accordyng vnto thy worde |
[169][Taw.] My loud cry cometh near before Thee, O Jehovah; According to Thy word cause me to understand. |
[170](119:2) Let my supplication come before thee: deliuer me accordyng to thy worde |
[170]My supplication cometh in before Thee, According to Thy saying deliver Thou me. |
[171](119:3) My lippes shall powre out [thy] prayse: when thou hast taught me thy statutes |
[171]My lips do utter praise, For Thou dost teach me Thy statutes. |
[172](119:4) My tongue shall syng of thy worde: for all thy commaundementes are ryghteousnesse |
[172]My tongue doth sing of Thy saying, For all Thy commands [are] righteous. |
[173](119:5) Let thyne hande be redie for to ayde me: for I haue chosen thy commaundementes |
[173]Thy hand is for a help to me, For Thy commands I have chosen. |
[174](119:6) I haue longed for thy saluation O God: and thy lawe is my whole deligh |
[174]I have longed for Thy salvation, O Jehovah, And Thy law [is] my delight. |
[175](119:7) Let my soule lyue, and it shall prayse thee: and thy iudgementes shalbe an ayde vnto me |
[175]My soul liveth, and it doth praise Thee, And Thy judgments do help me. |
[176](119:8) I haue gone astray lyke a lost sheepe: oh seke out thy seruaunt, for I haue not forgotten thy commaundementes |
[176]I wandered as a lost sheep, seek Thy servant, For Thy precepts I have not forgotten! |